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2B. Attenuaters
Also called Digestives, Preparatives, Inciders
Materia Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793
These are next in order to Opening and Aperient Medicines. Attenuators cut, divide, dissolve and lessen thick and compacted humors, and may also be called Digestives or Preparatives. Most are warm and thin, thereby being better to penetrate, but some are cold, sharp and cutting as Lemon juice, Vinegar and Oxymel.
They are used internally to help open obstructions of the organs, to open the Bowels, to cleanse Phlegm, promote Urine or Menstruation, as well as externally to dissolve thick humors of or under the skin.
Their taste is generally sharp, sour or bitter.
As with Aperient medicine some of these medicines Move Qi, some Move Blood, some clear Damp or Heat and Damp.
They are used internally to help open obstructions of the organs, to open the Bowels, to cleanse Phlegm, promote Urine or Menstruation, as well as externally to dissolve thick humors of or under the skin.
Their taste is generally sharp, sour or bitter.
As with Aperient medicine some of these medicines Move Qi, some Move Blood, some clear Damp or Heat and Damp.
Spirit of Salt, Spirit of Niter, Spirits of Sulphur
Volatile Salts of Ammoniac, of Deer Horn, of Urine
Spirit of Salt, Spirit of Niter, Spirits of Sulphur
Volatile Salts of Ammoniac, of Deer Horn, of Urine
Western Classification