Three Yellows (San Huang)
The 'Three Yellows' are Coptis Huang Lian, Scutellaria Huang Qin and Phellodendron Huang Bai. These three medicines are classed as Cold, dry and Bitter. They clear Heat and Damp and Toxic Heat from the whole body, reduce inflammation and are a broad-spectrum anti-bacterial combination commonly used in TCM
Coptis Huang Lian is strongest of the three. It strongly clears Heat and Damp from the Heart, Liver, Stomach and Intestines in particular. In addition it sedates Fire and clears Toxic Heat. Scutellaria Huang Qin is a little milder in effect, but is stronger to help clear Heat from the Lungs, while also treating Heat and Damp of the Liver, Gall Bladder and Intestines. It also clears Toxins, calms a restless Fetus and settles Liver Yang. Phellodendron Huang Bai works more strongly in the lower body. It clears Heat and Damp from the Bladder and Kidneys in particular. It also clears Deficient Heat (heat associated with Yin deficiency) and Toxic Heat.
Together, this trio effectively clears Heat, Heat and Damp and Toxic Heat from the Upper, middle and lower body.
It is a widely used for a broad range of acute bacterial infections and acute inflammations including acute sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, acute diarrhea and dysentery, cholecystitis, urinary tract infections as well as severe acute infections such as meningitis and febrile convulsions.
Key Indications:
- Acute Bacterial Infection–acute sore throat, bronchitis
- Acute Gastroenteritis
- Acute Fever
- Cholecystitis
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan
Examples that use Two of the Three Yellows:
1. Bai Tou Weng Tang
2. Bao Yin Jian
3. Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan
4. Wu Mei Wan
1. To more strongly purge Heat and Toxin, add Gardenia Zhi Zi. This is made even stronger with the addition of Rhubarb (Da Huang)
2. For Phlegm-Heat conditions, add Pinellia Ban Xia and and Poria Fu Ling
3. For Heat obstructing with Constipation, add Rhubarb (Da Huang) and Citrus Qing Pi.
4. Lung Heat, add Platycodon Jie Geng, Apricot kernel (Xing Ren)
5. Dysentery, add Pulsatilla Bai Tou Weng
6. Strong Liver Heat add Gardenia Zhi Zi, Gentian (Long Dan Cao), Aloe (Lu Hui), Costus (Mu Xiang), Dang Gui
7. Yin Deficient Heat with Fever, Sweating with dry mouth and parched lips, add Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang and Astragalus Huang Qi
8. Food Stagnation with Heat, add Costus Mu Xiang, Rhubarb (Da Huang), Citrus Qing Pi, Cyperus rotundus Xiang Fu, fresh Ginger
9. Damp-Heat Urinary diseases, acute UTI's, add Plantain seed (Chen Qian Zi)
10. Cholecystitis, add Artemisia Yin Chen Hao and Citrus Qing Pi
11. In patients with weak or sensitive digestion add Atractylodes Bai Zhu, Poria Fu Ling, Licorice
This combination is very Cold. It should not be used in those with Cold and weak digestion without correction, and should generally not be used on a long-term basis.