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Trochisci de Scilliae ad Theriacam
Troches of Squill for Treacle
Troches of Squill for Treacle
Source / Author:
‘Take a Squill full and white and of a middle bigness, gathered in the beginning of July [in England] after that the leaves and stalks are dried up, taking away the outward rind, and the hard part to which the small roots stick; wrap it up in a paste made of Wheat meal and bake it in an oven till the said paste is dry, and the Squill tender, which you may know by piercing it with a wooden stick pointed (or rather a bodkin) take it out of the paste and beat it diligently in a Mortar; adding to every pound of the Squill, 8 oz. of the Meal of Orobus or Red Cicers: Then make it into Troches, 2 drams a piece in weight (your hands being anointed with Oil of Roses) dry them on the top of the house on the South side in the shadow, often turning them till they are thoroughly dried, and keep them in a Pewter or glass vessel’. (Salmon)
as above
Clears Cold Phlegm, Stops Wind, Promotes Circulation
1. Ingredient in Theriac
2. Epilepsy
3. Apoplexy
4. Migraine
5. Vertigo
6. Cough and Asthma from thick phlegm
7. Catarrh
8. Arthritic disease
9. Tumors and nodules of the joints
10. Hardness of the Liver or Spleen
11. Poison and Epidemic diseases
½–1 dram
None noted
1. A French version substituted Chickpeas with White Dittamy root.
2. When combined with Troches of Viper it forms a powerful combination to clear Wind and Damp, promote Circulation, resist Poison and promote Longevity.
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