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Athanasia Magnus Nicolai
Athanasia Greater
Athanasia Greater
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Nicholas (Antidotarium, Plantini, 1561)
Herb Name
Cassia Wood Saffron Schoenanth Storax Valerian Seseli Henbane seed Betony Celery seed Carrot seed Aniseed Opium Indian Spikenard Indian leaf Castoreum Myrrh Hematite Amber Dragon’s Blood Red Coral Armenian Earth Mumiya (Shilajit) Comfrey root Sealed Earth Acorus Asarabacca Mandrake root-bark Poley Montane Pennyroyal Bay berry Spignel root White Pepper Long Pepper Parsley seed |
Powder the herbs, powder the Coral, Amber and Hematite separately, then mix; with three times their weight of Honey, form an Electuary.
Astringes, stops Bleeding, moves the Qi, warms and clears Cold
Diseases with thin or viscid Phlegm
"Watery fluids with Wind" (Wind-Damp)
1. Dysentery with Blood
2. Pain of the Stomach or Bowels
3. Excess Menstruation
4. Poor condition of the Uterus
5. Arthritis, Gout
6. Sciatica
7. Headache
8. Bleeding of the Nose or Lungs
9. ‘Bleeding from any cause’
10. Food not retained in the Stomach: "for those who have not digested food"
1 dram, up to 2 drams
None noted
1. Some versions listed 1 dram from the group listed as 1⁄2 dram above.
2. Medicamentorum Opus of Nicholas (1625) had another version: Betony was given in a dose equal to Cinnamon; it added other medicines including Frankincense, Poppy seed, Myrtle berry, Ribwort Plantain, Immature Mulberry, Pomegranate rind, Rose, Barberry juice, Polygonum, Cinquefoil and Cotton seed.
This was sometimes called Immortalis; the Immortal Electuary.
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