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Syrupus de Fumaria major
Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Syrup of Fumitory Greater
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Yellow Myrobalan
Chebulic Myrobalan Bugloss flowers Borage flowers Violet flowers Wormwood Dodder Licorice Rose Mother of Thyme Polypody root Prune Raisins Tamarind Cassia pulp |
Boil the Polypody in 10 lbs. of water down to 5 lbs.; then add Wormwood, Prunes, Raisins, Mother of Thyme, Rose and Licorice and boil down to 3 lbs., adding the flowers towards the end. To the strained decoction, add 3 lbs. each of clarified Fumitory juice and white Sugar, and form a Syrup SA. Then add the Cassia, Tamarinds and the Myrobalans. Some decocted the Myrobalan fruits with the other medicines.
Clears Heat, drains Damp, opens Obstructions, resolves Melancholy
Removes all obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, Stomach and Bowels, and is good to clear Salt and Melancholic Humours.
1. Herpes
2. Acne
3. Eczema
4. Psoriasis
5. Swollen Nodes, Lympdadenitis
6. Fibroids
7. Cancer
8. A good internal medicine to take for External Ulcers
1–2, or 3 oz.
None noted
A version from the Dutch Pharmacopoeia (1650’s):
Polypody root 2 oz.
Mother of Thyme 1.5 oz.
Roman Wormwood
Hart’s Tongue
Hops 1 handful ea.
Boil in sufficient water until half is consumed. To the strained decoction add 1.5 lbs. of Fumitory juice, and half a pound each of the juices of Borage and Bugloss, and boil gently to a syrup.
Renodeus said the Compound Syrup of Fumitory was difficult to make, and for that reason was often used as a test for young Apothecaries in Paris to prove their skill
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