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Tincture for Tumors of the Testicles from Cold
Source / Author:
Antidotarium medico chymicum reformatum 1620
Herb Name
Form a Tincture in wine by covering the beaten herbs with 4 finger-breadths of white wine and steeping. May also be made into a Tincture with 40% alcohol, given in a smaller dose diluted with water.
Opens obstructions, clears Cold and Damp, resolves Swellings
1. Tumors of the Testicles from Cold
2. may also be used for other genito-urinary or reproductive tumors such as Prostate Tumors.
small wineglassful twice daily
None noted
This formula, without instructions on use from the source text, appears to be the type of formula used externally, except that it is in the form of Tincture, which is taken internally. It is possible that it was intended for topical use, but may be used cautiously internally. It may be applied topically, or the same ingredients could be made into a plaster.
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