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Tiger Bone, Hu Gu 虎骨
Pig Bone, Zhu Gu 猪骨
Hu Gu (Tiger Bone, TCM)
Zhu Gu (Pig Bone, TCM)
Zhu Gu (Pig Bone, TCM)
This monograph is only given to show traditional use, and also to show how modern acceptable substitutes can replace this traditional medicine. MedicineTraditions DOES NOT CONDONE THE USE OF ENDANGERED OR UNETHICAL ANIMAL MEDICINES.
This monograph is only given to show traditional use, and also to show how modern acceptable substitutes can replace this traditional medicine. MedicineTraditions DOES NOT CONDONE THE USE OF ENDANGERED OR UNETHICAL ANIMAL MEDICINES.
Zoological name:
Panthera tigris (Tiger) was the traditional source.
Today the market is supplied by various modern substitutes including Pig Bone
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet
D. Clear Wind and Damp
Panthera tigris (Tiger) was the traditional source.
Today the market is supplied by various modern substitutes including Pig Bone
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet
D. Clear Wind and Damp
1. Clears Wind-Damp, Strengthens Bones and Sinews, Eases Pain:
-Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis; especially useful for moving-type pain
-Weakness and pain of the lower back and knees
-Weakness and wasting of the sinews and joints due to chronic joint disease
-stiffness and difficulty moving the joints
-Spasms and Cramps
-adjunct for Fractures
2. Settles Wind:
-traditionally for Paralysis and Childhood Convulsions
3–6 grams was the traditional dose, used in pills, powders or wines.
Most commonly added to medicinal wines.
1. Various other bones are substituted in modern times including other wild (non-endangered) cat species, as well as domestic animals such as cow, ox, goat, horse and pig bone. Pig bone is the most ethical and easily available substitute. These substitutes are regarded as weaker and are given in larger dose. A bone broth can be prepared and suitable herbs added to the strained broth.
2. When used to strengthen the lower back, Ox Tail can be boiled down for several hours, adding herbs in the last 40 minutes. This can arguably be stronger 1) due to the larger dose 2) due to the admixture of amino acids from cartilage and sinews in the finished decoction.
3. In 2007 the Tanggula Pharmaceutical Company published a paper after 10 years of research showing the bones of the Mole Rat (Mysospalax baileyi) to be an effective substitute for Tiger Bone and that despite the bones being far smaller, they are actually stronger than Tiger Bone for the intended uses. The Mole Rat is native and common on the Tibetan plateau and is considered a pest.
4. Kangaroo bone is another possible substitute.
5. Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Achyranthes Niu Xi and Saposhnikovia Fang Feng have been suggested as herbal substitutes for Tiger Bone.
1. Traditionally different bones were applied for different purposes: vertebrae for weakness and pain of the lower back and spine; tibia for diseases of the hands, feet and limbs; skull bones for childhood convulsions. The Tibia and especially the patella were most highly praised traditionally.
2. Traditionally, Tiger bone was credited with promoting strength and courage.
3. Pork bones were calcined for use in the West and were used for Diabetes and Dysentery. It was also used in tooth powders.
1. The bones are dry-fried or stir-fried with sesame oil to eliminate odor and facilitate powdering. However, high heat should not be used. Sometimes vinegar is used in place of oil.
2. Tiger bone Wine has been prepared either by steeping in wine, or by distilling alcohol in which Tiger Bone was substituted.
3–6 grams was the traditional dose, used in pills, powders or wines.
Most commonly added to medicinal wines.
1. Various other bones are substituted in modern times including other wild (non-endangered) cat species, as well as domestic animals such as cow, ox, goat, horse and pig bone. Pig bone is the most ethical and easily available substitute. These substitutes are regarded as weaker and are given in larger dose. A bone broth can be prepared and suitable herbs added to the strained broth.
2. When used to strengthen the lower back, Ox Tail can be boiled down for several hours, adding herbs in the last 40 minutes. This can arguably be stronger 1) due to the larger dose 2) due to the admixture of amino acids from cartilage and sinews in the finished decoction.
3. In 2007 the Tanggula Pharmaceutical Company published a paper after 10 years of research showing the bones of the Mole Rat (Mysospalax baileyi) to be an effective substitute for Tiger Bone and that despite the bones being far smaller, they are actually stronger than Tiger Bone for the intended uses. The Mole Rat is native and common on the Tibetan plateau and is considered a pest.
4. Kangaroo bone is another possible substitute.
5. Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Achyranthes Niu Xi and Saposhnikovia Fang Feng have been suggested as herbal substitutes for Tiger Bone.
1. Traditionally different bones were applied for different purposes: vertebrae for weakness and pain of the lower back and spine; tibia for diseases of the hands, feet and limbs; skull bones for childhood convulsions. The Tibia and especially the patella were most highly praised traditionally.
2. Traditionally, Tiger bone was credited with promoting strength and courage.
3. Pork bones were calcined for use in the West and were used for Diabetes and Dysentery. It was also used in tooth powders.
1. The bones are dry-fried or stir-fried with sesame oil to eliminate odor and facilitate powdering. However, high heat should not be used. Sometimes vinegar is used in place of oil.
2. Tiger bone Wine has been prepared either by steeping in wine, or by distilling alcohol in which Tiger Bone was substituted.
Main Combinations:
1. Pain and weakness of the Lower Back and Legs, Tiger (Pig) Bone, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Chaenomelis Mu Gua, Acanthopanax Wu Jia Pi
2. Kidney and Liver deficiency with lower back and leg weakness, hunchback or difficulty walking:
i. Tiger (Pig) Bone, Tortoise shell (Gui Ban), Achyranthes Niu Xi, Dioscorea Shan Yao, Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Eucommia Du Zhong, Rehmannia Shu Di Huang
ii. Tiger (Pig) Bone, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Eucommia Du Zhong, Cynomorium Suo Yang, Ginseng, Dodder seed (Tu Si Zi), Paeonia Mu Dan Pi
3. Weakness of the sinews and joints, Tiger (Pig) Bone, Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Dang Gui, Cynomorum Suo Yang
4. Wind-Damp Joint Pain, Tiger (Pig) Bone, Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Dang Gui, Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Angelica pubescens Du Huo, Asarum Xi Xin, Safflower (Hong Hua), Aconitum Fu Zi.
5. To potently increase Yang and protect the body, Tiger (Pig) Bone and Ginseng were added to alcohol, a little being taken each day especially in the Winter. This is a famous Taoist formula.
6. Training formula for Bone and Joint pain, stiffness and weakness, Tiger (Pig) bone, Astragalus Huang Qi, Atractylodes Bai Zhu, Poria Fu Ling, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong, Dang Gui, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Licorice. These are added to wine and a small glass is taken as a dose. This is based on a martial arts training formula.
Major Formulas:
Use cautiously in cases with excess Heat.
Main Preparations used:
Use cautiously in cases with excess Heat.
Main Preparations used: