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Hortus sanitatis, 1491
Red Earth (Adam, 2016)
Mineralogical name:
Hydrated Aluminium Silicate with small amounts of iron oxide.
Two main types can be recognised:
Cambil is a type of Red Earth used in Arabic medicine, especially for Worms.
Parts used:
Cleansed red clay-earth
Red Earth from a number of Sources was traditionally used.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Sweet, Sour.
"Cold in the first and dry in the second degree" (Avicenna)
Red Earth has been classed as Neutral by some Unani texts;
Red Halloysite is classed as Warm in TCM
Aluminium silicate, Iron oxide, Magnesium oxide, trace minerals
L. Stop Bleeding
Hydrated Aluminium Silicate with small amounts of iron oxide.
Two main types can be recognised:
- Kaolinitum rubrum;
- Halloysitum rubrum;
Cambil is a type of Red Earth used in Arabic medicine, especially for Worms.
Parts used:
Cleansed red clay-earth
Red Earth from a number of Sources was traditionally used.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Sweet, Sour.
"Cold in the first and dry in the second degree" (Avicenna)
Red Earth has been classed as Neutral by some Unani texts;
Red Halloysite is classed as Warm in TCM
Aluminium silicate, Iron oxide, Magnesium oxide, trace minerals
L. Stop Bleeding
1. Stops Leakages from the Intestines: (West, TCM)
-chronic Diarrhea and Dysentery-like disorders, especially if there is blood and mucus in the stool
-'good for treating Intestinal Ulcers, Diarrhea'. (Avicenna)
-irritability of the Stomach and Jaundice
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding: (West, TCM)
-various types of bleeding in the lower body, including excess Menstruation, Uterine Bleeding, Blood in the Stool, and also for a bleeding, prolapsed rectum (TCM);
-'suitable to be used in hemoptysis and also in consumption'. (Avicenna)
-in the West it is used for Uterine Bleeding, Spitting of Blood, Nose Bleeding etc.
-Unani regards it highly for Wounds and Ulcers of the Lungs, Stomach and Intestines.
-effective when applied topically to stop Bleeding.
-basically all red earths are used for Bleeding.
3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison: (West)
-various Poisons and Epidemic diseases. (West, Unani)
-'specially useful in Consumptive and Epidemic Fevers'. (Avicenna)
-'removes the Heat of Fever in the same way as the Full Moon' (Unani)
4. Calms and Benefits the Heart: (West, TCM)
-regarded as a Heart tonic in Unani and Galenic Medicines.
-Unani texts regard it as Exhilarative
-Chest pain (old TCM)
-Old TCM texts said prolonged usage made the body light, replenishes Marrow, tonifies Qi, makes one strong, and prolongs Life.
5. Externally:
-heat-type skin conditions, boils, sores
-applied to chronic Sores, Swellings and Ulcers, including those of the mouth (West, TCM)
-Itching and Genital Erosion
-applied to cleanse and heal Wounds; 'has a wonderful (healing) effect on Wounds' (Avicenna)
-a paste can be applied to Insect Bites. (West, TCM)
1. Against Epidemics, it can be taken with wine. (Avicenna)
2. For the Heart, take with Wine and Rose Water (Avicenna)
3. With warm Milk against Poison (Ayurveda)
Decoction: 10–20 grams (up to 60 grams); boiled for 30–45 minutes before adding herbs.
Powder: 500ms–3 grams; it has been used in doses of up to 20 grams of the powder.
1. The Earths are used fairly similarly. Red Earth is best for disorders of Blood and Bleeding. White Earth is most used for Leakage including Leukorrhea and Diarrhea; Sealed Earth is most used against Poison and Epidemics. However, Red Earth is also used against Leakages, Poison and Infection.. In practice, they are often combined.
2. The clays most used is Kaolinite which comes in various colors. As stated above, the red and the white are used in medicine. TCM uses Halloysite. This is a hydrated form of Kaolin.
3. The clay-earths have been shown to bind to and absorb various toxins and toxic metabolites as well as fermented foodstuff in the intestines. In addition, clay-earths have demonstrated strong chelating effects against several heavy metals including Lead, Cadmium, Zinc and Mercury (Oyanedel-Craver & Smith, J Hazard Mater., 2006). Various clay-earths have shown anti-bacterial activity including MRSA superbugs (Haydel et al., J. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2008). Red Earth from Jordan was found to have anti-bacterial effects and this was at least partly associated with antibiotic-producing bacteria in the soil samples (Falkinham et al., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2009).
4. Avicenna mentions a group of people that were saved from a great epidemic by taking Armenian Red Earth daily with wine.
1. Red Ochre
2. Dragons Blood
3. Pomegranate flower
1. Mastic
2. Honey
3. Tragacanth
4. Rose water
1. Washed Red Earth:
Red Earth was usually washed in Western practice. It is less purging when washed. Washing requires adding water or wine, stirring well, allowing to settle, then pouring off the liquid and pouring on fresh liquid. This is repeating until there is not more color, usually 15 or 20 times.
Research has demonstrated that washing the Earth lessens heavy metal traces including lead and cadmium. (See research below)
2. Prepared with Rose Water:
After being washed, it can be washed with Rose water and dried (usually 3 times, but up to 10 times). This makes it a stronger Cordial, and better for the Heart.
3. Preparation in Ayurveda:
In Ayurveda, Red Earth is triturated with Cows Milk for 3 days, or it may be roasted with a little Ghee.
4. Heated Red Earth.
Due to the presence of bacteria and fungal spores in some samples, heating the earth in an oven at 100 degrees for an hour is advisable. This can be done before other processing.
1. Against Epidemics, it can be taken with wine. (Avicenna)
2. For the Heart, take with Wine and Rose Water (Avicenna)
3. With warm Milk against Poison (Ayurveda)
Decoction: 10–20 grams (up to 60 grams); boiled for 30–45 minutes before adding herbs.
Powder: 500ms–3 grams; it has been used in doses of up to 20 grams of the powder.
1. The Earths are used fairly similarly. Red Earth is best for disorders of Blood and Bleeding. White Earth is most used for Leakage including Leukorrhea and Diarrhea; Sealed Earth is most used against Poison and Epidemics. However, Red Earth is also used against Leakages, Poison and Infection.. In practice, they are often combined.
2. The clays most used is Kaolinite which comes in various colors. As stated above, the red and the white are used in medicine. TCM uses Halloysite. This is a hydrated form of Kaolin.
3. The clay-earths have been shown to bind to and absorb various toxins and toxic metabolites as well as fermented foodstuff in the intestines. In addition, clay-earths have demonstrated strong chelating effects against several heavy metals including Lead, Cadmium, Zinc and Mercury (Oyanedel-Craver & Smith, J Hazard Mater., 2006). Various clay-earths have shown anti-bacterial activity including MRSA superbugs (Haydel et al., J. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2008). Red Earth from Jordan was found to have anti-bacterial effects and this was at least partly associated with antibiotic-producing bacteria in the soil samples (Falkinham et al., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2009).
4. Avicenna mentions a group of people that were saved from a great epidemic by taking Armenian Red Earth daily with wine.
1. Red Ochre
2. Dragons Blood
3. Pomegranate flower
1. Mastic
2. Honey
3. Tragacanth
4. Rose water
1. Washed Red Earth:
Red Earth was usually washed in Western practice. It is less purging when washed. Washing requires adding water or wine, stirring well, allowing to settle, then pouring off the liquid and pouring on fresh liquid. This is repeating until there is not more color, usually 15 or 20 times.
Research has demonstrated that washing the Earth lessens heavy metal traces including lead and cadmium. (See research below)
2. Prepared with Rose Water:
After being washed, it can be washed with Rose water and dried (usually 3 times, but up to 10 times). This makes it a stronger Cordial, and better for the Heart.
3. Preparation in Ayurveda:
In Ayurveda, Red Earth is triturated with Cows Milk for 3 days, or it may be roasted with a little Ghee.
4. Heated Red Earth.
Due to the presence of bacteria and fungal spores in some samples, heating the earth in an oven at 100 degrees for an hour is advisable. This can be done before other processing.
Main Combinations:
Red Earth is often combined with Earth of Lemnos or Sealed Earth for Diarrhea, Dysentery, all leakages and bleeding.
1. To stop Bleeding and clear Heat and Inflammations, Red (Armenian) Earth with Earth of Lemnos, Gum Arabic, Dragons Blood, Rose, Hematite, Red Coral, Amber, Tabasheer, Pomegranate flowers (as in Troches of Earth of Lemnos)
2. Bleeding:
i. Red (Armenian) Earth with Bistort (Unani)
ii. from Heat, take Red (Armenian) Earth with Sandalwood (Ayurveda)
3. Against Spitting Blood, Red (Armenian) Earth with Earth of Lemnos, Hematite, Bistort, Henbane seed, Lemon peel, Poppy seed, Sugar of Roses.
4. Uterine Bleeding, Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi) with Cuttlefish bone and Cinnamon (TCM)
Epidemic Diseases:
5. For Epidemic and Infectious diseases including Measles and Small Pox:
i. Red Earth (half oz.), Tormentil (2 drams), Angelica (1 dram), Sugar (1 pound). Powder. (Augustana)
ii. Red Earth with Earth of Lemnos, Red Coral, White Coral, Tabasheer, Pearl, Cinnamon, Sandalwood (as in Red Hungarian Powder)
iii. Red Earth with Sealed Earth, Dittany, Tormentil, Angelica, Gentian, Zedoary, Burnt Deer Horn, Citron peel, Red Coral (as in Bezoardic Powder without Gems of Frankfurt)
Astringent for Leakages:
6. Diarrhea, Dysentery:
i. Red (Armenian) Earth with Plantain juice. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
ii. Water solution of Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi) for dysentery and severe diarrhea with mucus or blood (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
iii. lingering Diarrhea, Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi), Ginger, Black Pepper, Vinegar, with cooked Rice, formed into Pills. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
iv. from Spleen and Stomach deficiency, calcined Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi), with Ginger, steamed Cake. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
7. Urinary Incontinence, calcined Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi), calcined Oyster shell (Mu Li), with Salt and Rice paste made into Pills. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
8. Diabetes:
i. Red (Armenian) Earth, Tabasheer, Rose, Lettuce seed, Purslane seed, Pomegranate flower (Unani)
ii. Gum Arabic, Red (Armenian) Earth, Pomegranate flowers, Sumac, Calamus, Starch (each 5 drams), Tragacanth, Lettuce seed, Purslane seed (each 3 drams), White Sandalwood (1 dram)
9. Astringent Powder: Red (Armenian) Earth, Pomegranate flower (equal parts)
10. Chest Pain, Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi) with Sichuan Pepper and Aconitum Fu Zi. (TCM)
11. As a paste with Turmeric, it is applied to Urticaria. (Ayurveda)
12. Heat-type skin conditions, boils, sores, Red (Armenian) Earth with Red Sandalwood, mixed with Rose water and applied topically.
Major Formulas:
Powder of Plantain Compound
Powder for Bleeding of Galen
Powder for Excess Menstruation (Serapion)
Powder for Excessive Menstrual Bleeding (Wirtzung)
Powder for Palpitation from Heat
Powder for Vomiting of Blood
Powder for Wounds
Red Hungarian Powder
Astringent Pills
Bolus of Seeds (Unani)
Pills for Excess Menstruation (Gabelhover)
Pills Against Fluxes (Nicolas)
Pills for Arthritis (Wirtzung)
Troches of Coral (Galen)
Troches of Red Coral (Samarqandi)
Troches of Gordon (Trochisci Gordonii)
Troches of Earth of Lemnos (Trochisci de Terra Lemna)
Troches for Kidney Ulcers (Riverius)
Confection of Hyacinth (Confectio de Hyacintho)
Electuary of Coral (Diacorallion) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Scordium
Tincture for Blood Stagnation
Pushyanuga Churna (Ayurveda)
Mauktika Yukta (Pearl Compound) (Ayurveda)
TCM–Chi Shi Zhi:
Tao Hua Tang
1. Not used in acute Diarrhea (TCM)
2. Generally not used in pregnancy
3. All Earths are best heated at 100 degrees C for 1–2 hours to eliminate bacteria and fungal spores.
1. Levels of lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium in clays for oral use on the Dutch market and estimation of associated risks.
2. Some clay-earths have been found to contain potentially harmful organisms and fungal spores. They are therefore best heated before internal use.
Main Preparations used:
Prepared Red Earth
1. Not used in acute Diarrhea (TCM)
2. Generally not used in pregnancy
3. All Earths are best heated at 100 degrees C for 1–2 hours to eliminate bacteria and fungal spores.
1. Levels of lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium in clays for oral use on the Dutch market and estimation of associated risks.
2. Some clay-earths have been found to contain potentially harmful organisms and fungal spores. They are therefore best heated before internal use.
Main Preparations used:
Prepared Red Earth
Click the Tabs above for more information on this Medicine
1. Armenian bole: a historical medicinal clay.
2. An Evidence-Based Review on Medicinal Value of Clays in Traditional Persian Medicine.
3. Healing and edible clays: a review of basic concepts, benefits and risks.
4. Bacteriostatic and bactericidal clays: an overview.
5. Methods for the improvement of clay quality for their therapeutic application.
6. What makes a natural clay antibacterial?
7. The Effect of Traditional Treatments on Heavy Metal Toxicity of Armenian Bole.
8. Bridging the Gaps: Bole and Terra Sigillata as Artefacts, as Simples and as Antibacterial Clays.
2. An Evidence-Based Review on Medicinal Value of Clays in Traditional Persian Medicine.
3. Healing and edible clays: a review of basic concepts, benefits and risks.
4. Bacteriostatic and bactericidal clays: an overview.
5. Methods for the improvement of clay quality for their therapeutic application.
6. What makes a natural clay antibacterial?
7. The Effect of Traditional Treatments on Heavy Metal Toxicity of Armenian Bole.
8. Bridging the Gaps: Bole and Terra Sigillata as Artefacts, as Simples and as Antibacterial Clays.