Asplenium, Ceterach
Saquluqandrium (Unani)
Saquluqandrium (Unani)
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563
Botanical name:
Asplenium ceterach (syn. Ceterach offcinarum, Hemidictyum ceterach)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry
"Hot in the First and Dry in the Second degree" (Avicenna)
Asplenium ceterach (syn. Ceterach offcinarum, Hemidictyum ceterach)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry
"Hot in the First and Dry in the Second degree" (Avicenna)
1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-urinary diseases; Edema
-removes Kidneys and Bladder Stones (Avicenna)
-"It is also useful in Hiccough and Jaundice". (Avicenna)
2. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Cough, Asthma
3. Opens Obstructions, Clears Melancholy:
-Spleen disease; swelling or hardness of the Spleen
-cleanses the Blood
-Fibroid Tumors and Cancer
-"With oxymel it becomes a wonderful drug for Spleen". (Avicenna)
Powder: 1–3 grams
1. Scolopendrum (Hart's Tongue) was commonly used by the Apothecaries for Ceterach according to Wirtzung.
2. Cynoglossum (Hound's Tongue) is also used
Powder: 1–3 grams
1. Scolopendrum (Hart's Tongue) was commonly used by the Apothecaries for Ceterach according to Wirtzung.
2. Cynoglossum (Hound's Tongue) is also used
Main Combinations:
1. Cleanse the Blood, Ceterach with Fumitory, Thyme, Chicory, Agrimony, Polypody
2. Obstruction of the Spleen, Ceterach with Tumeric, Rhubarb, Agrimony, Tamarisk, taken with the Syrup of 5 Opening Roots.
3. Cancer, Ceterach with Figwort root, Herb Robert, Agrimony, Tormentil, Scabious (Fuller)
Major Formulas:
Syrup to Purge all Humors of Frankfurt
Syrup of Chicory and Rhubarb (Nicholas)
Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)
Decoction to Open the Body (Riverius)
Decoction of Fumitory Compound
Not suitable in Yin deficiency
Main Preparations used:
1. Infusion of Ceterach:
i. Ceterach leaf (1 oz.), Boiling Water (1 pound). Dose: 2 oz.
Not suitable in Yin deficiency
Main Preparations used:
1. Infusion of Ceterach:
i. Ceterach leaf (1 oz.), Boiling Water (1 pound). Dose: 2 oz.