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Pulvis Marchionis
Powder of Marquis
Powder of Marquis
Source / Author:
Corpus Pharmaceutico Chymico Medicum, 1697
Herb Name
* collected in the decrease of the Moon
Clears Heat and Phlegm, stops Wind, calms the Mind, Stops Spasms
1. Epilepsy
2. Apoplexy
3. Incubus
4. Night Terrors
1 scruple–1 dram
None noted
Tabsheer can be used for Spodium, and a triple dose of burnt Deer horn can be used in place of Elk hoof and Ivory.
This was called Pulvis Marchionis, meaning Powder of Marquis. A Marquis is a nobleman above a Count and below a Duke. This formula was evidently written by a nobleman, and perhaps supplied to the poor as was often done by noble people in older times.
As has been stated elsewhere, Spodium generally refers to Tabasheer when the formula is of Arab origin, or Arab inspiration. This formula lists Spodium which is intended to be Burnt Ivory. However, Tabasheer will be more effective and more readily available.
As has been stated elsewhere, Spodium generally refers to Tabasheer when the formula is of Arab origin, or Arab inspiration. This formula lists Spodium which is intended to be Burnt Ivory. However, Tabasheer will be more effective and more readily available.
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