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Trochisci de Terra Lemna,
or Trochisci de Terra Sigillata
Troches of Earth of Lemnos,
or Troches of Sealed Earth
or Trochisci de Terra Sigillata
Troches of Earth of Lemnos,
or Troches of Sealed Earth
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Lemnian Earth
Armenian Earth Gum Acacia Gum Arabic toasted Hypocistus Dragon’s Blood Starch Rose Rose anthera Hematite Red Coral Amber Pomegranate flowers Tabasheer Purslane seed toasted Frankincense Burnt Deer Horn Cypress nuts Saffron Black Poppy seed Tragacanth Pearl Opium |
Form into troches with Plantain juice
Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding
1. Hemoptysis
2. Blood Nose (applied to the forehead mixed with Plantain water)
3. Hematuria
4. Excess Menstruation
5. Epidemic Fevers
6. Venoms and Poisons
1⁄2–1 dram, often with with Conserve of Roses or Plantain water; for blood Nose or Blood in the Urine, it was dissolved in Poppy Water or Plantain Water and injected in.
None noted
This can be simplified with the omission of Opium and some of the other herbs.
Earths are used in all systems to clear Heat, astringe, and stop Bleeding. Lemnian Earth was available as Sealed Earth (Terra Sigillata), where the Earth was formed into round discs like coins and stamped with a design. These sold at high prices throughout Europe and the Mediterranean for centuries. Some versions listed Sealed Earth in place of Lemnian Earth.
"These be excellent balls to staunch Spitting of Blood and chiefly if they be taken with water of Plantain: if the forehead be therewith anointed, it stops bleeding at the nose, if the Matrix [Uterus] be anointed therewith it stops the Flowers [Menstruation], and also for any Flux [Leakage]". (Nicolas Prepositas)
"These be excellent balls to staunch Spitting of Blood and chiefly if they be taken with water of Plantain: if the forehead be therewith anointed, it stops bleeding at the nose, if the Matrix [Uterus] be anointed therewith it stops the Flowers [Menstruation], and also for any Flux [Leakage]". (Nicolas Prepositas)
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