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A gar dgu pa ཨ་གར་དགུ་པ་
Aloeswood 9
Aloeswood 9
Source / Author:
Herb Name
Ar ga ru (Aloeswood)
Dza ti (Nutmeg) Snying zo sha Ru rta (Costus) A byag gzer 'joms Shing kun (Asafetida) ** Li shi (Clove) Sman chen (Black Aconite) A ru ra (Chebula) |
* Different sources have given differing amounts for each medicine. Both sources are derived from Men Tsee Kang
** This was originally Sha chen, Human flesh.
Powder and form Pills with Honey.
Calms the Heart, Settles Wind, Calms the Mind and Spirit
For Heart rLung [Wind]: chesp oppression, poor memory and concentration, chaotic thoughts, nervousness, insanity
1. Palpitations
2. Arrhythmia
3. Heart diseases with inflammation: myocarditis, endocarditis
4. Rheumatic Heart Disease
5. Chaotic thoughts
6. Anxiety
7. Mental illness, Insanity
8. Fainting
9. Mental illness with seizures
10. Traditionally for the effects of Evil Spirits
2 grams
"if washed down with decoction of Gzer ‘joms (Pyrethrum tatsiense), the effectiveness of will increase"
*washed down with strong Chang [Barley alcohol], the rlung [Wind] in the Heart will immediately calm down, as well as the chaotic thoughts, fainting [etc.]" (Men Tsee Kang)
1. Avoid overdose
2. Not used in Pregnancy
This can be made without Aconite, but is more effective when added.
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