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Materia Medica Animalia, Peter Peyto Good, 1853
Bulk Prepared Earthworm as available on the Chinese Market (Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2015)
Dried Earthworm as used in Unani medicine (Calcutta Unani College, Adam, 2019)
Entomological name:
Primarily Lumbricus and Pheretima spp:
According to TCM sources, the best Earthworms are white-necked Earthworms.
Parts used:
Cleansed and dried Earthworm.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry (some have claimed them moist; they are moist when fresh). Salty
B. Clear Heat B. Clears Deficient Heat C. Clear Damp, Promote Urine D. Clear Wind and Damp I. Medicines for Internal Wind P. Clear Phlegm
–lumbrofebrine, terrestrolumbrlysin, lumbritin, hypoxanthine, other purines, pyrmidines
–Fats and Lipids including: Neutral fat (35.14%), Glucolipid (41.74%), Phosphatide (23.12%); octade acids, palmitic acids, high-chain unsaturated fatty acids; The Neutral fat component is largely composed of lauric acid, oleate, myristic acid and decanoic acid
–Peptides (some of which are antibacterial)
–Enzymes including catalase, peroxidase, dismutase, â- D-glucosyl-enzyme, alkaline phosphatase and porphyrin synthetase (some of which are fibrinolytic)
–Rich in protein
–high levels of trace minerals: Zn, Ca, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mo,
Primarily Lumbricus and Pheretima spp:
- Lumbricus terrestris
- Pheretima vulgaris
- Pheretima aspergillium ('Guang Di Long'; regarded as best in TCM)
- Pheretima rubellus
- Pheretima asiatica, P. posthuma, P. guillelmi, P. pectinifera, P. koreana, P. carnosa, P. hupeiensis (TCM)
According to TCM sources, the best Earthworms are white-necked Earthworms.
Parts used:
Cleansed and dried Earthworm.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry (some have claimed them moist; they are moist when fresh). Salty
B. Clear Heat B. Clears Deficient Heat C. Clear Damp, Promote Urine D. Clear Wind and Damp I. Medicines for Internal Wind P. Clear Phlegm
–lumbrofebrine, terrestrolumbrlysin, lumbritin, hypoxanthine, other purines, pyrmidines
–Fats and Lipids including: Neutral fat (35.14%), Glucolipid (41.74%), Phosphatide (23.12%); octade acids, palmitic acids, high-chain unsaturated fatty acids; The Neutral fat component is largely composed of lauric acid, oleate, myristic acid and decanoic acid
–Peptides (some of which are antibacterial)
–Enzymes including catalase, peroxidase, dismutase, â- D-glucosyl-enzyme, alkaline phosphatase and porphyrin synthetase (some of which are fibrinolytic)
–Rich in protein
–high levels of trace minerals: Zn, Ca, Fe, Cr, Mn, Mo,
1. Clears Wind and Heat, Resists Poison (TCM, West):
-Fever, Epidemic Fever, Febrile diseases in Children (fresh Earthworm as syrup is best)
-acute Sore Throat
-Malaria, High Fever with mania and restlessness (Li Shi Zhen)
-effective against poison of Aconite (Shu Ben Cao, TCM)
-neutralizes Spider toxin (Li Shi Zhen); stir-fried Earthworm powdered is given for Snake Bite. (Yao Xing Ben Cao, TCM)
-Leprosy (TCM)
2. Settles Wind, Stops Spasms and Convulsions (TCM, West):
-any type of Spasm or Convulsions with appropriate medicines; used for both slow or violent convulsions, especially when with heat symptoms or fever
-Infantile Convulsions, Hemiplegia, Restlessness, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Spasms, Convulsions, Paralysis, Headache
-Hemiplegia, Numbness of limbs, loss of speech following Stroke
-Hypertension (proven effect)
-toothache, headache, conjunctivitis etc. from heat and wind
-"It also cures Falling Sickness [Epilepsy] in adult persons, as well as Children". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
3. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine (TCM, West):
-hot, painful urinary problems, and edema in severe cases.
-Powdered and taken with wine to promote Urine, and for Stones (Avicenna)
-Jaundice and Scrofula (Avicenna); Scrofula in TCM also
-Colic, Intestinal Ulcers, Diarrhea, Dysentery. (West)
4. Clears Heat, Stops Coughing and Wheezing (TCM, West):
-Cough, Asthma, Wheezing, Shortness of Breath, when associated with Lung heat.
-proven Anti-asthmatic and broncho-dilating effect.
-fresh Worm are often preferred (Syrup, Distilled Water) for Yin deficient and dry conditions, including Consumption;
5. Clears Wind-Damp, Moves the Blood, Promotes Circulation (TCM, West):
-stiffness and pain in the Limbs, Rheumatic Pain, Arthritis, Gout, joint and muscle pain from obstructed circulation.
-Tuberculosis of the bone (modern TCM)
-‘but they are best for the Running Gout’ (Schroder)
-it relieves Arthritic pain (Li Shi Zhen)
-"The tincture extracted from earthworms, is an arcanum to cure the Rheumatism, dose from a dram, to two". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
6. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, suppressed Menstruation
-promotes Birth, expels Afterbirth (powder taken with wine)
7. Promotes Milk:
-It has been used to promote Milk. (West)
-"increases Milk in nurses". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
8. Benefits Kidneys, Nourishes Yin::
-Regarded as tonic and aphrodisiac by Unani practitioners
-Impotence and to improve sexual vigor.
-increases energy and improves weight.
-Diabetes (Praxis Medicinae, Brevel, London, 1639); used for Diabetes in Siddha Medciine
-Deafness (TCM)
-fresh Earthworms are best for this function and are used in Yin tonic formula, Hectic Fever and Consumption (distilled water or syrup)
9. Kills Worms:
-traditionally for Worms including Round- and Tape-worm. (TCM, West)
-"It also Kills Worms in the Bowels". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
-listed for Worms and 'Gu' disease (diseases caused by parasites) in old TCM texts. (Sheng Nong Ben Cao Jing)
10. Externally:
-boiled in oil to use externally for Erysipelas, chronic open Sores, lower limb Ulcers, Eczema, Burns, Pains, Gout etc. (TCM, West).
-Dioscorides boiled Earthworms in oil and dropped into the opposite Ear for Toothache
-the ashes were applied to relieve Toothache
-for Earache and obstructed Hearing; Dioscorides recommended boiling Earthworms in Goose grease and dropped into the Ears for Earache.
-Cures Polyps in the nostrils (Li Shi Zhen)
-suppurative Otitis Media (Li Shi Zhen)
-used to cure Wounds, especially of the Sinews and ligaments.
-crushed and applied as a plaster for Wounds of the Nerves (Avicenna)
-the powder applied topically stops Bleeding (Culpeper)
-The ashes were used to ‘glue broken bones’. (Schroder)
-a paste of fresh worms in water or almond oil is applied to Hydrocele in Unani.
-a paste is also applied to any external inflammation in Unani.
-spreading Sores, beat an Earthworm and apply. (TCM)
Powder: 1–2 grams (1–2 scruples); 3–4 grams have been taken 3 times daily for Bronchial Asthma with good effect.
Ashed Earthworm: 500mg–1 gram
Decoction of Dried Earthworm: 3–12 grams (up to 15 grams)
Decoction of the Fresh Earthworm: 10–20 grams (up to 30 grams)
Tincture (1 in 10): 3–7 mls.
Spirit: 30–60 drops
Salt: 6–12 grains
Externally, the fresh Earthworm is beaten to a paste for topical application, or the oil can be used.
1. Washed Earthworm:
The worms are steeped in water or wine overnight to purge them, then they are dried. In Europe, white wine was preferred which will purge their stomach as well as making them better to move blood and remove obstructions. It also helps correct their smell. As with the Chinese wine-fried product (below), the worms can be stir-fried to dryness once soaked in wine and partly dried, or can be dried in an oven.
Some sources steep the washed Earthworms in saline solution to purge and cleanse them.
2. Prepared Earthworm:
In modern TCM, sometimes the worms are pressed to remove the inners, then dried, so that only the skin is used. Sometimes the worms have been slit down the center and washed to remove the stomach contents.
3. Salted Earthworm:
They may also be salt-dried, which makes them better to enter the Kidneys, and may be used for Consumption.
4. Stir-Fried Earthworm:
In TCM they are often stir-fried to yellowish. Some in the West likewise used them after burning to brown or black. The stir-fried products is best when used in powdered form.
5. Carbonised Earthworm:
Occasionally used in their ashed form (West)
6. Wine Stir-fried Earthworm:
Stir fry with 10% their weight of wine. This is better to move the Blood and clear Blood stasis.
7. Syrup of Fresh Earthworm:
The fresh, washed Earthworm can be put into Sugar and left in a gentle warmth to dissolve into a syrup which is then strained and kept for use. This is more cooling, better for Fever, Cough and Wind-Heat conditions.
In TCM, the same is sometimes done replacing Sugar with Salt.
The use of Earthworms in Europe and TCM was almost identical. All the uses of Earthworms relate to their effect of opening obstructions. The Earthworms entire life is spent opening channels in the Earth, and this represents their effect in medicine. All the modern uses of Earthworm in TCM can be found in Traditional Western texts, suggesting their use was imported from one system to another, and seeing they were used for centuries in the west before their use in TCM, it would appear their use originated in the West.
1. Grape juice or extract;
2. Almond or Olive oil (Unani)
3. Licorice
1. Leeches have been used instead of Earthworm (Unani). Leeches are stronger to move the Blood and clear stasis, Earthworms are better for Wind diseases; both are strong to open obstructions.
Powder: 1–2 grams (1–2 scruples); 3–4 grams have been taken 3 times daily for Bronchial Asthma with good effect.
Ashed Earthworm: 500mg–1 gram
Decoction of Dried Earthworm: 3–12 grams (up to 15 grams)
Decoction of the Fresh Earthworm: 10–20 grams (up to 30 grams)
Tincture (1 in 10): 3–7 mls.
Spirit: 30–60 drops
Salt: 6–12 grains
Externally, the fresh Earthworm is beaten to a paste for topical application, or the oil can be used.
1. Washed Earthworm:
The worms are steeped in water or wine overnight to purge them, then they are dried. In Europe, white wine was preferred which will purge their stomach as well as making them better to move blood and remove obstructions. It also helps correct their smell. As with the Chinese wine-fried product (below), the worms can be stir-fried to dryness once soaked in wine and partly dried, or can be dried in an oven.
Some sources steep the washed Earthworms in saline solution to purge and cleanse them.
2. Prepared Earthworm:
In modern TCM, sometimes the worms are pressed to remove the inners, then dried, so that only the skin is used. Sometimes the worms have been slit down the center and washed to remove the stomach contents.
3. Salted Earthworm:
They may also be salt-dried, which makes them better to enter the Kidneys, and may be used for Consumption.
4. Stir-Fried Earthworm:
In TCM they are often stir-fried to yellowish. Some in the West likewise used them after burning to brown or black. The stir-fried products is best when used in powdered form.
5. Carbonised Earthworm:
Occasionally used in their ashed form (West)
6. Wine Stir-fried Earthworm:
Stir fry with 10% their weight of wine. This is better to move the Blood and clear Blood stasis.
7. Syrup of Fresh Earthworm:
The fresh, washed Earthworm can be put into Sugar and left in a gentle warmth to dissolve into a syrup which is then strained and kept for use. This is more cooling, better for Fever, Cough and Wind-Heat conditions.
In TCM, the same is sometimes done replacing Sugar with Salt.
The use of Earthworms in Europe and TCM was almost identical. All the uses of Earthworms relate to their effect of opening obstructions. The Earthworms entire life is spent opening channels in the Earth, and this represents their effect in medicine. All the modern uses of Earthworm in TCM can be found in Traditional Western texts, suggesting their use was imported from one system to another, and seeing they were used for centuries in the west before their use in TCM, it would appear their use originated in the West.
1. Grape juice or extract;
2. Almond or Olive oil (Unani)
3. Licorice
1. Leeches have been used instead of Earthworm (Unani). Leeches are stronger to move the Blood and clear stasis, Earthworms are better for Wind diseases; both are strong to open obstructions.
Main Combinations:
Heat, Fever
1. High Fever with convulsions and delirium:
i. Fresh Earthworms can be dissolved with salt into a syrup to be taken, or it can be decocted alone.
ii. Earthworm, Uncaria Gou Teng, Bezoar (Niu Huang), White Dead Silkworm (Jiang Can)
2. Infantile Convulsions:
i. Earthworm, Paris root (Chong Lou), Gentiana Long Dan Cao, Uncaria Gou Teng
ii. Earthworm with Cinnabar (Zhu Sha) made into pills,
iii. Acute Infantile Convulsions, grind a fresh Earthworm with Wu Fu Hua Da Dan (pill composed of Platycodon Jie Geng, Figwort [Xuan Shen], Indigo [Qing Dai], Mirabilite [Mang Xiao], Ginseng root, Poria [Fu Ling], Licorice root, Musk, Gold and Silver foil)
3. Epidemic Fever and Febrile diseases in Children:
i. wash fresh Earthworm, dissolve into White Sugar to form a syrup.
ii. wash the earth from Earthworms, and cover them with salt. They will dissolve into a syrup. This can be given in spoonful doses.
4. Sudden swelling of the Throat:
i. beat fresh Earthworms with vinegar to get the juice; hold in the mouth which will cause vomiting and they will be able to eat after. 'This works miraculously'. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
ii. beat 14 fresh Earthworm to a paste and apply to the neck; cover another fresh Earthworm with salt until it dissolves, strain and take as a dose with a little Honey. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang, TCM)
5. Malaria with restlessness and fever, Grind 4 fresh Earthworms into paste, add a little Ginger juice, Mint juice and a spoonful of Honey. Take as a dose with water. (Zhi Zhi Fang, TCM)
6. Consumption and Hectic Fever:
i. "The broth, or gelly extracted from them, is a specific in curing consumptions, dose from half an ounce, to an ounce, morning and evening". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
ii. Earthworm with Snails, Nettle, Brank Ursine, Angelica, Agrimony, Deer Horn (as in Water and Spirit of Earthworm)
Head, Nerve, Wind diseases
7. Severe Headaches, Migraine:
i. Baked Earthworm, Olibanum (equal parts). Wrap a little of the powder into paper and roll it. Burn it and get the person to inhale the smoke. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
ii. Earthworm, Borneo Camphor (Bing Pian), Musk (She Xiang), form pills the size of hemp seeds. Put into the nostril on the same side as the headache after first having put fresh ginger on the nose. 'This works right away'. (Sheng Ji Zong Lu, TCM)
8. Paralysis, Hemiplegia:
i. Earthworm with Juniper, Rocket seed, Pyrethrum, Angelica, Arum, Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Mastic, Myrrh, Amber (as in Spirit Against Palsy)
ii. Earthworm powder (2 drams) taken with Spirit of Black Cherry (half ounce)
iii. Rosemary water, Elder flower water, Earthworm, Viper
iv. Post-stroke Hemiplegia or Facial Paralysis, Earthworm with Astragalus Huang Qi, Angelica Dang Gui Wei, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong, Paeonia Chi Shao Yao, Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Safflower (Hong Hua)
v. Hemiplegia, Loss of Speech, Earthworm with Gastrodia Tian Ma with Pinellia Ban Xia
vi. For Paralysis and all Hardness: stuff a Goose with Sage, Frankincense, Mastic and powdered Earthworms, mixed with sheep suet. Roast it gently, collecting the fat dripping, and mix with vinegar. It is very piercing and resolve all hardness. (Wirtzung)
vii. Oil of Earthworms, Oil of Foxes, mix and apply
9. Stroke, with Hemiplegia, Numbness, Deviation of mouth and eye:
i. "This powder being taken to the quantity of a spoonful, or two, at a time in wine, for four mornings fasting, perfectly cures the Apoplexy, so, as it returns no more". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
ii. with Qi deficiency and Blood stasis, Earthworm with Astragalus Huang Qi, Dang Gui, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong
iii. Earthworm, Astragalus Huang Qi, Safflower (Hong Hua)
iv. with numbness, muscle contracture, Earthworm, Aconitum Chuan Wu, Aconitum Cao Wu, bile-prepared Arisaema Dan Nan Xing, Frankincense (Ru Xiang), Myrrh (Mo Yao) (as in Xiao Huo Luo Wan)
v. Earthworm, Dang Gui, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong, Safflower (Hong Hua), Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Salvia Dan Shen, Spatholobus Ji Xue Teng, Lonicera Caulis Ren Dong Teng, Scorpion, Centipede (as in Zhong Feng Hui Chu Wan, 'Stroke Rejuvenation Tablets)
iv. from Wind-Phlegm, Earthworm, Typhonium Bai Fu Zi, Scorpion (Quan Xie), White Silkworm (Bai Jiang Can)
10. Chronic Convulsions from weakness, grind Aconitum Fu Zi into powder, Put a fresh Earthworm into the powder and stir around to coat it, then scrape it off and form pills the size of Millet seeds with the powder. Take 10 pills with Rice water. (Bai Yi Fang, TCM)
11. Dizziness and Hypertension, Earthworm with Self Heal (Xia Ku Cao), Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Peppermint (Bo He), Mother of Pearl (Zhen Zhu Mu) (TCM)
12. Vertigo, Earthworm, Paeonia Chi Shao, Pueraria Ge Gen, Atractylodes Bai Zhu, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong
13. Schizophrenia, Mania with Fever, wash fresh Earthworm, dissolve into White Sugar to form a syrup.
14. Alzheimer's Disease, Earthworm, Calamus (Shi Chang Pu), Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Morinda Ba Ji Tian, Arisaema Bile prepared Dan Nan Xing (as in Ba Zhu Tang)
15. Deafness:
i. "Being pulverized, and mixt with goose-grease, they cure deafness, and pains of the ears". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
ii. Earthworm, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong (equal parts), take 6 grams with decoction of Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong. Take each night for 3 nights. (Sheng Ji Zong Lu, TCM)
Move the Blood
16. To Move the Blood and clear Blood stasis:
i. Earthworm with Madder, Myrrh and Rhubarb (West)
ii. Earthworm with Myrrh, Frankincense
iii. to strongly break Blood stasis, Earthworm with Leech as a tincture
Urinary, Stones, Jaundice, Arthritis
17. Edema and Ascites, Dialacca, with powders of Calamus and Earthworm (Lumbrico Terrestri, Christian Francisci Paullini,1703)
18. Swelling and pain of the hands and feet, grind fresh Earthworms (3 parts) with water (5 parts), and drink the juice. (TCM)
19. Dysuria, Urinary retention from Heat and Damp:
i. Grind fresh Earthworms, mix the paste with water, strain. Take half a bowlful as a dose. 'It works right away' (Dou Men Fang, TCM)
ii. Earthworm with Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi), Water Plantain root (Ze Xie)
20. Jaundice:
i. take as many Earthworms as will fill half a walnut shell, beat them with wine and take it as a dose. (Brunschwig, 1561)
ii. Earthworm with Saffron
iii. Earthworm with Saffron, Celandine
21. To promote Urine, Earthworm with 5 Opening Roots, Sea Holly root, Radish, Mallow (as in Diuretic Water of Closseus)
22. Gravel and Stones:
i. "being daily taken for about a month, from a scruple to a dram, it powerfully provokes Urine, breaks and expels the
Stone". (Medicinalis Hibernica, K'eogh, 1739)
ii. combine Oil of Earthworms and Oil of Scorpions and apply over the Kidneys and pubis.
23. Chronic Arthritis, Rheumatism from Wind-Damp:
i. Earthworm, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Chaenomelis Mu Gua
ii. Earthworm, Angelica Du Huo, Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Eucommia Du Zhong, Atractlodes Bai Zhu
iii. Earthworm, Nux Vomica prepared (Ma Qian Zi). This is also used for Muscular Atrophy (as in Ma Qian Zi San of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
24. Cervical spondylopathy, Earthworm with Notoginseng San Qi, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong, Gentiana Qin Jiao, Salvia Dan Shen, Paeonia Bai Shao, Safflower (Hong Hua), Olibanum (Ru Xiang), Myrrh (Mo Yao), Astragalus Huang Qi, Ophicalcitum Hua Rui Shi (as in Jing Fu Kang Ke Li)
25. Red, Inflamed Eyes:
i. from Wind exposure, stir-fry 10 dried Earthworms, powder, and take 9 grams of the powder with Tea. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang, TCM)
ii. from Wind-Damp-Heat, Earthworm, Gentiana Qin Jiao, Stephania Fang Ji
26. Asthma, Wheezing, Bronchitis from Heat:
i. wash fresh Earthworm, dissolve into White Sugar to form a syrup.
ii. Earthworm with Pig Bile (TCM)
iii. Earthworm, Schisandra Wu Wei Zi. This is called Wu Wei Di Long Tang and has been studied.
iv. Earthworm with Ephedra Ma Huang, Belamcanda She Gan, Ginkgo Bai Guo
v. Earthworm with Ephedra Ma Huang, Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) Gypsum (Shi Gao)
vi. Water of Eathworms, Water of Snails, Syrup of Horehound, Oxymel of Squill, Gum Ammoniac
27. Thromboangiitis Obliterans, Scrofula and Osteoarticular Tuberculosis, Earthworm, Scorpion (Quan Xie), Centipede (Wu Gong), Eupolyphaga Tu Bie Chong (equal parts powdered or made into pills). This is a modern combination and has been used successfully in recent years. (Chinese Materia Medica, Zhang-fu et al)
28. Leprosy, beat Earthworms to a paste with Date pulp, form pills the size of Parasol seeds. Take 60 pills with wine (Huo Ren Xing Tong, TCM)
29. Diabetes, Earthworm, Tinospora cordifolia, Eclipta (equal parts), powder, Dose: 1–2 grams with Ghee or Honey. (Siddha)
30. To promote Milk:
i. Earthworm with Fennel seed, Aniseed, Sugar; form a powder
ii. Fennel seed, Aniseed (1 oz.), Nigella, Crabs Eyes, Mother of Pearl (3 drams), Earthworms (2 drams), Sugar (2 oz) (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
31. To heal a Wound, Oils of Earthworm, St. John's wort and Mastic; mix and apply topically
32. Fracture:
i. Earthworm, St. John's wort topically
ii. Earthworm, Dragon's Blood, Comfrey root as an ointment or plaster.
iii. Earthworm, Dang Gui rootlets (Dang Gui Wei), Sappan wood (Su Mu), Dragon's Blood (Xue Jie) (TCM)
33. Gout, Arthritis, steep Earthworms in vinegar overnight. The next morning, wipe clean and mix 9 ounces with one pound of grease to form an ointment to apply topically "and the pain shall cease". (Secrets of Alexis)
34. Hernia, Earthworm was made into a salve with Frankincense, Myrrh, Mastic, Aloe, Comfrey root (Wirtzung)
35. Withered and Wasting of the Limbs, Crabs and Earthworms, equal parts dried in an oven, form a salve with pigs fat. (Wirtzung)
36. For Lameness, and tightness of the sinews, mix Cow dung and Oil of Earthworms to a plaster, apply warm. This was used by Surgeons and was said to be very effective.
37. Erysipelas, Dermatitis, dissolve fresh washed Earthworms in salt, apply the paste. (TCM)
38. Varicose veins, Earthworm, Frankincense, Mastic, Myrrh, Shilajit, Galls, Turmeric, formed into a salve with (Deer) suet and Oil of Orris. (Wirtzung)
39. Sores, Burns, Scalds, paste of the fresh Earthworm mixed with Sugar is applied. (TCM)
40. Inflammations, Earthworms, Myrrh, Wheat Flour, mix with Vinegar and apply. (Syrian 'Book of Medicine', Budge, 1913)
41. Toothache, dissolve fresh Earthworm in Salt, strain, mix with wheat flour and apply to the place. (TCM)
42. Sore, Swollen and Bleeding gums:
i. apply powdered Earthworm to the gums, 'it works right away'. (Qian Jing Yi Fang, TCM)
ii. powdered Earthworm, powdered Alum, mix and apply (TCM)
43. Breast Lumps, Wash Earthworms in wine, then burn to powder in a pot; mix with Oil of Rose and Oil of Lily, anoint the Breast and cover with Sheep Wool. It maturates very well and eases pain. (Wirtzung)
44. Swollen Testes in an infant, powder Earthworm, mix with saliva and apply topically. (Qian Shi Fang, TCM)
45. Otitis Media with pus, grind dried Earthworm to powder and blow into the ear. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang, TCM)
46. Tinea, Earthworm powder, Calomel, mix with Sesame oil and apply. (Pu Ji Fang, TCM)
47. To remove foul flesh in Cancerous Ulcers, apply Alum and Earthworm powder (equal parts). (Platerus Golden Practice of Physick, Plater, 1664)
Major Formula:
Xiao Huo Luo Wan
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
Ba Zhu Tang
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
1. Caution in those with markedly weak digestion, or who are Cold and weak.
2. Avoid use in Pregnancy
Main Preparations used:
Syrup of Earthworm, Distilled Water, Oil of Earthworms
1. Oil of Earthworms:
i. Earthworms cleansed (2 pounds), White Wine (6 oz.), Olive oil (3 pounds). Boil to the consumption of the humidity, strain. (Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798)
ii. Earthworms washed in wine (1 pound), Olive oil (2 pounds). Boil to the consumption of the humidity, strain. (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)
2. Syrup of Earthworm:
i. Earthworms, fresh and cleansed 1 lb.,
Put them into a glass with a narrow mouth, and seal it close stopped; wrap the Glass in a paste made of wheat flour and water, and bake it in an oven with the bread; strain out the liquor, and add a sufficient amount of refined Sugar to make a Syrup.
Used for Epilepsy and Apoplexy, and diseases of the Head, Brain and Womb; said to be a specific against Rheumatism.
Dose: 1 oz. (Pharmacopoeia Bateana)
3. Distilled Water of Earthworms:
i. "Put the earth worms into a pot and wrap the same up in a loaf of bread, bake it in a bake oven as long as is necessary for bread to bake, then put it in a glass vessel, and distil in the sun."
"It serves in cases of arthritis or neuralgia as well as for the withering of limbs and warts on hands and feet, corns on feet, heels, ruptures, and other injuries of all kinds". (Albertus Magnus)
1. Caution in those with markedly weak digestion, or who are Cold and weak.
2. Avoid use in Pregnancy
Main Preparations used:
Syrup of Earthworm, Distilled Water, Oil of Earthworms
1. Oil of Earthworms:
i. Earthworms cleansed (2 pounds), White Wine (6 oz.), Olive oil (3 pounds). Boil to the consumption of the humidity, strain. (Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798)
ii. Earthworms washed in wine (1 pound), Olive oil (2 pounds). Boil to the consumption of the humidity, strain. (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)
2. Syrup of Earthworm:
i. Earthworms, fresh and cleansed 1 lb.,
Put them into a glass with a narrow mouth, and seal it close stopped; wrap the Glass in a paste made of wheat flour and water, and bake it in an oven with the bread; strain out the liquor, and add a sufficient amount of refined Sugar to make a Syrup.
Used for Epilepsy and Apoplexy, and diseases of the Head, Brain and Womb; said to be a specific against Rheumatism.
Dose: 1 oz. (Pharmacopoeia Bateana)
3. Distilled Water of Earthworms:
i. "Put the earth worms into a pot and wrap the same up in a loaf of bread, bake it in a bake oven as long as is necessary for bread to bake, then put it in a glass vessel, and distil in the sun."
"It serves in cases of arthritis or neuralgia as well as for the withering of limbs and warts on hands and feet, corns on feet, heels, ruptures, and other injuries of all kinds". (Albertus Magnus)
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Earthworms were used by Hippocrates 2400 years ago. They are said to have been used in India for at least 2300 years (Puri, 1970). They first appeared in China in the Divine Husbandman's Classic of the Materia Medica which appeared in the Eastern Han (25–220 CE).
LUMBRICO TERRESTRI by Christian Francisci Paullini.
This book, written in 1703, is dedicated entirely to the use of Earthworms in medicine. It is an exhaustive treatise containing over 230 pages. It contains numerous preparations including Wine, Decoction, Distilled Water, Juice, Spirit, Extract, Essence, Oil, Salt, Volatile Salt and Powder.
Diseases treated include Headache, Paralysis, Convulsion, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Earache, |
Toothache, Asthma, Dysentery, Colic, Diarrhea, Worms, Edema, Fibroid Tumors, Hemorrhoidal Pain, Stones, Sciatica, Gonorrhea, Tumors of the Testicles, Suppressed Menstruation, Atrophy, and Gout.
Externally Earthworms were prescribed for Ulcers, Wounds, Alopecia, Inflammation, Cancer, Gangrene, Ganglion, Syphilis, Contracture etc. |
Last Updated: 08/24