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Hortus sanitatis, 1491
Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704
A selection of Amber inclusions
Metallotheca Vaticana Opus Posthuman, 1719
Metallotheca Vaticana Opus Posthuman, 1719
Two types of Amber available on the Chinese market (Adam, 2022)
Amber is semi-fossilized (actually cross-polymerized) ancient tree resin. It has a long history of use in Traditional Medicine, and appears in all traditions. It calms the Heart, Mind and Spirit, stops Spasms, moves the Blood, clears Stasis and relieves Pain, and promotes Urine. It is regarded in the Western tradition as being especially beneficial for the Uterus. It is used for Childhood Convulsions, Palpitations, Anxiety, Insomnia, excessive Dreaming, and painful or obstructed Menstruation. It is finely powdered to be taken orally in pills or powders, or may be dissolved in alcohol.
Mineralogical name:
Succinum, Succinite
Parts Used:
Prepared Stone
There are a number of types and varieties which depend on age, origin, tree source of the sap etc. It may be opaque, translucent or clear and comes in various colors such as white, pale yellow, amber or honey colored, dark red, brown or black.
The white was often preferred in the west being said to be the most 'ripened' and has a better scent. However, it is expensive and not common on the market.
Red Amber is regarded as best in TCM. We could assume the red to be better for Blood disease but we find no mention of this in traditional texts.
The standard honey-to-brownish amber can be used and non-gem quality can also be used.
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral. Sweet
"Mildly hot and dry in the second degree" (Avicenna)
Hardness: 2–2.5
Specific Gravity: 1.1
Resins, volatil oil; Camphor, boneol, isoborneol, camphane, camphene
Succinic acid (3.3–8%); the weathered crust on the outside of amber has twice as much succinic acid as the inner amber.
Other organic acids: diabietinolic acid, succinosilvinic acid, succoxyabietic acid, succinoabietinolic acid
Organic alcohols: succinoresinol, succinoabietol, and their esters: fenchylbornyl succinate, fenchylisobornyl succinate, dibornylsuccinate, bornylisobornylsuccinate, and diisobornyl succinate
Aromatic hydrocarbons: p cymene, dehydroabietane, simonellite, retene
Traces of Na, Sr, Si, Fe, W, Mg, Al, Co, Ga
Preparers and Purgers of Phlegm
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart
K. Move the Blood
L. Stop Bleeding
Mineralogical name:
Succinum, Succinite
Parts Used:
Prepared Stone
There are a number of types and varieties which depend on age, origin, tree source of the sap etc. It may be opaque, translucent or clear and comes in various colors such as white, pale yellow, amber or honey colored, dark red, brown or black.
The white was often preferred in the west being said to be the most 'ripened' and has a better scent. However, it is expensive and not common on the market.
Red Amber is regarded as best in TCM. We could assume the red to be better for Blood disease but we find no mention of this in traditional texts.
The standard honey-to-brownish amber can be used and non-gem quality can also be used.
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral. Sweet
"Mildly hot and dry in the second degree" (Avicenna)
Hardness: 2–2.5
Specific Gravity: 1.1
Resins, volatil oil; Camphor, boneol, isoborneol, camphane, camphene
Succinic acid (3.3–8%); the weathered crust on the outside of amber has twice as much succinic acid as the inner amber.
Other organic acids: diabietinolic acid, succinosilvinic acid, succoxyabietic acid, succinoabietinolic acid
Organic alcohols: succinoresinol, succinoabietol, and their esters: fenchylbornyl succinate, fenchylisobornyl succinate, dibornylsuccinate, bornylisobornylsuccinate, and diisobornyl succinate
Aromatic hydrocarbons: p cymene, dehydroabietane, simonellite, retene
Traces of Na, Sr, Si, Fe, W, Mg, Al, Co, Ga
Preparers and Purgers of Phlegm
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart
K. Move the Blood
L. Stop Bleeding
1. Calms the Mind and Spirit, Calms Fright: (TCM, West)
-Palpitations with Anxiety, excessive or bad Dreams, Insomnia, Forgetfulness and Dreaminess.
-Childhood Convulsions, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Lethargy and Vertigo
-Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Hyper-emotional
-"fantastical Illusions and Frights that drive folks out of their Wits". (Callistratus)
-"Stabilizes the Soul" (Bie Lu)
-regarded as Exhilarant in Unani.
2. Strengthens the Brain and Nerves: (TCM, West)
-strengthens the Brain and Senses (West, Unani)
-Mental Dullness or deficiency
-adjunct for Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Diseases, Dementia
–"Improves Eyesight" (Ri Hua Zi Ben Cao)
-also for Poor vision in Tibetan Medicine
3. Moves the Blood, Benefits the Womb: (TCM, West)
-"It is the Life and Soul of Remedies dedicated to the cleansing of the Mother [Uterus] and redresses all the defects thereof" (Compleat Body of Chemistry, le Febure, 1670).
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-strengthens and benefits the Womb. It "recreates the Womb".
-"Fits, Rising, or suffocation of the Uterus"; PMS, Hysteria
-promotes Fertility and restrains Miscarriage.
-Promotes Labor (West, Unani, TCM–Yu Qi Medicinal Solution)
-adjunct in Uterine growths, Fibroids, Enodemetriosis etc.
-Postpartum Blood Stagnation, Postpartum Vertigo or Dizziness
4. Moves the Blood, Clears Blood Stasis: (TCM, West)
-pain from masses associated with blood stagnation, including Tumors.
-"removes Stagnation and hard Masses". (Da Ming, TCM)
-Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts
-Coronary Heart Disease, especially with Anxiety and Insomnia; Heart weakness (West, TCM)
-Palpitations, Arrhythmias (West, TCM)
-"Strengthens the Heart" (West, TCM, Ayurveda, Unani)
5. Stops Bleeding: (TCM, West)
-styptic to stop bleeding, internally and topically
-Hematuria, bleeding from the Lungs
-excessive, prolonged or irregular Menstruation, Spotting
-"stops bleeding from any Organ" (Avicenna)
-"It effectively stops Hemoptysis ... and bleeding from the Uterus". (Avicenna)
6. Benefits Kidneys, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones: (TCM, West)
-painful or deficient Urination (Pliny)
-Urinary obstructions; "Five types of Strangury" (Ming Yi Bie Lu, TCM)
-especially useful for Blood in the Urine.
-effective for Stones of the Urinary tract
-some have used it for Incontinence.
7. Benefits the Lungs, Stops Cough and Wheezing: (TCM, West)
-violent Coughs, consumption of the Lungs, Asthma, and spitting of blood.
-worn in children to protect from Asthma
8. Strengthens the Stomach and Bowels:
-in Unani medicines to strengthen the Stomach and Bowels when chronically debilitated
-Poor Appetite, Indigestion
-Dysentery, Chronic Diarrhea, Stomach Pain
-"dries humidity of the Spleen" (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
-"Yellow amber stops Vomiting and prevents the harmful humours coming towards the Stomach" (Avicenna)
9. Externally:
-the powder is applied topically to Sores, Boils, Carbuncles, Skin Ulcers and Wounds (TCM, West)
-promotes Healing of Trauma
-widely worn to protect children from "Evil Eye", Epilepsy etc.
-widely worn as 'teething necklaces' to help children when teething. Helps cut teeth, helps sooth and promote rest.
-worn traditionally for Goiter, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Asthma (since Pliny)
-"According to some people it is useful when suspended around the neck of the patient affected with swellings" (Avicenna)
-the Oil obtained form Amber was commonly applied to Headache, Pain, Paralysis, Cramps, Spasms, Convulsions etc.
-Worn as a necklace, it was said to protect and improve health. Especially recommended to be worn for Headaches, Toothaches, and Rheumatic pains.
-worn or applied topically for diseases of the Eyes; "It is incorporated in ophthalmic medicines" (Avicenna)
Only used in Pills or Powders, or in Tincture; it is not decocted.
Powder: 250mg–1 gram, up to 3 grams (1 dram) has been given.
Also Tincture, Spirit, Oil etc.
1. Quince extract
2. Licorice
3. Mastic
4. Violet
5. Pearl
6. Aegle (Bengal Quince)
1. Vateria indica (Indian Copal tree) resin is commonly substituted in modern Unani
2. Tabasheer (Unani)
3. Often younger "Amber" (Copal) is used.
4. Juniper gum
The most common adulterants are Pine resin and Copal. Fake Amber jewellery is usually resin and should not be consumed. Fake Amber has been a problem since Antiquity.
1. Levigated Amber
Amber is typically levigated with Rose water in Ayurveda, Unani, and the Western tradition. This gives it a better scent, leads it to the Heart, and is better in treating the Heart, Mind and Spirit. It also makes its nature more Cooling. Sometimes other distilled waters are used such as Borage or Violet water.
Amber can also be levigated with a little Brandy. This enhances its scent and increases its Blood-moving quality.
2. Vinegar-prepared Amber
In one of the TCM formulas below, Amber is boiled in vinegar to form a paste. This is more effective to move the Blood and promote Menstruation. It is not commonly prepared like this today however.
3. Arborvitae-prepared Amber
Put powdered Arborvitae in water to make an infusion, add Amber powder and boil. Then dry and powder. (Leigong Pao Zhi Lun). This method of preparation is not generally used today.
1. Amber was formerly regarded as an important tonic for all the principle organs, the Brain, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Uterus.
2. Clear Amber has a Fire nature and benefits Yang. Opaque and White Amber is more Yin and nourishing.
3. White Amber was regarded as having the best scent, being more 'digested', and was often preferred for medicine in the West.
4. Amber, having originally been the 'Blood of a Tree' which has been sitting in the Earth for millions of years has a very calming and grounding nature. It also has a signature of transformation and of incorruptibility.
Only used in Pills or Powders, or in Tincture; it is not decocted.
Powder: 250mg–1 gram, up to 3 grams (1 dram) has been given.
Also Tincture, Spirit, Oil etc.
1. Quince extract
2. Licorice
3. Mastic
4. Violet
5. Pearl
6. Aegle (Bengal Quince)
1. Vateria indica (Indian Copal tree) resin is commonly substituted in modern Unani
2. Tabasheer (Unani)
3. Often younger "Amber" (Copal) is used.
4. Juniper gum
The most common adulterants are Pine resin and Copal. Fake Amber jewellery is usually resin and should not be consumed. Fake Amber has been a problem since Antiquity.
1. Levigated Amber
Amber is typically levigated with Rose water in Ayurveda, Unani, and the Western tradition. This gives it a better scent, leads it to the Heart, and is better in treating the Heart, Mind and Spirit. It also makes its nature more Cooling. Sometimes other distilled waters are used such as Borage or Violet water.
Amber can also be levigated with a little Brandy. This enhances its scent and increases its Blood-moving quality.
2. Vinegar-prepared Amber
In one of the TCM formulas below, Amber is boiled in vinegar to form a paste. This is more effective to move the Blood and promote Menstruation. It is not commonly prepared like this today however.
3. Arborvitae-prepared Amber
Put powdered Arborvitae in water to make an infusion, add Amber powder and boil. Then dry and powder. (Leigong Pao Zhi Lun). This method of preparation is not generally used today.
1. Amber was formerly regarded as an important tonic for all the principle organs, the Brain, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Uterus.
2. Clear Amber has a Fire nature and benefits Yang. Opaque and White Amber is more Yin and nourishing.
3. White Amber was regarded as having the best scent, being more 'digested', and was often preferred for medicine in the West.
4. Amber, having originally been the 'Blood of a Tree' which has been sitting in the Earth for millions of years has a very calming and grounding nature. It also has a signature of transformation and of incorruptibility.
Main Combinations:
Pearl, Red Coral & Amber
Often combined with Pearl and/or Red Coral. This combination calms the Mind and Spirit, clears Heat, settles the Heart and calms Wind to stop Spasms. Used with Pearl, it is more Cooling, and stronger to Calm the Spirit. When combined with Red Coral it is best for Uterine disorders with Blood Heat and for excessive Menstrual Bleeding from Heat.
Head, Brain, Spirit
1. Epilepsy:
i. Amber with Rosemary, Lavender, Peony
ii. Amber with Peony, Nutmeg, Lavender (as in Powder for Childhood Epilepsy)
iii. Amber with Silver, Mistletoe and Coral
iv. Amber with Gold, Pearl, Red Coral
v. Amber with Peony root and seed, Mistletoe, White Dittany, Aloeswood, Red Coral, Pearl, Linden Wood charcoal (as in Pulvis Epilepticus Niger Viennensis)
vi. Amber with Pearl, Emerald, Aloeswood, Peony, Mistletoe (as in Pulvis Cephalicus Albus from Pharmacopoea Wirtenbergica, 1785)
2. Childhood Convulsions:
i. Amber, Peony, Mistletoe, Pearl, Red Coral, Bezoar, Gold (as in Powder for Childhood Convulsions)
ii. Amber with Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang) (TCM)
iii. Amber with Saposhnikovia Fang Feng (2 parts ea.), Cinnabar (Zhu Sha) (1 part) (TCM)
iv. Amber with Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang), Poria Fu Ling, Arisaema prepared with Bile Dan Nan Xing. (TCM)
v. Amber with Scorpion (Quan Xie), Cinnabar (Zhu Sha) (Zhi Zhi Fang, TCM)
vi. from Wind-Heat, Amber with Gastrodia Tian Ma, Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang), Pearl
vii. Amber, Pearl (Zhen Zhu), Cinnabar (Zhu Sha), Paeonia rubra Chi Shao Yao,
vii. from Phlegm and Food, Amber with Dioscorea Shan Yao, Licorice, Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang), Sandalwood (Tan Xiang), Poria Fu Ling, Arisaema prepared with Bile Dan Nan Xing, Citrus Zhi Shi (as in Hu Po Bao Long Wan of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
viii. from Wind-Phlegm, Amber with Bezoar, Scorpion, Pearl, Musk, Realgar, Gastrodia Tian Ma, Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Arisaema prepared with Bile Dan Nan Xing, Pinellia Ban Xia, Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang), Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian), Mint (Bo He), Licorice (as in Niu Huang Zhen Jing Wan of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
3. Weakness of the Brain:
i. Amber with Aloeswood and Cubeb
ii. Amber with Mastic, Frankincense, Calamus
iii. Amber with Rosemary, Balm, Sage, Saffron, Pearl
iv. amnesia, absent-mindedness, Amber, Ginseng, Poria sclerotum Fu Shen, Polygala Yuan Zhi (TCM)
4. Lethargy, take Amber with Diarrhodon Abbatis and Peony root
5. Vertigo, Dizziness:
i. Amber with Red Coral, Pearl and Peony root (as in Electuary of Great Virtue for Vertigo)
ii. Amber, Peony, Mistletoe
iii. Amber, Peony, Cinnabar
6. Insomnia:
i. Amber, Red Coral, Pearl
ii. Amber with Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
iii. with palpitations and forgetfulness from Heart weakness, Amber with Polygala Yuan Zhi, Calamus (Shi Chang Pu), Zizyphus semen Suan Zao Ren
iv. Amber, Pearl (Zhen Zhu), Rehmannia Sheng Di, Licorice, Dang Gui, Coptis Huang Lian, Cinnabar (Zhu Sha)
7. Apoplexy:
i. Amber, Peony, Benzoin, Musk, Borneo Camphor (TCM)
ii. Amber, Burnt Deer horn, Aloeswood, Peony, Citron peel, Pearled Sugar, Cinnamon (as in Powder for Apoplexy)
iii. Amber with Doronicum, Costus, Aloeswood, Cardamon, Coriander, Aniseed, Nutmeg, Clove, Citron, Cinnamon (as in Powder Against Apoplexy)
iv. Amber with Pearl, Emerald, Aloeswood, Deer horn, Peony, Citron peel (as in Powder Against Apoplexy)
8. Paralysis, Hemiplegia: Amber with Earthworm, Juniper, Rocket seed, Pyrethrum, Angelica, Arum, Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Mastic, Myrrh, Amber (as in Spirit Against Palsy)
9. Paralysis, Arthritis, Convulsions, Nervous diseases, Amber with Peony, Mistletoe, Pearl, Cinnabar, Millipede, Earthworms, Viper powder (Pulvis Visceralis, Dispensatory of Prague)
10. Melancholy, Amber with Rosemary flower, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove, Angelica, Galangal, Pearl, Musk (as in Tinctura ad omnes affectus Melancholicos)
11. Anxiety, Amber with Zizyphus semen Suan Zao Ren, Polygala Yuan Zhi, Calamus (Shi Chang Pu), Indian Spikenard (Gan Song), Fossil Teeth (Long Chi), Magnetite (Ci Shi), Cinnabar (Zhu Sha), Licorice (Gan Cao) (as in Ning Shen Kai Jie Tang of TCM)
12. Depressive Psychosis, Mania from Phlegm-Heat, Amber with Arisaema prepared with Bile (Dan Nan Xing), Tabasheer (Tian Zhu Huang) (TCM)
13. Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Amber with Ginseng, Dang Gui, Paeonia Bai Shao, Arisaema Tian Nan Xing, Polygala Yuan Zhi, Schisandra Wu Wei Zi, Licorice
14. Strengthen the Heart, Palpitations, Arrhythmia:
i. Amber with Rose, Bugloss, Balm, Cinnamon, Saffron, Red Coral, Sandalwood (as in Powder to Strengthen the Heart)
ii. Amber with Borage flower, Nutmeg, Bone of a Stag's Heart, Parsley (Wild Parsley, Sinomum)
iii. Amber with Zerumbet, Doronicum
iv. Amber, Pearl, Red Coral, Arjuna (Ayurveda)
15. Palpitations:
i. "Oral intake of finely powdered yellow amber in a dose of half mithqdl (2.25 gm) with cold water is useful in Palpitation". (Avicenna)
ii. Amber, Mastic (Avicenna)
iii. Amber, Cinnamon, Saffron, Red Coral
iv. from Heat, Amber with Aloeswood, Mastic, Armenian Earth, Rose, Aloeswood, Tabasheer, Melon seed, Cucumber seed, Camphor (Dispensatory of Ibn At Tilmid)
v. Amber with Hyacinth (Zircon), Emerald, Basil seed (as in Pills for Palpitations from Dispensatorium medicum, Renou, 1615)
vi. Amber with Coral, Pearl, Zedoary, Doronicum (Musk was traditionally added)
16. Warm and strengthen the Heart, Amber with Mastic, Cinnamon, Basil, Mint, Long Pepper, Pearl, Red Coral, Red Behen, White Behen, Spikenard, Chebulic Myrobalan (as in Powder to Warm the Heart)
17. Cardiac, Cool the Heart, benefits Heart Yin:
i. Amber with Sandalwood, Rose, Citron peel, Sorrel seed, Aloeswood, Pearl, Red Coral, Tabasheer, Saffron, Camphor (as in Powder to Cool the Heart)
ii. Amber with Pearl, Tabasheer, Cinnamon, Tormentil, Armenian Earth, Sandalwood, Red Coral, Valerian, Zedoary, Aloeswood (as in Confectio Cordiales)
18. Melancholy affecting the Heart, Amber with Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan, Basil seed, Stoechas, Red Earth, Aloeswood, Red Coral, Silkworm cocoon (as in Powder for Evil Complexion of the Heart)
19. Chest Pain and Tightness, Shortness of Breath, Angina Pectoris, Arrhythmias:
i. Amber, Notoginseng San Qi
ii. Amber with Salvia Dan Shen, Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian)
iii. Amber with Saffron, Cinnamon
iv. Amber, Red Coral, Zedoary, Doronicum, Musk
v. Amber, Pearl, Oregano, Cassia bark, Costus, Musk, Camphor
iv. from Qi and Blood stagnation with an intermittent pulse, Amber with Red Ginseng, Notoginseng San Qi, Salvia Dan Shen, Styrax Su He Xiang, Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian) (as in Ling Bao Hu Xin Dan of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
v. Amber, Musk, Aloeswood
20. Coronary Heart Disease:
i. Amber, Notoginseng San Qi, Ginseng (see research here)
ii. Amber, Aloeswood, Saffron, Camphor
iii. Amber, Sandalwood, Clove, Musk
21. High Cholesterol, Amber, Pearl, Astragalus Huang Qi (See research here)
Fever, Epidemic Disease
22. Epidemic Fever:
i. Spotted Fever, especially in Children, Amber with Bezoar, Red Coral, Pearl, Crab Claws (as in The White Powder)
ii. Amber with Myrrh, Saffron, Aloes, Armenian Earth, Red Coral, Chebula (Pilulae Contra Pestem Magistrales)
iii. Amber with Pearl, Red Coral, Unicorn (Narwhal) Horn
iv. Amber, Bezoar, Pearl, Angelica
23. To cleanse the Uterus and remove obstruction to conception:
i. Amber with Aloe, Mastic and Agaric (as in Amber Pills)
ii. Amber, Myrrh, Saffron, Cinnamon
24. Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea:
i. cold and blood stasis, Amber with Cinnamon and Saffron (West)
ii. Qi and Blood stagnation, Amber, Dang Gui, Zedoary (E Zhu), Lindera Wu Yao (TCM)
iii. Amber, Leech (Shui Zhi), Tabanus Meng Chong, Cinnamon (Rou Gui), Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Rhubarb (Da Huang) (Hu Po Jian Wan)
iv. Amber, Myrrh (Mo Yao), Dang Gui, Paeonia rubra (Chi Shao Yao), Sparganium San Leng, Soft-shelled Turtle shell (Bie Jie), Tabanus (Meng Chong), Leech (Shui Zhi)
v. Amber (finely ground and boiled with three liters of vinegar to make a paste) (1 part), Tabanus Meng Chong (fried) (½ part), Leeches (fried) (½ part), Cinnamon (3 parts), Peach kernels (Tao Ren) (1 part), Rhubarb Da Huang (3 parts).
25. Menstrual disorders, metrorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, delayed menstruation:
i. Amber, Myrrh, Frankicense (traditionally with a little Cinnabar and Musk), form pills and take with Ginger juice. (TCM)
ii. from deficiency: Amber with Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu), Paeonia Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Myrrh (Mo Yao), Olibanum (Ru Xiang), Asparagus root (Tian Men Dong), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi), Amomum Sha Ren, Safflower (Hong Hua) (as in An Kun Zan Yu Wan of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
iii. Amber with Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Paeonia Bai Shao, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong, Ginseng, Atractylodes Bai Zhu, Poria Fu Ling, Licorice, Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao), Amomum Sha Ren, Costus Mu Xiang (as in Ba Bao Kun Shun Wan of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
26. Spasms of the Uterus, Suppressed Menstruation, Amber with Peony, Myrrh, Galangal, Zedoary, Saffron, Camphor
27. Excess Menstrual Bleeding:
i. Amber with Red Earth, Mastic
ii. Amber with Egg shell, Deer horn, Dill (as in Powder for Menstrual Flux)
iii. Amber with Conserve of Rose, Hematite, Red Coral (as in Powder of Rose and Hematite)
iv. Amber with Hematite, Dragon's Blood, Red Coral, Alum, Pomegranate, Red Earth, Purslane seed (as in Powder for Excess Menstruation)
v. Amber with Oyster shell, Deer horn, Pomegranate, Red Coral, Tabasheer, Rose (as in Powder for Menstrual Flux)
28. Hysteria, PMS:
i. Amber, Pearl, Sandalwood, Rose, Borage
ii. Amber with Peony, Zedoary, Citron peel, Pearl, Clove, Saffron (as in Pulvis Hystericus)
29. Blood Stasis in women, Amber, Rhubarb (Da Huang), Turtle shell (Bie Jia), powdered and taken with wine. (Chen Cang Qi, TCM)
30. Threatened Miscarriage, Amber with Plantain seed, Pearl, Red Coral, Mastic, Sealed Earth, Tormentil, Clove (as in Powder Against Abortion)
31. To promote Labor:
i. Amber with Cinnamon, Saffron and Myrrh (as in Birth Powder)
ii. Amber, Cassia Wood, Saffron, Mistletoe, Savin Wood, Borax (as in Powder of Borax)
iii. Amber with Eel Liver, Cassia Wood, Lapis Specularis, Borax, Saffron (Vienna Dispensatory)
32. Postpartum tonic, to ease pain and restore the Uterus:
i. Postpartum pain, Amber can be taken alone with wine
ii. Amber with Peach kernel, Comfrey and Nutmeg (as in Powder for After-pains)
iii. Amber with Comfrey, Meu Asthmaticum, Orange peel, Saffron, Coriander seed (Lemery, 1749)
iv. Amber, Turtle Shell, Cyperus rotundus (1 oz. each), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Myrrh (half oz. each), Rhubarb (2 drams). (Chinese Materia Medica, Stuauoft)
33. Postpartum Blood Stagnation:
i. Amber with Peach kernel, Comfrey and Nutmeg (as in Powder for After-pains)
ii. Amber, Turmeric (Jiang Huang), Dang Gui, Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Cinnamon, Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Rhubarb (Da Huang)
iii. Amber, Sparganum San Leng, Turtle shell (Bie Jia)., Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Myrrh Mo Yao. Stir-fry them, then powder. Take with wine. (Hai Yao Ben Cao, TCM)
iv. Amber, Turtle Shell, Cyperus rotundus (1 oz. each), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Myrrh (half oz. each), Rhubarb (2 drams). (Chinese Materia Medica, Stuauoft)
Blood Moving
34. Bruising, Blood Stagnation::
i. Amber powder (900mg) is taken with wine. (Wai Tai Mi Yao, TCM)
ii. Amber, Typha Pu Huang. (Wai Tai Mi Yao, TCM)
iii. Amber with Myrrh, Saffron (West)
iv. Amber with Dang Gui and Zedoary (TCM)
v. Amber with Madder, Comfrey, Myrrh, Frankincense (as in Powder for Bruises)
vi. Amber with Armenian Earth, Dragons Blood, Shilajit, Rhubarb, Madder, Clove, Myrrh (as in Tincture for Blood Stagnation)
vii. Amber with Madder, Comfrey, Myrrh, Rhapontic, Frankincense (as in Powder for Bruise, Lemery, 1749)
viii. Injury, Uterine diseases, and certain Urinary diseases, Amber, Turtle Shell (Gui Ban), Cyperus rotundus Xiang Fu, Rhubarb (Da Huang), Myrrh (Mo Yao), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo (TCM, Porter Smith)
35. Abdominal masses from Blood stagnation:
i. Amber, Sparganum San Leng, Rhubarb (Da Huang), Turtle shell (Bie Jia).
ii. Amber, Zedoary (E Zhu), Sparganum San Leng, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo.
iii. Amber, Sparganum San Leng, Turtle shell (Bie Jia), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Myrrh Mo Yao, Rhubarb (Da Huang). Stir-fry them, then powder. Take with wine. (Hai Yao Ben Cao, TCM)
ii. Amber with Toxicodendrum Gan Qi (carbonised), Leech, Sparganium San Leng, Zedoary (E Zhu), Halite violaceous (Nao Sha), Tabanus Meng Chong, Achyranthis (Niu Xi), Cinnamon (Rou Gui), Rhubarb (Da Huang) (as in Hua Gu Wan)
36. Hemorrhoids, Amber with Bdellium, Triphala, Black Myrobalan (as in Pills of Bdellium)
37. Stop Bleeding:
i. Amber, Mastic
ii. Amber with Burnt Deer horn, Red Coral, Tragacanth, Pomegranate flower, Mastic, Frankincense (as in Troches of Amber)
iii. Amber with Psyllium, Orris, Mastic, Opium (Troches of Amber of Galen)
iv. Amber with Hematite, Dragons Blood, Red Coral, Alum, Pomegranate flower, Armenian Earth (as in Powder to Suppress Hemorrhage)
38. Hemoptysis:
i. coughing up Blood and Pus, Amber, Henbane seed, Mandrake root bark, Frankincense, Storax, Cypress fruit, Germander (Syrian 'Book of Medicine', Budge, 1913)
ii. Amber with Pearl, Dragons Blood, Tabasheer, Bistort, Licorice, Red Earth, Tragacanth, Pumpkin seed, Melon seed (Unani)
39. Bleeding of the Stomach, Amber with Sealed Earth, Red Coral, Rose, Gum Arabic (as in Powder for Bleeding from the Stomach)
40. Hematuria:
i. Amber powder (6 grams) is taken with decoction of Juncus Deng Xin Cao, (Zhi Zhi Fang, TCM)
ii. Amber with Armenian Earth, Gum Senegal, Pomegranate flowers, Henbane seed (as in Troches for Urinating Blood from the Dispensatory of Ibn At Tilmid)
41. Urinary Incontinence:
i. Amber with Frankincense, Caraway, Lesser Cardamon, Cinnamon, Sandalwood (Unani)
ii, Amber with Peony, Red Coral and Gum Arabic
iii. Amber with Cypress nut, Myrtle berry, Coriander, Red Coral, Tabasheer, Cyperus, Galangal (as in Electuary for Incontinence)
iv. Amber with Coriander seed, Red Coral, Aloeswood, Nutmeg, Red Sandalwood (as in Powder Against Incontinence)
42. Difficult or Suppressed urine, Stranguria:
i. Amber with washed Turpentine, Rhubarb, Licorice juice, Cinnamon (as in Pills of Turpentine of Crato)
ii. Amber with Celery seed, Parsley seed, Winter Cherry, Cinnamon, Burnt Crabs (as in Powder to Move Urine)
iii. Strangury with Hematuria, Amber, Imperata Bai Mao Gen, Pyrrosia Shi Wei, Boehmeria Zhu Ma Gen
iv. Urinary retention with difficult urination, Amber powder is taken with a decoction of Juncus Deng Xin Cao.
43. Dripping Urine:
i. Amber powder taken with a little Musk. Take with hot water. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
ii. Amber powder taken with decoction of Hemerocaulis Xuan Cao. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
iii. Amber powder, mix with honey to form pills. Take with decoction of Poria rubra Chi Fu Ling. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
iv. in the aged or weak, Amber powder with decoction of Ginseng. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
44. Gravel, Stones:
i. Amber with Nettle seed and Parsley seed (as in Powder of Lord George of Elt)
ii. Amber with Grape vine ashes, Sponge stone, Jew's Stone, Cinnamon (as in Powder for Gravel of Dr. Maghenbuch)
iii. Amber, Cyperus rotundus, Black Pepper, beat to powder and take a spoonful Fasting. It will cause urination and ease the pain of the Stone. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
45. Spermatorrhea, Amber with Angus Castus and Cuttlefish bone (Ettmuller)
46. Gonorrhea:
i. seeds of Cannabis, Millium Solis, Violet (½ oz.), Cucumber, Melon, Poppy (1 oz.), form an emulsion with Parsley water (qs); then add Amber powder, Crabs Eyes (1 oz. each). Form Penids. (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
ii. Cuttlefish bone (2 scruples), Red Coral, Hematite, Amber (1 scruple each), distilled oil of Calamus, of Amber (5 drops each). Powder. (Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum, Woyts, 1746)
47. Phthisis, Lung Ulcers:
i. Amber with Rose, Pomegranate flower, Dragons Blood, Olibanum, Myrrh, Gum Arabic, Tragacanth, Mastic, Saffron, and form Troches with Miua Cydoniorum.
ii. Amber, Comfrey, Plantain, Frankincense, Tragacanth, Licorice
48. Strengthen the Stomach, Amber with Mastic. (Avicenna)
49. Spleen weakness, Amber with Mastic, Greater Cardamon, Cinnamon
Major Formulas:
1. Not used for Deficient Heat (Heat from Yin deficiency). However, combining with Pearl will correct this.
2. Some Chinese texts warn to avoid overdose or excessive consumption.
3. Large doses can cause Headache according to Indian texts. This is remedied by taking Violet flower.
4. Studies on the allergenicity of Baltic amber.
Drug Interactions:
Amber could potentiate sedative effect of sedatives and barbituates.
Main Preparations used:
Spirit, Oil, Tincture etc.
1. Tincture of Amber:
Dose: 40–60 drops
1. Amber (1 part), Alcohol 32% (8 parts). Digest 10 days without heat, strain, filter.
ii. Amber (White) (1 oz.), Alcohol 38% (6 oz.). Digest 3 days in a gentle heat, decant, pour upon the residue more Alcohol (2 oz.). Digest a further 2 days, strain. Mix the tinctures, filter. (Pharmacopoeia Manualis, Antwerp, 1812)
2. Resin of Amber:
i. Amber (2 lbs.), Alcohol (4 lbs.). Digest 3 days in a sand-bath, decant. Treat the residue with more alcohol until it comes off colorless. Mix the tinctures, distil, then wash and gently dry the resin. (Dispensarium Lippiacum, 1792)
ii. The resin can be collected by making a saturated Tincture, then allowing the alcohol to evaporate away, leaving a soft, plastic resin.
1. Not used for Deficient Heat (Heat from Yin deficiency). However, combining with Pearl will correct this.
2. Some Chinese texts warn to avoid overdose or excessive consumption.
3. Large doses can cause Headache according to Indian texts. This is remedied by taking Violet flower.
4. Studies on the allergenicity of Baltic amber.
Drug Interactions:
Amber could potentiate sedative effect of sedatives and barbituates.
Main Preparations used:
Spirit, Oil, Tincture etc.
1. Tincture of Amber:
Dose: 40–60 drops
1. Amber (1 part), Alcohol 32% (8 parts). Digest 10 days without heat, strain, filter.
ii. Amber (White) (1 oz.), Alcohol 38% (6 oz.). Digest 3 days in a gentle heat, decant, pour upon the residue more Alcohol (2 oz.). Digest a further 2 days, strain. Mix the tinctures, filter. (Pharmacopoeia Manualis, Antwerp, 1812)
2. Resin of Amber:
i. Amber (2 lbs.), Alcohol (4 lbs.). Digest 3 days in a sand-bath, decant. Treat the residue with more alcohol until it comes off colorless. Mix the tinctures, distil, then wash and gently dry the resin. (Dispensarium Lippiacum, 1792)
ii. The resin can be collected by making a saturated Tincture, then allowing the alcohol to evaporate away, leaving a soft, plastic resin.
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Salmon, Seplasium:
"It is called Chashemal and Chashemalah in Hebrew; Electron in Greek; Succinum, Ambra, Electrum, Carabe in Latin; in English, Amber.
'It is found on the shores of Denmark, Finland, |
Lativa, Germany and elsewhere, especially from the Baltic sea. It is sometimes found in pieces the size of a man's head. Pliny spoke of a piece weighing 13 lbs being brought to Rome.'
Tao Hongjing (c. 500 CE)
"Hupo is formed by the dropping of Songzhi (colophony) into the earth a thousand years ago. When the thing is burned, there is a kind of smell
of pine. Sometimes a bee (or wasp) can be found in a piece of Hupo looking as if it were still alive".