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Trochisci de Succino,
or Trochisci de Carabe,
or Trochisci de Electro
Qurs Kahruba (Unani)
Troches of Amber
or Trochisci de Carabe,
or Trochisci de Electro
Qurs Kahruba (Unani)
Troches of Amber
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Burnt Deer horn Burnt Gum Arabic Burnt Red Coral Gum Tragacanth Acacia Mastic Hypocistus Pomegranate flowers Lacca washed Black Poppy seed toasted Frankincense Saffron Opium |
A version from Hunain’s Dispensatory:
Herb Name
Red Coral Purslane seed Burnt Deer horn Gum Arabic roasted Coriander seed White Poppy seed burnt Mussel shells Henbane seed Hematite Sealed Earth |
A version from The Medical Formulary of al Samarqandi:
Herb Name
Gum Arabic Yellow Amber Starch Armenian Earth Red Coral Tabasheer Licorice juice Pomegranate flower Acacia |
A Contemporary Unani version:
Herb Name
Purslane seed Starch Burnt Deer horn Gum Tragacanth Gum Arabic roasted Coriander seed White Poppy seed |
Powder, and with mucilage of Psyllium seed, form Troches
Clears Heat, stops Bleeding
1. Hemoptysis
2. Bleeding Hemorrhoids;
3. Excessive Menstruation
4. Hematuria
5. Heat-type Bleeding in general
6. Internal Ulcers
7. Lung Ulcers and Catarrh.
8. Wirtzung also noted it for swellings behind the ears during the Plague or during other epidemic diseases
10 grains–1⁄2 dram, up to 1 or 1 1⁄2 drams. Usually taken in Plantain or Rose water, Decoction of Broom seeds etc. For Ulcers, take with Honey water or Mead; to stop Bleeding, with Yarrow or Plantain juice.
None noted
1. For excessive Menstruation or Leukorrhea, take 1 dram daily for a week with Plantain or Yarrow juice.
2. Another for excess Menstruation, combine Troches of Amber. with Troches of Terra Lemnia, and take in 1 dram doses.
3. Another for excess Menstruation: Troches of Amber. 2 drams, Conserve of Roses 0.5 oz., prepared Earth of Armenia 3 drams, Coral 0.5 dram, and Bistort root 1 oz. Mix well.
4. For Hemoptysis, Troches of Amber is taken with Plantain water and Syrup of Myrtles.
5. Two scruples of Troches of Amber was taken with Borax and Savin for retained Afterbirth.
6. For Ulcers, take Troches of Amber with Honey water.
7. For Bloody Dysentery: Red Coral, Tormentil, Bistort, Armenian Earth, prepared Hematite, Troches of Amber of each 0.5 dram, Conserve of Roses 3 oz. Mix. Dose: 1–2 drams.
8. Another for Bloody Dysentery: Dragon’s Blood, Armenian Earth, Plantain seed of each 0.5 dram, Troches of Amber 3 drams, Sugar 4 oz. Form a confection with Rose water.
9. Another for Bloody Dysentery: Troches of Amber, Plantain water 1 dram ea., Confectio Alkermes, Confection of Hyacinth 1 scruple ea., mix with 1.5 oz. of Syrup of Rose.
"These Troches stop the Blood, out of whatsoever place it should flow: as women’s Terms [Menstruation], the Piles [Hemorrhoids], and excessive making of Water [Urine]: it heals also all inward exulceration, viz. of the Liver, and of the Lights [Lungs]". (Wirtzung)
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