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A ru bcu pa ཨ་རུ་བཅུ་པ།
Chebula 10
Chebula 10
Source / Author:
Men Tsee Kang
Herb Name
A ru ra (Chebula)
Gur gum (Safflower) * Btsod (Madder) Zhu mkhan (Symplocos leaf) Rgya skyegs (Lacca) Tig ta (Swertia) Brag zhun (Shilajit) Shug pa tsher can (Juniper) Mkhal zho dkar po Sug smel (Lesser Cardamon) |
* Two different sources have given different proportions. The left column is from Men Tsee Kang, the right column is a Buryat version.
Powder and form pills of 500mg.
Benefits the Kidneys, clears Kidney Heat, Moves the Blood, Clears Stones, Promotes Urine
"Especially this medicine is good for Fever [Heat] of the Kidneys and improves Urination" (Men Tsee Kang)
"Completely cures heat in the Kidneys" (Amdo Compendium)
1. Burning Urine
2. Nephritis
3. Pyelonephritis
4. Proteinuria
5. Hematuria
6. Kidney pain
7. Stones of the Kidneys and Bladder
8. Polyuria
9. Dysuria
10. Damage or Trauma to the Kidneys or Lower Back
11. Pain of the Kidneys, Lower Back, Waist and Knees
12. Numbness in the pelvis and lower back
13. Renal Hypertension
4–6 pills (2–3 grams), twice daily with hot water
Slightly harmful for Cold Kidney diseases.
1. Juniper berry may be used for Shug Pa Tsher Can
2. Mkhal zho dkar po (Phaseolus lunatus) is generally listed, although some sources list Mkhal ma zho sha. Both Phaseolus lunatus and Canavalia are used very similarly. Mucuna can be used for Canavalia.
3. Some sources list 250 grams of Safflower (in the first version, above)
4. Combined with Shilajit 9 it is called A brag bcu dgu. Used for pain in the Kidneys and Lower Back, difficulty in flexing and extension, numbness of the lower back, hips and legs, for Red and White Spermatorrha, and in the early stages of Hemorrhoids.
Nothing at the moment
Nothing at the moment
Several Chinese studies have shown marked benefit in reducing and eliminating Kidney Stones.