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Shing kun brgyad pa ཤིང་ཀུན་ བརྒྱད་པ་
Or, Lug klad ril bu ལུག་ཀླད་རིལ་བུ་
Asafetida 8 Pill
Or, Sheeps Brain 8 Pill
Or, Lug klad ril bu ལུག་ཀླད་རིལ་བུ་
Asafetida 8 Pill
Or, Sheeps Brain 8 Pill
Source / Author:
Amdo Compendium
Herb Name
Shing kun (Asafetida)
Tang kun Ar nag (Aloeswood) Dza ti (Nutmeg) Ru rta (Costus) Li shi (Clove) Go snyod (Caraway) Lug klad (Sheep Brains) * |
* There is another version of Asafetida 8 which replaces Sheep brain with Safflower.
Powder the herbs. Beat the Brain and mix sufficient amount (approximately 1 ounce) with the herb powder and form Pills.
Settles Wind, Clears Phlegm
"According to the wise tradition of the teacher Zur mkhar this medicine will treat dizziness caused by the paired combination of Bad kan [Phlegm] and rlung [Wind]"
1. Dizziness
2. Vertigo
3. Tinnitus
4. Deafness (due to Wind)
5. Loss of Memory
6. Loss of Co-ordination
7. Confusion or Disorientation
2 grams, taken with Chang (Barley alcohol), or other alcohol "it is like an Elixir" for Diziness and Bad Kan rLung (Phlegm–Wind) disorders.
Not used in Heat conditions.
1. Other types of animal Brain can be used in place of Sheep brain. Or it can be omitted.
This formula has different version, one using Sheep brain, one replacing Sheep brain with Safflower. In conditions of Brain deficiency, marked by slow thinking and mental dullness, Sheep brain is preferred. In cases with Blood stasis, Safflower is the better option.
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