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Diseases of the Uterus
Special Formulas
1. Take a Sweet Apple, make a hole and put in powdered Nutmeg, Mace, Cinnamon, (½ dram ea.) and Clove (½ scruple). and a little Sugar. Roast in embers and give it to eat. "Very good and well known of Women". (Secrets of Alexis) 2. A DECOCTION Calamint Motherwort Camomile Sage Rosemary of each a handful Decoct in wine. The same may be decocted in Lye water and used to wash the legs, or used as a foot bath. 3. A POTION Motherwort 1 oz. Carrot (seed) ½ oz. Clarified Honey 2 oz. Seethe them together (with a little water), then strain and press hard. Add 2 oz. of Chicken broth and 3 oz. of Aniseed Decoction. Give it for 10 days (Secrets of Alexis) 4. "ANOTHER TRIED OF SOME WOMEN": Nutmeg 1 dram Motherwort root 1 ½ drams Indian Spikenard. 1 scruple Seethe in white wine until one-third is consumed, then strain and add white sugar. Give it every morning and when she has pain. (Secrets of Alexis) |