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Electuary of Costus
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Bitter Costus *
Cassia Wood Cinnamon Asarum Rhubarb Schoenanth Celery seed Aniseed Saffron Long Birthwort Round Birthwort Myrrh Honey clarified |
* Bitter Costus can refer to several plants; possible Inula racemosa. Standard Costus can be used in this case.
Another version from Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681):
Herb Name
Powder the herbs, then mix with the Honey to form an Electuary
Opens Obstructions, relieves Pain
1. Pain of the organs (especially Stomach and Liver) associated with Obstruction
2. beginning stages of Edema
1–2 drams in warm wine.
None noted
1. This could be recreated without the Asarum or Birthworts. Suitable substitutes for these can be found under their respective monographs. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo can be used in place of Birthwort, especially if there is strong pain. The second version does not contain Birthworts.
2. The second version adds Opium which is important for severe Pain. The formula will stand without it.
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