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Xiang Ya 象牙 (TCM)
Ag (Unani)
Xiang Ya 象牙 (TCM)
Ag (Unani)
Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563
Zoological name:
A number of sources have traditionally supplied Ivory:
1. Elephant Ivory; Elephas maximus (Indian Elephant), Loxodonta africana (African Elephant)
2. Walrus Ivory; Odobenus rosmarus
3. Narwhal Ivory; Monodon monoceros
Modern accepted sources may include:
1. Pre-1978 Ivory–old Ivory is still legally traded in many jurisdictions; this can be obtained from old piano keys, for
2. Mammoth Ivory; Mammuthus spp.
3. Fossil Ivory
To be certain you are not supporting the modern illicit Ivory trade, the only acceptable source in our opinion is Mammoth Ivory.
Parts used:
1. Tusks of various above-mentioned animals
2. Spodium: Ivory burnt to whiteness
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Salty
A number of sources have traditionally supplied Ivory:
1. Elephant Ivory; Elephas maximus (Indian Elephant), Loxodonta africana (African Elephant)
2. Walrus Ivory; Odobenus rosmarus
3. Narwhal Ivory; Monodon monoceros
Modern accepted sources may include:
1. Pre-1978 Ivory–old Ivory is still legally traded in many jurisdictions; this can be obtained from old piano keys, for
2. Mammoth Ivory; Mammuthus spp.
3. Fossil Ivory
To be certain you are not supporting the modern illicit Ivory trade, the only acceptable source in our opinion is Mammoth Ivory.
Parts used:
1. Tusks of various above-mentioned animals
2. Spodium: Ivory burnt to whiteness
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Salty
1. Clears Heat, Cools the Blood, Resists Poison:
-Fever, High Fever; Spotted Fevers including Measles
-Febrile Convulsions
-Suppurative skin diseases with Heat and Toxin
-also Stomach pain from excess heat of the Stomach
2. Astringes, Strengthens the Uterus:
-Female Infertility; highly regarded to promote fertility in females
-Prevents Miscarriage
3. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-excessive Menstruation
4. Clears Heat, Settles Wind, Calms the Mind and Spirit:
-'Cheers the Spirits, is good against Melancholy' (Salmon)
-'by some exhibited, as a specific against Epilepsy' (Salmon)
-also recommended for Cataract
5. Externally:
-Freckles, skin spots
Ivory: 250mg–1 grams (up to 3 grams) in powder;
Decoction: 3–9 grams
Spodium: 2–4 grams (traditionally 1–2 drams)
1. Spodium is generally said to have the same virtues as Ivory, but is more drying.
2. As noted under Tabasheer, 'Spodium' as used in Arabic formulas refers to Tabasheer which was mistranslated. And the fact that true Tabasheer rarely if ever found its way into European pharmacy meant that burnt Ivory was used in formulas where the Arabs called for Tabasheer. Therefore, any formulas by authors such as Mesue or Nicholas that calls for Spodium, actually refers to Tabsheer which should be used.
i. 'It has all the virtues of Harts Horn and some say, full as powerful to the same intentions, to which I refer you' (Salmon, Seplasium). This will refer to mature Deer Horn, not the Velvet Deer Horn.
SPODIUM (Burnt Ivory):
i. in most cases in Western formulas, Tabasheer was the original intended source and can be used.
ii. Burnt Deer horn
iii. Salmon said the ashed and salted bones of the Pike could be used as a substitute for Spodium.
iv. burnt bones have also supplied Spodium
Some prepared Ivory in a gelatin in the same manner as Gelatin of Deer Horn.
'Ivory is thus prepared: take of it in quantity as you please: cut it into thin chips, put them into a new pot, and stop him close with a pot lid that is unbaked: put him into a potters furnace amongst other pots to be burned. When your pot is cold, take out your Ivory, beat it to a small dust or powder and searce it through a fine hairen searce [sieve]: put it into a leaded or glazed pot, pouring as much rose-water on it till it be clean covered. Afterwards, take for every twelve ounces of Ivory half an ounce of Camphor: moul or grind them on a marble together, and when it is hard like dough form or make little square cakes of it called Trochisces: keep them in a glass well stopped, that they lose not their smell. Note also, that if thy pot be not very closely luted and covered, that thy Ivory cannot be burned white, and that it loses a great deal of his vertue. This is used against all manner of poisons. (Wirtzung)
Ivory: 250mg–1 grams (up to 3 grams) in powder;
Decoction: 3–9 grams
Spodium: 2–4 grams (traditionally 1–2 drams)
1. Spodium is generally said to have the same virtues as Ivory, but is more drying.
2. As noted under Tabasheer, 'Spodium' as used in Arabic formulas refers to Tabasheer which was mistranslated. And the fact that true Tabasheer rarely if ever found its way into European pharmacy meant that burnt Ivory was used in formulas where the Arabs called for Tabasheer. Therefore, any formulas by authors such as Mesue or Nicholas that calls for Spodium, actually refers to Tabsheer which should be used.
i. 'It has all the virtues of Harts Horn and some say, full as powerful to the same intentions, to which I refer you' (Salmon, Seplasium). This will refer to mature Deer Horn, not the Velvet Deer Horn.
SPODIUM (Burnt Ivory):
i. in most cases in Western formulas, Tabasheer was the original intended source and can be used.
ii. Burnt Deer horn
iii. Salmon said the ashed and salted bones of the Pike could be used as a substitute for Spodium.
iv. burnt bones have also supplied Spodium
Some prepared Ivory in a gelatin in the same manner as Gelatin of Deer Horn.
'Ivory is thus prepared: take of it in quantity as you please: cut it into thin chips, put them into a new pot, and stop him close with a pot lid that is unbaked: put him into a potters furnace amongst other pots to be burned. When your pot is cold, take out your Ivory, beat it to a small dust or powder and searce it through a fine hairen searce [sieve]: put it into a leaded or glazed pot, pouring as much rose-water on it till it be clean covered. Afterwards, take for every twelve ounces of Ivory half an ounce of Camphor: moul or grind them on a marble together, and when it is hard like dough form or make little square cakes of it called Trochisces: keep them in a glass well stopped, that they lose not their smell. Note also, that if thy pot be not very closely luted and covered, that thy Ivory cannot be burned white, and that it loses a great deal of his vertue. This is used against all manner of poisons. (Wirtzung)
Main Combinations:
1. Fever, and to preserve during Epidemics, Ivory, Pearl, Tabasheer, Cinnamon, Tormentil, Red Earth, Sandalwood, Red Coral (as in Cordial Powder)
2. Small Pox, Measles, Ivory, Red Earth, White Earth, Pearl, Red Coral, Sorrel seed, Sandalwood, Lemon peel (as in Hungarian Powder)
3. Dysentery: Ivory, Red Earth, Tormentil, Gentian, Burnt Deer horn, Red Coral, Lemon peel (as in Alexipharmic Powder)
4. Hemoptysis, Phthisis, Ivory, Gum Arabic, Tragacanth, Poppy seed, Mallow seed, Purslane seed, Burnt Deer horn (Wirtemburg)
5. Excessive Menstruation, Ivory with Hematite, Red Coral, Pearl, Tormentil, Burnt Deer Horn, Red Earth (as in Marvellous Powder Against Menstrual Bleeding)
6. Inveterate Catarrh, Ivory, Poppy seed, Purslane seed, Mallow seed, Tragacanth, Red Earth, Burnt Deer horn (Wirtemburg)
7. Hemoptysis, Ivory, Lemnian Earth, Red Earth, Hematite, Bistort, Henbane seed, Poppy sed, mixed with Sugar of Roses (Pharmacopoeia Bateana)
8. Infertility:
i. Ivory with Diasatyrion (De Conceptu)
ii. from Phlegm, Ivory with Syrup of Mugwort (Compound)
iii. from Bile (after purging), Ivory with Diatriasantalum, Mistletoe, Hares Uterus, Bulls Penis (De Conceptu)
iv. from Bile (after purging), Ivory with Aromaticum Rosatum, Diatrionsantalum, Mistletoe, Pearl, Conserve of Rose (De Conceptu)
v. from Blood humor, Ivory, Cinnamon, Mercury seed, Rose, Sandalwood, Pearl, Red Coral (De Conceptu)
vi. from Heat of the Uterus, Ivory with Plantain, Endive, Fumitory, Polypody, Violet Raisin, Red Coral, Cinnamon (De Conceptu)
vii. from Dryness (Yin deficiency) of the Uterus, Ivory, Diarrhodon Abbatis, Hares Uterus, Tragacanth, Gum Arabic Conserve of Borage (De Conceptu)
viii. Ivory, Parsnip seed, Turnip seed, Siler, Red and White Behen, Ash tree keys, Cinnamon, Doronicum, Rosemary, Pennyroyal, Spikenard, Pearl (Confection for Impregnation of Renodeus)
ix. Ivory, Doronicum, Ash tree keys, Mugwort, Feverfew, Balm, Basil, Amber, made into a confection with Syrup of Calamint, Syrup of Citron peel (as in Confection for Infertility)
x. from Cold, Ivory, Ginger, Cinnamon, Three Peppers, Turnip seed, Nettle seed, Nutmeg, Marjoram (Wirtzung)
9. Strengthen the Fetus and prevent Miscarriage, Ivory, Bistort, Red Coral, Coriander seed, Amber formed into tablets with Sugar dissolved in Quince Water. (Pharmacopoeia Bateana)
10. Threatened Miscarriage:
i. Ivory with Pearl, Red Coral, Date pulp, confected Chebula, confected Citron peel, Conserve of Roses (Electuary Against Miscarriage)
ii. Ivory with Mastic, Sandalwood, Red Earth, Dragons Blood, formed into a plaster and applied to the lower back and pubic area (Roscellus)
iii. Ivory with Pearl, Amber, Coral, Mastic, Plantain seed, Red Seandalwood, Sealed Earth, Tormentil, Mace, Clove (Powder Against Abortion)
iv. Ivory with Aloeswood, Sandalwood, Tabasheer, Red Coral, Doronicum, Red Earth, Mastic (Powder of Muhafiz Janeen of Unani)
11. Incontinence, Ivory with Cypress nut, toasted Myrtle seed, Coriander seed prepared, Red Coral, Amber, Tabasheer, Cyperus rotundus (as in Electuary for Incontinence)
12. Freckles, Ivory, Fig seed, Kidney beans, Mungs beans, Bitter Almond mixed with Barley water into a paste and applied at night (Dispensatory of ibn at Tilmid)
13. Cataract, Ivory powder taken with Theriac, Mithridate or Conserve of Betony
1. Fever:
i. Spodium, Crabs Eyes
ii. Spodium, Pearl, Red Coral
2. Bleeding from Heat:
i. Burnt Ivory, Rose, Dragons Blood, toasted Gum Arabic, toasted Starch, Red Earth, Red Coral
Major Formulas:
Hungarian Powder
Cordial Powder
Powder of Marquis
Powder of Muhafiz Janeen (Unani)
Compound Cooling Pearl Powder
Confection for Infertility
Warming Confection for Infertility
Confection for Infertility from Cold
Electuary for Arthritis
Electuary of Sparrows Brains (Wirtzung)
Cooling Powder of Gems (Mesue)
Electuary of Pearl
Confection for Impregnation of Renodeus
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Tablets to Strengthen the Fetus in the Womb
Marvellous Powder Against Menstrual Bleeding
Electuary for Incontinence
Not used in Cold and weak digestion
CITES listing
Ivory is CITES listed and there is an international ban on Ivory trade. However, the legal Ivory trade is still active, especially in Asia. Therefore there is still a large amount of Ivory shavings from carved Ivory. Further, the ban does not cover old Ivory.
Main Preparations used:
Spodium (burnt Ivory)
Not used in Cold and weak digestion
CITES listing
Ivory is CITES listed and there is an international ban on Ivory trade. However, the legal Ivory trade is still active, especially in Asia. Therefore there is still a large amount of Ivory shavings from carved Ivory. Further, the ban does not cover old Ivory.
Main Preparations used:
Spodium (burnt Ivory)