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Trochisci de Lacca
Troches of Gum Lacca
Troches of Gum Lacca
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Lacca washed
Licorice juice Agrimony juice thickened Wormwood juice thickened Barberry juice thickened Rhubarb Long Birthwort Asarabacca Costus Bitter Almonds Madder Aniseed Celery seed Juncus odoratus |
Powder and form Troches with Decoction of Wormwood or juice or water of Agrimony
Opens Obstructions, Moves the Blood, Clears Phlegm and Heat, Promotes Urine
1. Jaundice
2. Abdominal Pain
3. Abdominal Tumors or Fibrosis
4. Fever associated with Obstruction
5. Edema
6. Adjunct in Ascites
7. Cachexia
1–1 1⁄2 drams with a decoction of Fennel, Parsley, or Celery root to open obstructions and promote Urine; or with Rosemary or Sage wine to promote Urine. With wine it is best to move Blood.
Contains Birthwort which is prohibited. It can be made without Birthwort or a suitable substitute can be used..
1. Avicenna listed a version that omitted Licorice, Rhubarb, Barberry and Juncus odoratus.
2. Some version used Roman Wormwood herb in place of the juice of Wormwood
Similar Formulas:
1. Used similarly to Troches of Capers.
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