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Syrupus Acetosus Compositus,
Or, Syrupus Acetum cum Radicibus
Compound Syrup of Vinegar
Or, Syrup of Vinegar with Roots
Or, Syrupus Acetum cum Radicibus
Compound Syrup of Vinegar
Or, Syrup of Vinegar with Roots
Western, Unani
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Herb Name
Boil in 6 pounds of water gently until half has evaporated; strain, and clarify; then with 3 pounds of Sugar and 1 1⁄2 pounds of White Wine Vinegar, boil gently to a Syrup.
Cuts Phlegm, clears Phlegm and Damp, opens Obstructions of Bile and Phlegm.
1. clears Phlegm and Tough Humors from the Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Spleen and Kidney;
2. cleanses the Stomach to increase Digestive efficiency;
3. prevents and treats Stones;
4. used for Gout and Arthritis;
5. it also treats Fibroids;
6. used to help clean the Blood in chronic and obstinate Skin diseases including Leprosy.
1⁄2–1 ounce
None noted
1. With Syrup of Calamint for Cold-type Kidney pain.
2. With Syrup of Thyme and Byzantine Syrup (equal parts) taken with Water of Fumitory and Celery, to cleanse the blood in Leprosy and other chronic skin diseases. (Wirtzung)
3. For Gout and Arthritis from Damp, take Aloe 0.5 oz., Agaric 1 dram, and make 35 pills with Syr. Acetos. Comp. (Wirtzung)
"This syrup does cause gross Humours to avoid, and chiefly the Choleric Slime which will hardly be expelled from the Lights [Lungs]: It opens also all oppilations of the Liver, Lights, and Kidneys". (Wirtzung)
"This in my opinion is a gallant Syrup for such whose bodies are stuffed either with Phlegm, or tough Humours, for it opens obstructions or stoppings both of the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, and Reins, it cuts and brings away tough Phlegm and Choler, and is therefore a special remedy for such as have a stuffing at their Stomach". (Culpeper)
"This in my opinion is a gallant Syrup for such whose bodies are stuffed either with Phlegm, or tough Humours, for it opens obstructions or stoppings both of the Stomach, Liver, Spleen, and Reins, it cuts and brings away tough Phlegm and Choler, and is therefore a special remedy for such as have a stuffing at their Stomach". (Culpeper)
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