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Decoction Liberans
Source / Author:
Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea, Thomas Fuller, London, 1710
Herb Name
Infuse overnight in 6 quarts of water, then decoct the following morning. When cool, quench 1⁄2 lb. of Quicklime (Calcium oxide) in it. Let it stand to settle, pour off the clear liquor and bottle.
Clears Heat and Toxin from the Blood, resolves acidity
It is used as Lime Water, but is better.
1. Scrofula
2. Running Ulcers
3. Diabetes
4. Asthma
5. Consumption
6. Rheumatic Pains
7. Edema, Gangrene
8. Herpes
9. Eczema etc.
1⁄4 pint, three times daily. It may be taken as common drink.
None noted
This is based on Lime Water, which was used for numerous conditions associated with Heat and Toxin, and acidity. It resolves acidity in the body, and therefore helps with numerous conditions. Decoction Liberans is used for similar conditions, but is considered better, stronger, and more pleasant to take.
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