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Trochisci Amarum
Bitter Troches
Bitter Troches
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Medicamentorum Opus, Nicolai Myrepsus
Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681)
Herb Name
Troches are prepared by powdering, then mixing with Wormwood juice then press into disks or wafers.
If made into an Electuary, it is mixed with three times its weight of clarified Honey.
Opens Obstructions
1. Used for obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, Stomach
2. Stomach and Liver pain from a Cold cause
3. Edema
1–2 drams, usually with Oxymel, or Oxymel of Squill
Of the Electuary: 2 drams
None noted
Similar Formulas:
1. When Asarum is added, it forms Lesser Troches of Wormwood
This same formula was listed as Electuary of Wormwood in Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681).
This forms the basis of various Opening formula including Troches of Agrimony, Troches of Lacca and Troches of Wormwood.
This forms the basis of various Opening formula including Troches of Agrimony, Troches of Lacca and Troches of Wormwood.
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