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Trogopterus xanthipes
Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des mammifères, Milne-Edwards (1874)
Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des mammifères, Milne-Edwards (1874)
Botanical name:
Trogopterus xanthipes or Pteromys volans
Other species supply the market but they are considered adulterants.
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Sweet, Pungent, Salty (some add Sour)
K. Move the Blood
Trogopterus xanthipes or Pteromys volans
Other species supply the market but they are considered adulterants.
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Sweet, Pungent, Salty (some add Sour)
K. Move the Blood
1. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Eases Pain:
-all types acute pain, and sharp, stabbing Pain associated with Blood stagnation
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-Postpartum Pain
-Abdominal and Epigastric Pain; Pain of Gastroduodenal Ulcers
-Stabbing Chest pain, Angina Pectoris
-Pain due to Trauma
-superficial visual obstruction that moves
2. Clears Stasis, Stops Bleeding:
-Uterine Bleeding from Blood Stasis
-Retained Lochia
3. Childhood Nutritional Impairment:
-Chronic childhood nutritional impairment (yellow face, distended abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea)
-weakness and wasting or failure to thrive in Children.
4. Resists Poison:
-Snake Bite, Centipede Bite, Scorpion sting (topically and internally)
5. Externally:
-applied to Toxic Sores, Carbuncles, Abscesses, Scabies
-Snake Bite, Centipede Bite, Scorpion sting
Mostly used in Decoction:
Decoction: 3–9 grams, placed in a cloth bag to decoct
1. I have stated elsewhere that this is the Chinese equivalent of Shilajit. A form of Flying Squirrel Feces is available on the Chinese market called Ling Zhi Kuai which comes in block form, like a condensed brick of black, tarry pitch or bitumen. This is the same as the raw form of Shilajit I have obtained from both Tibetan and Ayurvedic sources. This form is considered to be better than that which comes in individual dried pellets of dung. (Adam, 2019)
2. Tibetan Medicine uses Flying Squirrel flesh to move the Blood and promote Labor as in Flying Squirrel 3 (Bya sha gsum sbyor)
1. Frankincense
2. Shilajit
1. Dry-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces:
The feces are dry fried until slightly scorched and aromatic. Some recommend stir-frying until no more smoke rises. This removes some of their foul smell, makes them warmer and strengthens the effect in moving the Blood. This also helps stop Bleeding.
2. Charred Flying Squirrel Feces:
Stir-fried until charred, it more strongly stops Bleeding.
3. Wine-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces:
The Feces are sprayed with yellow Rice Wine, allowed to soak, then dry fried at a low heat until dry and yellowed. This strengthens the effect in moving the Blood and relieving pain. It is useful for Uterine Bleeding.
4. Vinegar-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces:
It is prepared as for Wine-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces, only substituting rice Vinegar (10% the weight of the feces). This directs its effects to the Liver, is better to move Qi and Blood and ease Pain, and also stops Bleeding.
Mostly used in Decoction:
Decoction: 3–9 grams, placed in a cloth bag to decoct
1. I have stated elsewhere that this is the Chinese equivalent of Shilajit. A form of Flying Squirrel Feces is available on the Chinese market called Ling Zhi Kuai which comes in block form, like a condensed brick of black, tarry pitch or bitumen. This is the same as the raw form of Shilajit I have obtained from both Tibetan and Ayurvedic sources. This form is considered to be better than that which comes in individual dried pellets of dung. (Adam, 2019)
2. Tibetan Medicine uses Flying Squirrel flesh to move the Blood and promote Labor as in Flying Squirrel 3 (Bya sha gsum sbyor)
1. Frankincense
2. Shilajit
1. Dry-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces:
The feces are dry fried until slightly scorched and aromatic. Some recommend stir-frying until no more smoke rises. This removes some of their foul smell, makes them warmer and strengthens the effect in moving the Blood. This also helps stop Bleeding.
2. Charred Flying Squirrel Feces:
Stir-fried until charred, it more strongly stops Bleeding.
3. Wine-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces:
The Feces are sprayed with yellow Rice Wine, allowed to soak, then dry fried at a low heat until dry and yellowed. This strengthens the effect in moving the Blood and relieving pain. It is useful for Uterine Bleeding.
4. Vinegar-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces:
It is prepared as for Wine-Fried Flying Squirrel Feces, only substituting rice Vinegar (10% the weight of the feces). This directs its effects to the Liver, is better to move Qi and Blood and ease Pain, and also stops Bleeding.
Main Combinations:
1. Dysmenorrhea, Menstrual disorders from Blood Stagnation, Trogopterus Feces with Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao)
2. Prolonged Menstruation with pain and clotting, Trogopterus Feces with Notoginseng San Qi, Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang
3. Metrorrhagia, Trogopterus Feces with Limonite (Yu Yu Liang), Red Earth (Chi Shi Zhi)
4. Hyperplasia of the Endometrium causing Infertility, Trogopterus Feces with Typha pollen (Pu Huang) (as in Shi Xiao San, 'Sudden Smile Powder') (This was used in a clinical study with marked effectiveness)
5. Pain from Blood Stasis (Dysmenorrhea, Partpartum pain, Epigastric or Abdominal pain etc):
i. Trogopterus Feces with Typha pollen (Pu Huang) (as in Shi Xiao San, 'Sudden Smile Powder')
ii. Trogopterus Feces with Typha pollen (Pu Huang), Dang Gui, Paeonia rubra Chi Shao
iii. Trogopterus Feces with Cynanchum paniculatum Xu Chang Qing, Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Safflower (Hong Hua)
6. Chest and Abdominal Pain from Blood Stasis:
i. sudden chest pain, take Trogopterus Feces in warm wine
ii. Chest pain in the elderly, Trogopterus Feces with Safflower (Hong Hua) amd Peach kernel (Tao Ren)
iii. Trogopterus Feces with Myrrh (Mo Yao), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
iv. Trogopterus Feces with Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu), Dang Gui, Sargentodoxa (Hong Teng)
7. Wind-Damp-Cold pain with Blood stasis, Trogopterus Feces with Myrrh (Mo Yao), Frankincense (Ru Xiang), Aconitum Chuan Wu
8. Wind-Stroke (Stroke caused by Wind), Trogopterus Feces with Aconitum Fu Zi (equal parts), form pills.
9. Epigastric and Lower Abdominal Pain:
i. from Cold and Blood stagnation, Trogopterus Feces with blast-fried Ginger (Pao Jiang)
ii. from Qi and Blood Stagnation, Trogopterus Feces with Myrrh (Mo Yao), Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
10. Postpartum:
i. Postpartum Pain: Trogopterus Feces with Typha pollen Pu Huang, Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao), Patrinia Bai Jiang Cao
ii. Postpartum Delirium or Vertigo, Lochiostasis, Postpartum Coma, Trogopterus Feces (15 grams) with Benzoin (An Xi Xiang) (3 grams), powdered and taken in doses of 3 grams.
11. Scrofula, Lymphatic Swellings:
i. Trogopterus Feces with Scrophularia Xuan Shen, Arisaema Tian Nan Xing
ii. Phlegm Masses, Trogopterus Feces with Scorpion (Quan Xie), Pinellia Ban Xia, Nux Vomica (Ma Qian Zi)
12. Trauma, Fractures, Trogopterus with Fennel seed, Frankincense, powder and mix with vinegar and apply topically.
13. Cancer, Trogopterus Feces with Bitter Orange (Zhi Ke), Curcuma Yu Jin, Agrimony (Xian He Cao), Toxicodendron Gan Qi, Alum (Bai Fen), Niter (Xiao Shi), prepared Nux Vomica (Ma Qian Zi) (as in Ping Xiao Capsules)
14. Chronic Childhood Nutritional impairment, Trogopterus Feces with with Picrorrhiza (Hu Huang Lian)
15. Asthma and Edema, Trogopterus Feces with Birthwort and Betel nut
16. Tuberculosis, Trogopterus Feces with Forsythia Lian Qiao (this was studied and found effective)
17. Fistulas, Trogopterus Feces with Alum, topically as a powder
18. Fracture, Trogopterus Feces with Frankincense, Morinda Bai Ji Tian, powder, mix with sesame oil and apply.
19. Snake, Scorpion and Centipede bite, Trogopterus Feces with Realgar (Xiong Huang) to be used both internally and topically.
20. Heaviness or paralysis of the tongue, Trogopterus Feces are powdered, boiled in vinegar then used as a mouth wash.
21. Toothache, Trogopterus Feces and Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao), powder and apply
Major Formulas:
Shi Xiao San (with equal parts of Typha Pu Huang)
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Qi Zhen San
Shou Nian San
Ping Xiao Capsules
Zhen Ling Dan
Tibetan Medicine uses the flesh similarly in Flying Squirrel 3 (Bya sha gsum sbyor)
1. Not used during Pregnancy.
2. Considered incompatible with Ginseng (negates its effect).
Main Preparations used:
1. Not used during Pregnancy.
2. Considered incompatible with Ginseng (negates its effect).
Main Preparations used:
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