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Tao Hua Tang 桃花汤
Peach Blossom Decoction
Peach Blossom Decoction
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Discussion of Cold-induced Disorders (Shang Han Lun)
Herb Name
Prepare a Decoction. According to the traditional text, half the Red Earth is decocted, the other half is taken as a powder with the strained decoction. Today, it is usually just taken in powder in a dose of 30 grams.
Warms the Digestion, Stops Diarrhea
Chronic Diarrhea with blood and pus, abdominal pain that is relieved by warmth, a pale tongue with a white coat, and a slow pulse.
1. Chronic Diarrhea
2. Chronic Dysentery
3. Ulcerative Colitis
4. Crohn's Disease
5. Irritable Bowel syndrome
6. Uterine Bleeding
7. Chronic Leukorrhea
The above is taken as a dose.
Not used for Heat-type Diarrhea.
1. Stronger Cold symoptoms, add Cinnamon (Rou Gui), Aconitum Fu Zi.
2. with Lower Back Pain from Kidney Coldness, add Nutmeg
3. Chronic Diarrhea from Spleen Deficiency, take with Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
4. Severe Diarrhea with Rectal Prolapse, add Bupleum Chai Hu, Astragalus Huang Qi.
5. Also for Severe Diarrhea with Rectal Prolapse, take with Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
6. Chronic Leukorrhea, take with Si Shen Wan.
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