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Western Tradition
Of the Rectum
1. Take fresh Galls, boil in wine, powder and apply to the Anus. Or use a decoction of Galls topically, or as a Sitz bath. 2. Acorn cups, Frankincense, burnt Wormwood, Galls, burnt Pomegranate flowers, burnt Mussel shells (topically) 3. Wash with a decoction of Plantain, then apply a poultice of Agrimony made with wine and vinegar. (Medicina Britanica, Thomas Short, 1746) Of the Uterus: 1. Wash with Decoction of Acacia, or Madder, or Lentils, or Sumac 2. Use a douche of Raspberry or Blackberry leaf while simultaneously taking a decoction of Black Cohosh and Blackberry root internally. (King’s Dispensatory) 3. Comfrey root, Elecampane, Horehound as an internal decoction. 4. Salve of Marshmallow topically 5. Hops, Peach leaf, Soloman's Seal as a douche 6. Comfrey root, Bistort, Pomegranate flower, Rupturewort, Yarrow, Mugwort. Boil in red wine and use as a douche. (Culpeper’s Directory for Midwives) 7. Pomegranate peel & flowers, Cypress nuts, Oak bark, Alum (equal parts). Sew into a bag; seethe together in red wine and apply. Formulas Compound Syrup of Mugwort Astringent Strengthening Decoction Topically (applied to lower abdomen) Astringent Ointment Plaster for Hernia Plaster for the Uterus Greater Plaster of the Surgeons |
TCM Classification
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Qi Deficiency, Sinking Qi Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (with Sinking of Spleen Qi) Jian Pi Wan (Spleen weakness with Food Stagnation) Shi Quan Da Bu tang Zhi Zhu Wan Stomach Cold / Spleen Yang Deficiency Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan Fu Zi Tang Kidney Yang Deficiency Shen Qi Wan Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang ------------------------ Gastric Prolapse Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (with Sinking of Spleen Qi) Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan Fu Zi Tang Jian Pi Wan (Spleen weakness with Food Stagnation) Zhi Zhu Wan Uterine Prolapse Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Fu Zi Tang Sang Piao Xiao San Intestinal / Rectal Prolapse Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Shen Qi Wan Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang Zhi Zhu Wan |
Special Formulas
Comfrey root
Madder, of each 2 drams
Pennyroyal, of each 1 handful
Oak leaves
Red Roses, of each ½ handful
Cumin seed
Crude Alum, of each 2 drams
Form a decoction in 3 lbs. of Red Wine. (Marrow of Chirurgery, James Cooke, 1685)
Comfrey root
Madder, of each 2 drams
Pennyroyal, of each 1 handful
Oak leaves
Red Roses, of each ½ handful
Cumin seed
Crude Alum, of each 2 drams
Form a decoction in 3 lbs. of Red Wine. (Marrow of Chirurgery, James Cooke, 1685)