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Tsan dan bco brgyad ཙན་དན་བཅོ་བརྒྱརད།
Sandalwood 18
Sandalwood 18
Source / Author:
Men Tsee Kang
Herb Name
Tsan dan dkar po (White Sandal)
Tsan dan dmar po (Red Sandal) * Gi wan (Bezoar) Cu gang (Tabasheer) Dza ti (Nutmeg) Li shi (Clove) Ka ko la (Black Cardamon) Sug smel (Green Cardamon) Gur gum (Safflower) A ru ra (Chebulic Myrobalan) Sum cu tig (Lhasa Saxifrage) Ru rta (Costus) Pri yang ku Hong len (Picrorrhiza) Re skon Ba sha ka Bri mog Btsod (Madder) |
* Some versions list Vermillion (Mercuric sulphide) in place of Red Sandalwood.
Powder or Pills.
Regulates Qi, clears Liver Heat
Dry mouth and tongue, brownish color to the lips and nails, discomfort over the hypochondria
1. Liver Wind-Heat type Headaches
2. Hypertension
3. Irregular Heartbeat
4. Stabbing pasin in the Heart
5. Dizziness
6. Blurred Vision
7. Hepatitis
8. Cholecystitis
9. Gastritis
10. Gastroenteritis
11. Colitis
12. Diarrhea with Intestinal spasms
13. Wind (Qi) Blocking the Heart, Heart pain
14. Poor blood circulation
15. Pain over hypochondria and upper back
16. Dry Mouth and Throat
17. Sore Throat
18. Traditionally listed to ‘dry Bad blood’
19. Nodules due to repetitive strain causing Qi obstruction
20. Brown Phlegm (Bad Kan Smug Po)
1–2 grams, twice daily, often taken with a decoction of Shilajit
None noted
This has a wide scope of use. It principally moves Qi and regulates its circulation, thereby helping blood circulation, and benefitting the digestive system and Liver. It also settles wind rising to the head causing Headache, Dizziness, Hypertension etc.
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