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Appetite, to Stimulate
Loss of Appetite is typically seen when the Stomach is obstructed with Phlegm, Damp or Stagnant Food. There will be a loathing of food, nausea, abdominal discomfort and lack of energy. Medicines to warm the Stomach and resolve Phlegm and Damp are used.
As Damp is the enemy of the Spleen, a strong Spleen will allow for proper digestion and therefore hinder the increasing of Damp. Conversely, if Damp has progressed, it indicates a degree of Spleen weakness. Therefore, Spleen Qi tonics are usually used along with medicines to clear Damp. The heavy, cloying nature of Damp likewise obstructs movement of Qi, and the obstruction of Qi likewise allows Damp to progress. Therefore, medicines to move Qi are also indicated.
Based on the above, warm, aromatic, drying medicines which dry damp, move Qi and warm the Stomach are indicated to fulfill all these indications.
In cases with Food Stagnation, there will be bad breath and a dirty coating on the tongue. In such cases, medicines to clear Food Stagnation or purge excess are used.
Ayurveda have the Dipaniya group of drugs, those that promote Appetite:
Long Pepper, Long Pepper root, Piper chaba, Plumbago zeylanica root, Ginger, Rumex vesicarius, Black Pepper, Ajowan, Semecarpus anacardium seed, Asafetida
As Damp is the enemy of the Spleen, a strong Spleen will allow for proper digestion and therefore hinder the increasing of Damp. Conversely, if Damp has progressed, it indicates a degree of Spleen weakness. Therefore, Spleen Qi tonics are usually used along with medicines to clear Damp. The heavy, cloying nature of Damp likewise obstructs movement of Qi, and the obstruction of Qi likewise allows Damp to progress. Therefore, medicines to move Qi are also indicated.
Based on the above, warm, aromatic, drying medicines which dry damp, move Qi and warm the Stomach are indicated to fulfill all these indications.
In cases with Food Stagnation, there will be bad breath and a dirty coating on the tongue. In such cases, medicines to clear Food Stagnation or purge excess are used.
Ayurveda have the Dipaniya group of drugs, those that promote Appetite:
Long Pepper, Long Pepper root, Piper chaba, Plumbago zeylanica root, Ginger, Rumex vesicarius, Black Pepper, Ajowan, Semecarpus anacardium seed, Asafetida