Doctrine of Signatures
The word Signature is made up of two words: ‘Sign’ and ‘Nature’. Its meaning is therefore literally the ‘sign of the nature’ of something.
Since Ancient times, the Doctrine of Signatures was used to help realise the nature and qualities of a medicine. This is a way of reading the natural and inherent qualities based on their appearance, the things that make any species different or unique when compared to another species.
The fundamental basis for this theory is that the same energy which permeates the whole manifest universe is also responsible for the manifest difference in everything. If that holds true, then the same thing that makes something red in nature has a similarity and connection with the element that makes our blood red, and these were classically equated with the planet Mars. In modern times, many red medicines (especially minerals) have been shown to have Iron as the basis of their red color, the same element being responsible for the red matter in our blood, and Iron is the Traditional metal associated with Mars.
Since Ancient times, the Doctrine of Signatures was used to help realise the nature and qualities of a medicine. This is a way of reading the natural and inherent qualities based on their appearance, the things that make any species different or unique when compared to another species.
The fundamental basis for this theory is that the same energy which permeates the whole manifest universe is also responsible for the manifest difference in everything. If that holds true, then the same thing that makes something red in nature has a similarity and connection with the element that makes our blood red, and these were classically equated with the planet Mars. In modern times, many red medicines (especially minerals) have been shown to have Iron as the basis of their red color, the same element being responsible for the red matter in our blood, and Iron is the Traditional metal associated with Mars.
'Angelica Du Huo does not swing in the wind. This means it is a drug that can
overcome the Wind. So it is good for dispersing invading pathogenic Wind.
Spirodela Fu Ping keeps afloat on the surface of the water. So it is a drug that disperses
fluid-retention. This shows that when something conquers the other, it has the
corresponding efficacy in treating diseases'. (Liu Wan Su, from Ben Cao Gang Mu)
Examples of the Doctrine of Signatures:
Taste and Smell
Other qualities
The concept gives a general idea of the uses of certain medicines. Classic examples such as the Walnuts resembling the Brain have been noted in various systems. It is by no means foolproof, however, and perhaps best serves as a way to remember the effects and uses of certain medicines.
- Red for Heart & Blood, and to clear Heat (Rose, Red Coral);
- Yellow for Liver, Bile and to clear Heat (Dandelion, Celandine, Gentian, Barberry, Coptis);
- Green, cooling, good for for the Liver (Spinach, Chicory);
- White clears Phlegm, nourish Yin (Comfrey, Soloman's Seal, Agaric);
- Blue relaxes spasms and sometimes clears Heat (Vervain, Lavender, Violet);
- Black for Kidneys and Yin etc.
- Long (vines, beans etc.): associated with Wind;
- Long and hollow promote Urine, opens the passages (Couch grass and Horsetail);
- short, round: good against Phlegm;
- Walnuts and Peony buds represent the Skull and Brain;
- Kidney beans for the Kidneys;
- Nodular roots like Figwort for Scrofula;
- Large leaves often represent the Lungs (Mullein, Coltsfoot, Comfrey);
- Mandrake and Ginseng represent the Human form
- Some herbs looked like Scorpions or Snakes (etc.), and were used to treat bites of the same
- Animal Liver good for Liver, etc.
Taste and Smell
- Garlic & Asafetida: very Heating, for the Heart;
- strong scents protect from contagion, drive away Evil;
- Pungents: disperse and move Qi, for the Lungs;
- Bitter: open and clear Heat, for the Liver;
- Sweet: strengthen, for the Spleen;
- Sour are cooling
Other qualities
- Eyebright represents bloodshot eyes
- Quaking Aspen treats Paralysis
- Rutting Deer have a strong sex drive, so their Horns are used to promote the same
- Water Plants: Cooling;
- Herbs growing by the edges of water are Diuretic (Water Plantain, Horsetail);
- Plants growing in Damp environments for Damp (Willow, Sweet Flag, Arum);
- Mistletoe: good for Wind disease;
- Herbs from high in the mountains are often good for Wind
- Herbs growing on Stones were used for Stoners
The concept gives a general idea of the uses of certain medicines. Classic examples such as the Walnuts resembling the Brain have been noted in various systems. It is by no means foolproof, however, and perhaps best serves as a way to remember the effects and uses of certain medicines.