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3C. Alexipharmics
These medicines resist Malignity and Poison. They either strengthen against the Poison, or help overcome it due to their contrary nature. In general, Cold Poisons are treated with Hot Alexipharmics, Hot Poisons are treated with Cold Alexipharmics and Corrosive Poisons are treated with Lenitive medicines.
The tactic depends on the length of exposure to the Poison, and the type of Poison. In acute phases, Vomiting is generally indicated (unless Corrosive), especially for Poison taken orally. After the Blood and Qi is affected, Sweating and Bloodletting is indicated. If the body is full of Foul humors, Purge.
Alexipharmics are similar to Alteratives.
The tactic depends on the length of exposure to the Poison, and the type of Poison. In acute phases, Vomiting is generally indicated (unless Corrosive), especially for Poison taken orally. After the Blood and Qi is affected, Sweating and Bloodletting is indicated. If the body is full of Foul humors, Purge.
Alexipharmics are similar to Alteratives.
Western Classification