Mesue (Yahyā ibn Masawaih al-Mardini) was a Syrian-born Physician who died in 1015 at the age of 90. His writings were highly respected, so much so that physicians often referred to him as the Physicians Evangelist for the surety of his writings and treatments. His formulas formed the basis of the early London and European Pharmacopoeias and continued to be used into the 19th century in Europe.
It is therefore worthwhile to investigate suggested remedies and formulas for specific conditions as given by Mesue in Opera de Medica, 1589.
It is therefore worthwhile to investigate suggested remedies and formulas for specific conditions as given by Mesue in Opera de Medica, 1589.
Shortness of Breath Agaric Colocynth Opopanax Sagapen Confection of Musk Lohoch of Pine nut Lohoch of Squill Lohoch of Alfescera Appetitum prostratum, & mortuum Appetite, weak or dead Wormwood Hyssop Salt Vinegar of Squill Confection of Quince Confectio Alchanzi Aromaticum Rosatum Mesue Aromaticum Rosatum Gabriel Electuary of Fruits Troches of Gallia Magna Troches of Wormwood Asthmatis Asthma Agaric Birthwort Colocynth Hyssop Sarcocolla Acharistum Nicolai Athanasia Magna Diamargariton Nicolai Diacameron Nicolai Lohoch of Pine nut Lohoch for Asthma Pills of Agaric Syrup of Hyssop Syrup of Horehound Syrup of Calamint Oil of the Philosophers Aurium dolori Ear Pain Decoction of Wormwood Decoction of Hyssop Oil of Wormwood Oil of Colocynth Oil of Sesame Aurium Tinnitui valent Tinnitus Vinegar decoction of Black Hellebore (topically) Decoction of Hyssop Decoction of Wormwood Oil of Bitter Almond Oil of Wormwood Oil of Colocynth Capitus Aegritudines frigidas purgant Head disease from Cold Washed Aloes Honey water Adriantum Nicolai Hiera Picra Galeni Hiera Hermetis Hiera Logadii Aggregative Pills Capitus dolori Head Pain Colocynth Lapis Armenius Squill Sagapen Infusion of Hiera Oxymel of Squill Oil of Dill Oil of Bay Oil of Orris Oil of Spikenard Oil of Rose Arabic Pills Nicolai Sothira Magna Nicolai Troches of Saffron Cachexiam purgant Purge in Cachexia Confectio Alchechengi Catarrho Frigido Catarrh from Cold Diaprassium Nicolai Canitiem retardant Delay greying of Hair Electuary Alcharif Electuary of Aromatics Oil of Colocytnh Canitiem prohibent Hinder Greying of Hair Diagalanga Nicolai Oil of Costus Oil of Alchanna Cerebrum confortant Strengthen the Brain Black Hellebore Emblic Myrobalan Stoechas Decoction of Senna Aromaticum Rosatum Gabrial Aromatic of Musk Diambra Stomach Pills Pleres Arconticon Nicolai Troches of Gallia Allephang Oil of Stoechas Cerebrum purgant & mundificant Purge and Cleanse the Brain Birthwort Agaric Colocynth Opopanax Stoechas Sagapen Senna Sarcocolla Lapis Armenia Confection Alfescera Pills of Alephangina Golden Pills of Nicolai Cerebrum oppilatum sanant Open obstructions of the Brain Arthanita Oxymel of Squill Cerebri apostematibus conferunt Abscess of the Brain Agaric Antimoron Nicolai Blanca Nicolai Cancrum purgant, curant, & abscindunt Cancer, to purge, cure, and separate Black Hellebore Lapis Armenius Confectio Hamech Indian Pills Decoction of Dodder Syrup of Dodder Oil of Juniper Oil of Ash Ointment of Alphesericon Plaster of the Arabs Colorem bonum faciunt Improve Complexion Black Hellebore Hyssop Syrup of Fumitory Confection of Quince Confection Alcharif Diacytonitem Nicolai Electuary of Aromatics Oil of Saffron Cor confortant Strengthen the Heart Saffron Doronicum Lapis Stellatus (Lapis Lazuli) Myrobalan Rose Spikenard Stoechas Zedoary Rose water Aromaticum Rosatum Aromatic Muscatum Aromaticum Caryophyllatum Diamargaritum Frigidum Nicolai Troches of Gallia Muscata Troches Gallia Sebellina Troches Diarrhodon Troches Ramich Syrup of Apple Oil of Rose Oil of Myrtle Cordis Tremori Conferunt Heart Tremors Rose Dodder of Thyme Yellow Myrobalan Emblic Myrobalan Lapis Stellatus (Lapis Lazuli?) Infusion of Rose Aromaticum Muscatum Electuary of Gems Coitum excitant Promote Lust; Aphrodisiac Hazelnut Chickpea Borage Bugloss Asparagus root Sea Holly root Sparrow brain Confcted Ginger Confected Sea Holly root Diambra Diamuscum Diacurcuma Mithridate Theriac Cutis Foeditatem Curant Skin Foulness and Deformity Bistort ? (Serpentaria) Agaric Cyclamen Black Hellebore Diacurcuma minor Diacurcuma major Diamorusion Tryphera Musca Liniment of Orris Citrine Ointment (Nicholas) Oil of Sesame Oil of Cherry kernel Cutem mundificant Cleanse the Skin Bistort ? (Serpentaria) Agaric Cyclamen Black Hellebore Liniment of Orris Oil of Elder OIl of Juniper Oil of Ash Oil of Wheat (frumento) Oil of Egg Choleram nigram purgant Purge Black Bile Polypody Stoechas Squill Black Hellebore Lapis Armenius Vinegar of Squill Decoction of Dodder Decoction of Maidenhair Syrup of Dodder Confectio Hamech Choleram citrinam purgant Purge Yellow Bile Centaury Hops Violet Asarum Colocynth Confection of Psyllium Confection of Manna Diaprunis Electuary of Rose Electuary of the Juice of Rose (Nicolai) Choleram adustam purgant Purge Burnt Bile Hops Black Myrobalan Senna Syrup of Fumitory major Pills of Lapis Lazuli Pills of Lapis Armenius Choleram faciliter, & sine molestia purgant To easily and without difficulty, purge Bile Wormwood Maidenhair Agrimony Fumitory Agaric Cassia Rhubarb Aloe washed Black Hellebore Manna Whey Infusion of Rose Decoction of Myrobalan Diacytonium Confection of Fumitory Electuary of Rose Pills of Turbith Digestionem confortant Strengthen Digestion Aromaticum Rosatum Electuary of Apples Hiera Diacolocynth Stomach Pills Pills of Diarrhodon Pilulae ante cibum (Nicolai) Digestionem procurant Benefit Digestion Vinegar of Squill Aromaticum Rosatum Condited Citron Condited Quince Condited Chebula Diambra Diacyminum Diatrionpipereon Diamargariton Pilule Alephangine Pills of Turbith Trochisci de Gallia magna Dysuria Alchanna Cyperus Elecampane Sandarac Frankincense (Thus masculum) Dorsi doloribus Back Pain Avellana indica Chickpea Cyperus Spinach Seseli Decoction of Asparagus Plaster of Marjoram Oil of Pepper Oil of Foxes Duritiem omnium soluunt Break all hardness Dialacca minor Dialacca major Diachylon magnum Dichylon alterum Cerate of Hyssop Oil of Sweet Almond Hemicranea conferunt Help in Migraine Black Hellebore Colocynth Infusion of Hiera Decoction of Wormwood Troches of Saffron Troches of Scammony Diaolibanum Diacastoreum Mithridate Theriac Galeni Adrianum Nicolai w decoction of Sage in wine Plaster of Mustard Oil of Wormwood Oil of Squill Oil of Bay Oil of Spikenard Hemicraneam purgant Purge Migraine Sagapen Wild Cucumber Hiera Hermetis Arabian Pills Pilulae Alhandal Hepar Confortant Strengthen the Liver Wormwood Agrimony Fumitory Myrobalan Rhubarb Juice of Rose Infusion of Rose Rose water Syrup of Fumitory Athanasia Confection of Quince Condited Quince Troches of Gallia Alephangine Troches of Gallia Magna Trochs Ramich Aromaticum Nardium Pilulae Aggregative Major Oil of Roses Oil of Costus Hepar mundificant Cleanse the Liver Agaric Maidenhair Orris Rhubarb Senna Stomach Pills Pilulae Aggregative Hepatis Duritiei Hardness of the Liver Asarum Wormwood Agrimony Orris Plaster of Sesame Plaster of Diachylon Plaster of Meliot Cerate of Hyssop Hepatis debilitatem corrigunt Correct debility of the Liver Aromaticum Muscum Confectio of Diarrhodon Confectio Alchanzi Syrup of Wormwood Condited Citron Troches of Aloeswood Dialacca major Dialacca minor Hepatis inflammationem extinguut Liver Inflammation, Hepatitis Hops Lettuce Syrup of Purslane Tryphera Persica Troches of Camphor Troches of Spodium with Sorrel seed Troches of Barberry Troches of Sandalwood Trisantalum Nicolai Electuary of Sorrel Ointment of Rose Cerate of Sandalwood Hepatis calefactioni conferunt Liver Heat Syrup of Endive Comp. Syrup de Hepatica Syrup of Water Lily Electuarium of Psyllium Diaprunis Diacassia Hepatis oppilationes aperiunt Liver obstruction Asarum Wormwood Centaury Maidenhair Dodder Endive Agrimony Orris Hops Lettuce Dandelion Violet Asparagus Parsley Lacca Lupin Pistachio Polium Madder Rhubarb Bitter Almond Birthwort Plantain water Syrup of Squill Vinegar of Squill Oxymel Oxymel of Squill Syrup of Vinegar with Roots Syrup of Fumitory Decoction of Agrimony Decoction of Stoechas Decoction of Fumitory Troches of Lacca Trcohes of Rhubarb Troches of Wormwood Hepatis Doloribus Liver pain Maidenhair Agrimony Orris Agaric Rhubarb Euphorbium Decoction of Agrimony Syrup of Wormwood Diarrhodon Troches of Rhubarb Athanasia magna Pills of Rhubarb Oil of Orris Oil of Euphorbium Hepatis percussioni conferunt Liver injury (‘striking’) Wormwood Acorus Sandalwood Coriander Comfrey juice Plantain Rhubarb Lacca Coral Spodium (Tabasheer) Lemnian Earth Armenian Earth Terra Sigillata Dragons Blood Mumia rubra Camphor Epilepsy Hyssop Stoechas Lapis Stellatus (Lapis Lazuli) Vinegar of Squill Oxymel of Squill Syrup of Stoechas Blanca Nicolai Sothyra Magna Nicolai Oppopyra Nicolai Confection of Musk Confection Alfesera Diacastoreum Pleres Arconticon Hiera Logodion Theriac Diatessaron Theriac Magna Mithridate Oil of Pepper Ointment of Bdellium Hecticis & Consumptis Hectic Fever and Consumption Sugar of Roses Confection of Fox testicles Diarrhodon Abbatis Diatragacanthum Nicolai Diapapaver Nicolai Troches of Camphor Lohoch sanum et expertum Oil of Sweet Almond Faciei coloratam faciunt Improve Face color Sweet Pomegranate Fat of roosters, partridge, pheasant Egg yolk Troches de Fescera Oil of Costus Faciei feditatem, & sorditiem removent Remove filth of the Face Diacurcuma major Diacurcuma minor Diamorusion Liniment of Orris Bistort ? (Serpentaria) Febribus sanguineis confert Fever from Blood Syrup of Hops Febribus calidis conferunt Hot Fever Cassia Diarrhodon Abbatis Nicolai Cerate of Violet Febrium ardorem, & inflammationem extingunt Burning Fever and Inflammation Violet Syrup of Pomegranate Syrup of Apple Syrup of Sorrel Syrup of Vinegar Syrup of Purslane Vinegar of Violets Trcohes of Camphor Troches of Barberry Troches of Sandalwood Confection of Prune Diaprunis Nicolai Febribus cholericis conferunt Fever from Bile Fumitory Yellow Myrobalan Rhubarb Rose juice Manna Whey Syrup of Hops Syrup of Sorrel juice Diaprunis Nicolai Febribus cholericis antiquas conferunt Chronic Fever from Bile Asarum Troches of Agrimony Febribus phlegmaticis conferunt Fever from Phlegm Decoction of Stoechas Syrup of Stoechas Troches of Diarrhodon Febres compositas purgant Compound Fever Confectio of Dates Decoction of Agrimony Syrupus Diarhodon Troches of Rose Trochs of Agrimony Febres antiquas purgant Purge Chronic Fever Agaric Asarum Pilulae Aggregative majores Pilulae Aggregative minores Pilulae Alchechengi Pills of Rhubarb Febribus oppilationum Cholericis & phlegmaticis difficilis eradicationis conferunt Fever from obstructed Bile and Phlegm that is difficult to eradicate Wormwood Fumitory Hops Rhubarb Whey Byzantine Syrup Febribus antiquis periodicis & quartanis conferunt Chronic Periodic and Quartan Fever Asarum Agrimony Wormwood Polypody Black Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan confected Agaric Rhubarb Infusion of Hiera Oxysacchara Syrup of Stoechas Syrup of Agrimony Syrup of Thyme Trochisci Diarrhodon Troches of Rose Troches of Agrimony Troches of Wormwood Troohes of Anise Troches of Lacca Adrianum Nicolai Diasulphur Diacyminum Diaclamenthum Requies Magna Nicolai Musae Mithridate Phlegma Purgant Purge Phlegm Aloes washed Asarum Safflower Agrimony Maidenhair Hyssop Stoechas Broom Chebula Myrobalan Rhubarb Colocynth Decoction of Myrobalan Hiera Logadi Pills of Agrimony Pills of Turbith Phlegma crassum, & difficilie incidunt, & abstergunt Thick hard-to-clear Phelgm Agaric Turbith Orris Polypody Sagapen Opopanax Euphorbium Colchicum Phlegma viscosum Viscid Phlegm Cyclamen Euphorbium Opopanax Phlegma salsum purgat Salt Phlegm Syrup of Fumitory major Phlegm a juncturis purgat Phlegm of the Joints Centaury Euphorbium Opopanax Sarcocolla Turbith Gaudium generant Generate Joy Myrobalan Senna Confection of Aloswood Dianthos Letificans Galeni Genuum dolores purgant Knee Pain Pilulae Aggregative majores Pills of Opopanax Erysipelas Psyllium Ointment of Rose Ointment of Violet Ointment of Ceruse Humores crassos, & viscosos purgant Purge crass and viscid Humors Agaric Maidenhair Sarcocolla Squill Sagapen Turbith Colocynth Salt Infusion of Hiera Pilulae Aggregative Majores Foetid Pills Hydropisi conferunt Edema Agaric Asarum Colocynth Whey Syrup of Agrimony Troches of Rose Troches of Rhubarb Troches of Aloeswood Diacurcuma magna Diacurcuma minor Diacostum Diasulphur Dialacca Nicolai Ictericis Jaundice Wormwood Agaric Asarum Maidenhair Hops Violet Honey water Infusion of Rose Rose juice Confection of Rhubarb Diarrhodon Abbatis Safflower with Honey water Trisantalum Nicolai Tryphera Persica Troches of Rose Troches of Agrimony Troches of Rhubarb Troches of Camphor Icteritiam spleneticam Jaundice of the Spleen Indian Pills Inflammationes extinguunt Extinguish inflammation Psyllium Rose Violet Vinegar of Rose Rose water Oil of Rose Oil of Mandrake Ointment of Rose Ointment of Violet Juncurarum aegritudines frigidas Joint disease from Cold Acorus Betony Centaury Germander Ground Pine Hyssop Sage Stoechas Oregano Marjoram Broom Myrrh Polypody Squill Black Hellebore Colchicum Euphorbium Alum Sulphur Vinegar of Squill Wine of Squill Oxymel of Squill Confection of Winter Cherry Indian Electuary Hiera Picra Hiera Hermetis Pilulae Alhandal Pills of Colchicum Pills of Opopanax Juncurarum aegritudines calidas Joint disease from Heat Quince Blackberry Sumac Rose Myrrh Electuary of Rose Electuary of the Juice of Rose Lapidem frangunt Break Stones Southernwood Saxifrage Asparagus Maidenhair Gromwell Poley Montane Costus Scorpion ashes Goat blood Egg shells Mouse feces Earthworm Diasulphur Philanthropos Justinum Nicolai Nephrocatharticum Nicolai Pilulae Aggregative majores Oil of Scorpion Oil of Almond Matricis dolores sedant Pains in the uterus Centaury Hiera Hermetis Philonium Pills of Sagapen Plaster of Bay Berry Plaster of Orris Oil of Orris Oil of Rue Oil of Saffron Oil of the Philosophers Maniae conferunt Mania Agaricus Dodder Black Hellebore Whey Lapis Armenius Lapis Stellatus (Lapis Lazuli) Mania & melancholiam purgant Purge Mania and Melancholy Confectio Hamech Diasenna Nicolai Hiera Logadii Melancholicas aegritudines purgant Melancholy diseases purgant Senna Lapis Armenus Lapis Stellatus (Lapis Lazuli) Diasenna Nicolai Indian Pills Pilulae Sebelliae Pilulae Lucis Pills of Lapis Lazuli Macilentis confert Contributes to the Thin Dianthos Melancholiam purgant Purge Melancholy Dodder Black Myrobalan Oxymel Melancholiae conferunt Helps Melancholy Agaric Dodder Stoechas Polypody Black Hellebore Black Myrobalan Lapis Armenius Whey Menstrua provocant Promote Menstruation Centaury Hyssop Orris Agaric Cyclamen Birthwort Opopanax Black Hellebore Lapis Lazuli Antidotum Hemagogum Nicolai Dialacca Nicolai Diacalamenthum Hiera Ruffini Hiera Logadi Pills of Sagapen Tryphera Magna Mithridate Theriac |
Menstrua fluxum retinent
Restrain Menstruation Plantain Water Lily root Pomegranate flower Pomegranate bark Acorn Philonium persicum Pills of Bdellium minor & major Tryphera minor Troches of Sealed Earth Nervorum aegritudinibus frigidis conferunt Nerve diseases from Cold Honey water Colocynth Opopanax Sagapen Euphorbium Syrup of Stoechas Oil of Walnut Oil of Saffron Oil of Spikenard Oil of Euphorbium Oil of Pepper Ointment of Bdellium Nervorum frigiditati, and dolori conferunt Cold Pain of the Nerves Decoction of Stoechas Oil of Hyssop Oil of Bay Oil of Storax Oil of Sesame Oil of Elecampane Nervorum aegritudines purgant Purge Nerve diseases Agaric Colocynth Pilulae Alhandal Pills of Opopanax Nervorum doloribus valent Effective for Nerve pain Centaury Orris Cerate of Hyssop Oil of Bitter Almond Oil of Hazelnut Oil of Coconut Oil of Bay Oil of Camomile Oil of Elder Oil of Euphorbium Oil of Mastic Oil of Meliot Oculorum doloribus conferunt Pain of the Eyes Blanca Nicolai Electuary of Rose Pilulae Lucis minore & majores Oppilationes aperiunt Open obstructions Wormwood Agrimony Dodder Fumitory Hyssop Maidenhair Stoechas Cyclamen Agaric Asarum Rhubarb Birthwort Whey Rose jucie Syrup of Fumitory Oxymel of Roots Confection of Seeds Diacyminum Troches of Anise Pilulae Aggregative minores Oil of Bitter Almond Oil of Peach kernel Oil of Sesame Oil of Costus Oil of Pepper Oppilationes morborum curant Cure Diseases from Obstruction Wormwood Agrimony Fumitory Paralysi prosunt Benefit Paralysis Cyclamen Euphorbium Sagapen Black Hellebore Syrup of Stoechas Blanca Nicolai Confection of Musk Diacastoreum Theriac Diatessaron Mithridate Oil of Pepper Oil of the Philosophers Ointment of Bdellium Paralysim purgant Purge in Paralysis Blanca Nicolai Hiera Hermetis Hiera Logadii Pills of Sagapen Pills of Euphorbium Pills of Opopanax Partum facilitant Facilitate Birth Cassia Cinnamon Seseli Saffron Decoction of Marshmallow Magnet held in the hand Pectus mundificant Cleanse the Chest Maidenhair Dill Hyssop Hops Orris Agaric Safflower seed Birthwort Opopanax Sagapen Squill Colocynth Turbith Honey water Rock Salt Syrup of Licorice Lohoch sanum et expertum Pectoris asperitati conferunt Roughness of the Chest Julep of Violet Julep of Jujube Syrup of Sweet Pomegranate Syrup of Prune Syrup of Poppy Oil of Violet Oil of Poppy seed Pectoris aegritudinibus frigidis conferunt Cold diseases of the Chest Squill Diaprassium Nicolai Syrup of Horehound Syrup of Thyme Pectoris doloribus conferunt Pain of the Lungs Sagapen Syrup of Hyssop Lohoch of Pepper Lohoch of Squill Oil of Orris Oil of Bay Oil of Lily Peripneumonia Pneumonia Syrup of Maidenhair Oil of Orris Pleuresi conferunt Pleurisy Violet Julep of Violet Julep of Jujube Syrup of Maidenhair Syrup of Prune Syrup of Pomegranate Syrup of Violet Syrup of Jujube Lohoch of Poppy Philonium Nicolai Oil of Violet Oil of Orris Podagram frigidam purgant Gout [Arthritis] from Cold Colocynth Opopanax Colchicum Hiera Ruffi Mithridate Benedicta Nicolai Pills of Colchicum minor & major Oil of Frogs Oil of Orris Oil of Foxes Oil of the Philosophers Plaster of Mustard Podagrae conferunt Benefit in Gout [Arthritis] Round Birthwort Antimoron Nicolai Benedicta Nicolai Mithridate Plaster of Mustard Oil of Foxes Oil of the Philosophers Ointment Martiaton Nicolai Podagram calidam purgant Purge Gout [Arthritis] from Heat Electuary of Rose Mesue Electuary of the juice of Rose Nicolai Pills of Colchicum Pruritum purgant Purge in Pruritis Fumitory Whey Decoction of Wormwood Pilulae Aggregative minores Pulmonem mundificant Cleanse the Lungs Maidenhair Hyssop Orris Hops Safflower seed Birthwort Agaric Colocynth Sarcocolla Lapis Stellatus (Gypsum?) Syrup of Licorice Lohoch of Squill Oil of Safflower Oil if the Philosophers Phthisi conferunt Help in Consumption Confection of Fox testicles Diatragacanth Frigidum Diamargariton Nicolai Diacameron Nicolai Diarrhodon Abbatis Troches of Camphor Renes confortant Strengthen the Kidneys Seseleos seed Bistort ? (Serpentaria) Armenian Earth Pig Kidneys Kid (young Goat) Kidney Hedgehog flesh dried Aromaticum Rosatum Renes Mundificant Cleanse the Kidneys Broom Bistort Agaric Benedicta Nicolai Electuarium Elescoph Tryphera de Scoria Ferri Theodoricum Mithridate Renes Calefaciunt Warm the Kidneys Ginger confected Sea Holly root confected Electuary of Aromatics Tryphera Galeni Oil of Rue Oil of Lily Renes Oppilationes conferunt Obstruction of the Kidneys Dodder Bryony Syrup of Vinegar with Roots Renes aegritudines frigidas purgant Purge Kidney disease from Cold Benedicta Nicolai Hiera Picra Hiera Hermetis Electuary Indum majus Electuary Indum minus Renum doloribus conferunt Kidney Pain Agaric Diacurcuma major Diacurcuma minor Diamorusia Oil of Orris Oil of Bay Oil of Rue Oil of Foxes Oil of Spikenard Oil of the Philosophers Ointment of Agrippa Plaster of Bay berries Apostles Plaster of Nicholas Renum Lapidem Frangunt Kidney Stones Broom Dialacca Major Dialacca Minor Dialacca Nicolai Diatrionpipereon Electuarium Ducis Nicolai Philantropos Nicolai Nephrcatharticum Nicolai Opopyra Magna Nicolai Mithridate Oil of Cherry kernels Oil of Scorpions Ructus acidos curant Acid belching Diatrion pipereon Electuary of aromatics Sanguinem mundificant, & clarificant, & purgant Blood cleanse, clarify and purge Cassia Maidenhair Fumitory Black Hellebore Hops Rhubarb Rose juice Lapis stellatus (Lapis Lazuli?) Infusion of Rose Decoction of Maidenhair Decoction of Fumitory Scrophulas resoluunt, & delent Scrofula Maidenhair Broom flower with Honey of Roses Orris Opopanax Cyclamen Bryony Black Hellebore Oil of Sesame Oil of Wild Cucumber Diachylon Ointment of Cyclamen Plaster of Cyclamens Sciatica Purgant Purge in Sciatica Colocynth Pilulae Aggregative majores Pills of Sagapen Sciatica dolori conferunt Sciatic Pain Agaric Opopanax Colocynth Decoction of Wild Cucumber Enema of Orris Plaster of Orris Plaster of Centaury Mustard Plaster Oil of Pepper Oil of the Philosophers Sensum instrumenta mundificant Cleanse the sense organs Agaric Senna Black Hellebore Rock Salt Pills of Alephanginae Stomach Pills Pilulae Aggregative Pilulae Lucis majores Pilulae Lucis minores Siti vehementi Vehement Thirst ** all to be held in the mouth Psyllium Tamarind Sugar Candy Infusion of Prunes Syrup de Acresta Mucilage of Quince seed Mucilage of Tragacanth Mucilage of Melon seed Grape skin chewed Sitim sedant & extinguunt Relieve and extinguish Thirst Purslane chewed Cassia Lemon Manna Emblic Myrobalan Licorice Honey water Confected Peach Confection of Sorrel Sugar of Violet Syrup of Quince Syrup of Prune Syrup of Purslane Rob of Currant Rob of Barberry Rob of Sumac Rob of Pomegranate Troches of Barberry Troches of Camphor Troches of Spodium with Sorrel seed Troches of Sandalwood Tryphera Persica Somnum provocant, & inducunt Promote and induce Sleep Dill Gall Amomum Myrrh Violet Usnea Lolium album Saffron Wild Rue Almond flower Rose water Diapapaver Nicolai Oil of Rose Oil of Orris Oil of Dill Oil of Poppy Oil of Mandrake Oil of Frogs Sperma minuit Reduce Sperm Agnus Castus Sorrel Mountain Calamint Coriander Lettuce seed Mint Rue Water Lily root Water Lily seed Lentils Sumac Henbane Opium Camphor Salt Sperma Multiplicant Increase Sperm Asarum Sweet Onion Rocket Chickpea Bean Pine nut Linseed Carthamus Sarcocolla Colchicum Skink Fox Testicles Confection of Fox testicles Coconut oil Sweet Almond oil Sesame oil Linseed oil Splenis aeritudines eradicant Eradicates Spleen disease Agaric Lapis Stellatus (Lapis Lazuli) Diacurcuma Magna Oil of Spikenard Oil of Euphorbium Splenis doloribus, & oppilationibus conserunt Spleen pain and obstruction Agaric Dodder Orris Birthwort Cyclamen Euphorbium Syrup Diarrhodon Vinegar of Squill Oxymel of Roots Troches of Agrimony Oil of Orris Oil of Bay Splenis apostema, & duritiem resolvunt Resolve Spleen abscess and hardness Asarum Agaric Polypody Bistort Sagapen Orris Cyclamen Oxymel of Broom flower or seed Oxymel of Calamint Troches of Capers Diasulphur Diachylon Plaster of Meliot Plaster of Opopanax Oil of Sesame Oil of the Philosophers Splenis oppilationes aperiunt, & purgant Spleen obstruction open and cleanse Centaury Maidenhair Dodder Orris Asarum Birthwort Cyclamen Decoction of Stoechas Decoction of Dodder Syrup of Roots Confection of Winter Cherries Troches of Agrimony Troches of Lacca Pills of Rhubarb Pilulae Sebellina Indian Pills Oil of Sesame Stomachum mundificant Cleanse the Stomach Cassia Maidenhair Agaric Rhubarb Turbith Yellow Myrobalan confected Chebulic Myrobalan confected Rose juice Rock salt Infusion of Rose Infusion of Hiera Pills of Turbith Stomach Pills Pilulae Aggregative minores Stomachi duritiei conferunt Hardness of the Stomach Agaric Diachylon Plaster of Meliot Stomachi aegritudines purgant Purge Stomach disease Electuary Alcharif Hiera Picra Hiera Hermetis Confectio Indi major Confectio Indi minor Pilulae Alephanginae Pilulae Sebelliae Pilulae Aggregative Foetid Pills Major Foetid Pills Minor Stomachi inflammationi conferunt Stomach Inflammation Syrup of Sorrel juice Diarrhodon Abbatis Electuary of Aromatics Trisantalum Nicolai Troches of Spodium with Sorrel seed Pilulae Aggregative Major Cerate of Sandalwood Ointment of Rose Stomachi ardorem mitigant Mitigate Stomach Fire Aloes washed Emblic Myrobalan Syrup of Purslane Confection of Sorrel Confection of Prunes Julep of Rose Tryphera Persica Troches of Camphor Troches of Sandalwood Stomachi calido conferunt Stomach Heat Hops Rose Myrobalan Rose water Rob of Currant Rob of Barberry Rob of Sumac Syrup of Sorrel juice Oil of Rose Stomachum debilem confortant, & digestionem bonam faciunt Strengthen a weak Stomach, promote good digestion Wormwood Agrimony Rhubarb Washed Aloes Infusion of Rose Quince confected Chebula condited Emblic condited Rose juice Sugar of Roses Syrup of Quince Syrup of Wormwood Syrup of Fumitory Aromaticum Rosatum Aromaticum Nardium Aromaticum Caryophyllatum Confection of Aloeswood Confection Alchanzi Confection of Quince Diacameron Nicolai Electuary of Aromatics Electuary of Citron Hiera Logadi Pilulae Alephangine Stomach Pills Pilulae Aggregative Minores Troches of Wormwood Troches of Gallia Sebillia Troches of Ramich Troches of Rose Tryphera Galeni Oil of Quince Oil of Costus Oil of Mastic Oil of Marjoram Stomachi humiditatem, & molliciem corrigunt Stomach humidity and softness Emblic confected Aromaticum Rosatum Aromaticum Caryophyllum Confection of Cinnamon Diamorusion Diacurcuma major Diacurcuma minor Tryphera Saracenica Troches Diarrhodon Tristitiae, & solicitudini prosunt Beneficial in Sadness and Solitude Confectio Alkermes Diamargariton Nicolai Dianthos Electuary of Gems Tremori conferunt Trembling Black Myrobalan Euphorbium Sagapen Blanca Syrup of Stoechas Oil of Pepper Oil of Lapis Gagate Oil of the Philosophers Tussi diuturnae Persistent cough Hyssop Colocynth Athanasia Dianisum Diapenidion Nicolai Tussi antiquam removent, & humores crassis subtiliant Remove chronic cough, & Refines gross humours Birthwort Opopanax Sagapen Lohoch of Asthma Tussi antiquae, & ei, qui habet pectus saniosum conferunt Chronic cough, and he who has purulent matter Birthwort Colocynth Syrup of Horehound Syrup of Calamint Syrup of Jujube Syrup of Hyssop Syrup of Prune Diasulphur Lohoch of Pine nut Lohoch sanumand expertum Tussi calidae conferunt Heat-type Cough Julep of Violet Syrup of Violet Syrup for Catarrh Lohoch of Poppy Tussi humidae conferunt Wet-type Cough Bryony Sarcocolla Orris juice Birthwort Honey water Acharistum Nicolai Diacameron Nicolai Tussi siccae conferunt Dry-type Cough Hyssop Syrup of Sorrel Syrup of Tereniabin (Arabian Manna) Syrup of Poppy Vertigini conferunt Vertigo Stoechas Agaric Bryony Lapis Armenius Vinegar of Squill Oxymel of Squill Confection of Musk Diaprassium Vertiginem purgant Purge in Vertigo Squill Sagapen Black Hellebore Colocynth Confectio Hamech Hiera Hermetis Hiera Logadii Vermes occidunt Kill worms Celery seed Caraway Carline Thistle root Elecampane Centaury Cress Wormwood Mace Caper Hop water Mezereon Saltpeter Chalcanthum Electuary of Wormwood Vermes educunt Expel Worms Agaric Centaury Hyssop Wormwood Mezereon Saltpeter Electuary of Wormwood Visum conservat Preserves vision Hyssop Visum augent Increase vision Aloe prepared with fennel juice Hyssop Senna Opopanax Visus obscuritatem purgant Dimness of sight Sagapen Chebulic Myrobalan Pills of Hiera Pilulae sine Quibus Nicolai Visum post purgationem deperditum recuperant Recover lost sight after purging Coriander Quince Aloe Bile (incl. Goat) Decoction of Wormwood Fennel juice Celandine juice Infusion of Hiera Oxymel of Squill Friction of the tibia (shin) Sleep Viscera confortant Strengthen the Viscera Agrimony Dodder Fumitory Stoechas Myrobalan Sugar of Roses Syrup of Myrtle berry Diacostum Aromaticum nardium Viscerat lavant, mundificant, et abstergunt Viscerat wash, purify and cleanse Honey water Orris Black Hellebore Electuarium Elescoph Ulceribus malis conferunt Evil ulcers Birthwort Bryony Mezereon Whey Wine decoction of centaury Pilulae Aggregative minor Hiera Logadii Ointment of Centaury Vomitum sedant Stop vomiting Emblic Myrobalan Syrup of Mint Syrup of Prune Aromaticum Rosatum Aromaticum Caryophyllatum Antidotum Haemagogum Troches Ramich Vocem clarificant Clarify the voice Safflower seed Vinegar of Squill Electuary of Squill juice Oxymel of Squill Oil of Safflower Coconut oil Sesame oil Urinam provocant Promote urine Fennel Maidenhair Hyssop Linseed Marshmallow Broom Agaric Bryony Asarum Opopanax Black Hellebore Decoction of Onion Mouse dung with decoction of Dill Oxymel of Roots Troches of Lacca Diacalamint Diacurcuma minor Diacurcuma major Diamorusion Diasulphur Antidotum Hemaogogum Pilulae Aggregative majores Oil of the Philosophers Urinaum retinent, & restringunt Urine restrain and restrict Alkanet Frankincense bark Acorn cups Pomegranate flower Armenian Earth Coriander Nettle seed Oregano Pyrethrum Cyperus Cypress galls Frankincense Myrrh Storax Nutmeg Elecampane Scoria ferri Diacyminum Vulvam stringunt Astringe the Womb Rose water Pomegranate flower Cyperus Cardamon Immature Gall Gall Myrrh Pine bark Medlar Oil of Rose |