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You Gui Yin 右归饮
Restore the Right [Kidney] Decoction
Restore the Right [Kidney] Decoction
Source / Author:
Collected Treatises of [Zhang] Jing-Yue, 1624
Herb Name
Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)
Shan Yao (Chinese yam) Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit) Gou Qi Zi (Wolfberry fruit) Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice) Du Zhong (Eucommia) Rou Gui (Cinnamon bark) Zhi Fu Zi (Prepared Aconite) |
Decoction; the Aconite is decocted for 30–60 minutes before adding the other herbs.
Warms the Kidneys, increases Yang, replenishes Essence
Formula Pattern: Coldness, lower back pain, weakness, thin pulse
1. Chronic Lower Back Pain; Degeneration of the Lumbar discs
2. Chronic Weakness due to Old age, Chronic disease or Convalescence
3. Infertility
4. Anovulation
5. Impotence
6. Incontinence
7. Edema
8. Chronic Anemia; Leukopenia
9. Addison’s Disease
10. Hyperaldosteronism
11. Hypothyroidism
12. Chronic Nephritis
13. Chronic Prostatitis
14. Delayed development in Children; Failure to Thrive; Learning difficulties
15. Diabetes
16. Multiple Sclerosis
17. Muscular Dystrophy
18. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
The above is prepared to be taken daily.
Commonly used as Powder or Pills in doses of 6–9 grams, 2–3 times daily
1. Not used in Yin deficiency or Heat conditions
2. Use cautiously in Spleen Qi deficiency
1. Spleen Qi deficiency, add Ginseng and Costus
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