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Shen Fu Tang 参附汤
Ginseng and Aconite Decoction
Ginseng and Aconite Decoction
Source / Author:
Revised Fine Formulas for Women (Jiao Zhu Fu Ren Liang Fang)
Herb Name
Prepare a standard decoction, cooking the Aconite 45 minutes before adding Ginseng.
The source text recommended cooking the herbs in water in which fresh Ginger and Jujubes (Da Zao) have been cooked. Today, they may be decocted by adding to the deoction 45 minutes after Aconite has begun boiling, and boiling for a further 30 minutes.
Today, it is preferred to cook Ginseng separately in a double boiler and add the strained liquid to the decoction of Aconitum Fu Zi.
Restores Yang, Tonifies Source Qi
Cold extremities, sweating, breathlessness, very pale complexion, pale tongue with a white coat, and a very weak pulse.
1. Shock
2. Cardiac Failure
3. Myocardial Infarction
4. Postpartum Hemorrhage
5. Uterine Bleeding
6. Palpitations
7. Pneumonia
8. Lupus erythematosus
The above decoction is divided into 3 equal doses to be taken over the course of a day.
1. This is a strong formula only intended for emergency and urgent cases. It should not be used long term.
2. Not used in Yin deficient Heat
1. Fresh Ginger (Sheng Jiang) and Licorice (Gan Cao) can always be added to help lessen the toxicity of Aconitum Fu Zi.
2. Cardiac failure, add fried Licorice (Zhi Gan Cao), Paeonia Bai Shao, Oyster shell (Mu Li)
3. Uterine Bleeding, add Notoginseng San Qi
4. Severe Sweating, add Astragalus Huang Qi, Oyster shell (Mu Li), Schisandra Wu Wei Zi
5. Lupus erythematosus with Cold Limbs and spontaneous Sweating, add Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang, Fried Licorice (Zhi Gan Cao), Cinnamon twig (Gui Zhi), Paeonia Bai Shao, Salvia Dan Shen
6. Stroke, take with Sheng Mai San.
This and related formulas are used for Shock in modern Chinese hospitals.
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