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Bi Ma La བི་མ་ལ།
or Dza ti nyi shu ཛ་ཏི་ཉི་ཤུ།
or Nutmeg 20
or Dza ti nyi shu ཛ་ཏི་ཉི་ཤུ།
or Nutmeg 20
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Dza ti (Nutmeg)
A ru (Chebula) Spos dkar (Frankincense) Ar nag (Aloeswood) Ba ru (Belleric) Skyu ru (Emblic) Gi Wan (Bezoar) Shing kun (Asafetida) Li shi (Clove) Cu gang (Tabasheer) Sug smel (Cardamon) Gur gum (Safflower) Ka ko la (Amomum) Go snyod (Caraway) Tsan dkar (White Sandal) Tsan dmar (Red Sandal) Snying zho sha Seng ldeng (Catechu) Sgog thal (Garlic, burnt) Li ga dur (Cranesbill) |
* Different sources have given different proportions. The right column is from Men Tsee Kang.
Powder and form Pills.
Settles Wind, Calms the Heart, settles the Spirit
Heart Wind with oppression or discomfort in the chest or upper back, poor concentration, nervous, forgetful, despair
"Especially helps with rLung [Wind] in the Heart and diseases of rLung [Wind]"
1.. Mental Restlessness
2. Poor concentration, Confusion
3. Loss of Memory, Amnesia
4. Wavering of consciousness, Mental dullness
5. Fatigue
6. Epilepsy, Convulsions
7. Anger, Aggressiveness, Hatred
8. Laughing or crying without cause
9. Withdrawal, Depression, Bipolar disorder, Despondency
10. Insanity, Psychosis
11. Wild or irrational behavior
12. Quickened Breathing, shortness of Breath
13. Stabbing pain in the Chest or upper back; Thoracic pain, Upper back pain
14. Discomfort in the Chest
15. Cerebral Ischemia
2–3 grams twice day in the morning or night with hot water
None noted
Vimalamitra is a famous Indian Saint, after who this formula has been named
Vimalamitra’s 84,000 Healing Therapies described the use of this formula: "A special therapy for vata (wind/rlung) in the heart: when the nine wicked spirit siblings are rampant, no one will be unaffected by this disease. The symptoms are depression, mental instability, disturbed thinking, pain and tightness in front and back of the upper body, lack of mental clarity, poor memory, being sad for no reason, restlessness, hostility, lethargy and agitation, shortness of breath, acute fainting. Because various illnesses arise, the method of healing them with medicine is demonstrated."
According to Traditional texts, this is a specific medicine for Heart wind which causes inability to Love.
Vimalamitra’s 84,000 Healing Therapies described the use of this formula: "A special therapy for vata (wind/rlung) in the heart: when the nine wicked spirit siblings are rampant, no one will be unaffected by this disease. The symptoms are depression, mental instability, disturbed thinking, pain and tightness in front and back of the upper body, lack of mental clarity, poor memory, being sad for no reason, restlessness, hostility, lethargy and agitation, shortness of breath, acute fainting. Because various illnesses arise, the method of healing them with medicine is demonstrated."
According to Traditional texts, this is a specific medicine for Heart wind which causes inability to Love.
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