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Tinctura Absinthii
Tincture of Wormwood
Tincture of Wormwood
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Herb Name
This was typically triple-infused. It may also be accentuated by adding 20 drops of Oil of Wormwood.
Clears Damp, Benefits Liver and Stomach, Opens Obstructions
1. Promotes appetite and digestion
2. Liver congestion or obstruction
3. Gall Bladder inflammation
4. Jaundice
5. Edema
6. Amenorrhea
(triple-infused) 4–6 drops, up to 8, 10 or 12 drops in Water, Wine, Beer, or Ale.
None noted
"It is a great Stomatic, strengthening and fortifying of those parts to a wonder".
"It causes a good Appetite to Food, and by cherishing and exciting the languid Heat of the part, causes a good digestion; by which means good Blood is generated, and a good habit of Body created".
"It both preserves from, and cures a Scurvy in a cold habit of body, and is an excellent thing for such as are inclinable to the Jaundice and Dropsy".
"Being constantly taken for some time, after due purging, it opens Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, and Womb, and provokes the Terms in Women". (Bates, Salmon)
"It causes a good Appetite to Food, and by cherishing and exciting the languid Heat of the part, causes a good digestion; by which means good Blood is generated, and a good habit of Body created".
"It both preserves from, and cures a Scurvy in a cold habit of body, and is an excellent thing for such as are inclinable to the Jaundice and Dropsy".
"Being constantly taken for some time, after due purging, it opens Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, and Womb, and provokes the Terms in Women". (Bates, Salmon)
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