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Adhatoda vasica
Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconographia, 1739
Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconographia, 1739
Botanical name:
Adhatoda vasica (syn. Justicia adhatoda)
In Tibetan Medicine, several plants supply Ba Sha Ka. The medicine is divided into Superior and Inferior types, or according to other sources, there are 4 types based on the color of the Flower:
Parts used:
Leaf, Flower, Root-bark
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter
Adhatoda vasica (syn. Justicia adhatoda)
In Tibetan Medicine, several plants supply Ba Sha Ka. The medicine is divided into Superior and Inferior types, or according to other sources, there are 4 types based on the color of the Flower:
- White: Adhatoda vasica (the generally accepted primary medicine)
- Perilla frutescens var. crispa
- Yellow (Ngo ba sha ka): Corydalis adunca, C. delphinioides, C. ophiocarpa, C. tongolensis
- Blue (Sngo ba sha ka): Veronica ciliata
Parts used:
Leaf, Flower, Root-bark
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter
1. Clears Phlegm and Heat, Stops Cough (leaf, flower): (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani)
-Cough, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis
-Consumption, Tuberculosis (including multi-drug resistant)
-opens the Lungs and disperses the Lung Qi
-the leaves are smoked for Asthma
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-Blood nose, Menorrhagia, Uterine Bleeding, bleeding from Ulcers
-Diarrhea or Dysentery with Blood
-gingivitis with bleeding gums (mouthwash or gargle)
3. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Eases Pain: (TCM, Tibet)
-strengthens the Heart, lowers Blood pressure
-Lumbago (leaf)
-Upper back pain (Tibet)
-decoction eases pain caused by Blood and Heat (Tibet)
-used to induce and facilitate labor
-used topically and internally for Bruising, Trauma and Wounds.
4. Clears Heat and Toxin:
-Fever, Malarial Fever (leaf or root)
-Sore Throat, Acute Throat Infection
-skin diseases including Ringworm, Scabies, Dermatosis
-Boils, toxic Swellings (Tibet)
-Blood and Liver Heat in Tibet (twigs)
5. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine
-Edema, fluid retention
-Jaundice, Biliousness, Liver congestion
Flower in Powder: 500mg–1 gram;
Leaf in Powder: 500mg–2 grams;
Root-bark in Powder: 250–500mg
The leaf juice is given for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma.
1. Black Pepper
2. Honey
1. Hyssop (Unani)
2. In Unani, the root or bark is used as a substitute for the leaf or flower; in other words all parts work similarly.
3. Corydalis crispa is often cited for Ba sha ka in Tibetan sources. C. crispa is called Ngo ba sha ka.
4. Corydalis adunca, C. delphinioides, C. ophiocarpa, C. tongolensis and Veronica ciliata are used as varieties in Tibetan Medicine.
5. Odontites vulgaris and Veronica ciliata are used in the Buryat region for Ba sha ka..
6. Perilla seed (Zi Su Zi) of TCM may be an accepted substitute when used for Lung conditions.
In the Siddha system the leaves are sometimes fried briefly with Honey. This makes it better to nourish and strengthen the Lungs, and stronger to relieve coughs.
Flower in Powder: 500mg–1 gram;
Leaf in Powder: 500mg–2 grams;
Root-bark in Powder: 250–500mg
The leaf juice is given for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma.
1. Black Pepper
2. Honey
1. Hyssop (Unani)
2. In Unani, the root or bark is used as a substitute for the leaf or flower; in other words all parts work similarly.
3. Corydalis crispa is often cited for Ba sha ka in Tibetan sources. C. crispa is called Ngo ba sha ka.
4. Corydalis adunca, C. delphinioides, C. ophiocarpa, C. tongolensis and Veronica ciliata are used as varieties in Tibetan Medicine.
5. Odontites vulgaris and Veronica ciliata are used in the Buryat region for Ba sha ka..
6. Perilla seed (Zi Su Zi) of TCM may be an accepted substitute when used for Lung conditions.
In the Siddha system the leaves are sometimes fried briefly with Honey. This makes it better to nourish and strengthen the Lungs, and stronger to relieve coughs.
Main Combinations:
1. Cough:
i. Adhatoda, Ginger, Pepper (equal parts), powder and form pills with Honey. (Ayurveda)
ii. with Fever, Adhatoda with Turmeric, Tinospora
iii. with Fever, Adhatoda leaf, Tinospora, Solanum xanthocarpum root (equal parts) in decoction
iv. Adhatoda leaf decoction with Long Pepper and Honey.
2. Bronchitis:
i. Adhatoda leaf (fried with honey) with Indian Silver Fir (Abies webbiana), Long Pepper
ii. Adhatoda leaf (175 grams) boil in 2 liters of water down to one-quarter, strain, add 175 grams of sugar and boil to a syrup. (Siddha)
3. Asthma:
i. Adhatoda leaf, Hibiscus flower (Siddha)
ii. Adhatoda with Long Pepper, Black Pepper, Ginger and Honey
iii. Adhatoda with Hyssop, Adhatoda vasica (Unani, proven efficacy in Bronchial Asthma in clinical trials)
iv. Adhatoda with Tylophora, Belleric Myrobalan, Long Pepper, Licorice
v. Adhatoda with Datura, Licorice
vi. Adhatoda with Woodfordia, Raisins and Datura (as in the Ayurvedic formultion Kanakasava. This was tested and found to be effective against allergic asthma in animal models)
vii. Adhatoda with Basil, Galangal, Coleus and Licorice
4. Tuberculosis, Adhatoda with Asparagus root, Violet, Plantain, Raisins, Licorice
5. Bleeding from Heat:
i. Adhatoda with Madder
ii. Uterine Bleeding, Adhatoda with Asparagus racemosus, Rose
6. Gastric Ulcers, Adhatoda, Licorice
7. Fever, Adhatoda with Willow bark, Emblic Myrobalan, Violet, Yarrow, Licorice
8. Chronic Fever, Adhatoda with Tinospora
9. Skin diseases:
i. Adhatoda with Triphala
ii. Adhatoda with Neem, Chrysanthemum, Madder
Major Formulas:
Blood Medicine 7 (Khrag sman bdun pa) (Tibetan)
1. Not used in Pregnancy (except during delivery)
2. Not used in Vata (Wind) conditions
3. It is a strong medicine, so avoid overdose. Overdose may cause vomiting, diarrhea and hypotension.
Main Preparations used:
1. Not used in Pregnancy (except during delivery)
2. Not used in Vata (Wind) conditions
3. It is a strong medicine, so avoid overdose. Overdose may cause vomiting, diarrhea and hypotension.
Main Preparations used:
Click the Tabs above for more information on this Medicine
(Last updated 9/2018)