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Diseases of the Brain
Crooke, Mikrokosmographia, 1618
"Diseases of the Brain" refers to diseases of the Mind, Brain and Senses. This includes diseases such as Headache, Migraine, Vertigo, Dizziness, Epilepsy etc., being comparable to what would be called 'Wind' diseases in the Eastern systems. Sometimes referred to as 'Diseases of the Head' or Capitalis, meaning Head.
In the West, medicines that 'Strengthen the Brain' and 'Medicines which Purge the Brain (or Head)' were most often referred to. The former are applicable in poor mental function, confusion or poor concentration and failing Memory. The latter are indicated in poor mental function associated with excess humors of the Head. There will be confusion, lack of clear thinking, a thick tongue coating and discharge of the eyes, ears or nose.
See also
Wind Diseases
Wind Diseases
Special Formula
1. Warming Magisterial Powder for the Head
Stoechas Nutmeg Betony Seselos Marjoram Aloeswood Clove 1 dram 2. Temperature Powder for the Head Rose White Sandalwood Betony Stoechas Peony Sage Marjoram Clove 1 dram 3. Troches for Cold Diseases of the Head Calamus Red Coral prepared 2 drams Calendula Betony Stoechas Rosemary 1 scruple Coriander prepared Nutmeg Cinnamon ½ oz. Annis Sweet Fennel Peony Siler montane 3 drams Cardamon Clove 1 dram With Sugar of Rosemary, qs, form Tragema. |