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Pill Millipedes (Manuscript 13th C., British Library, Harley 3244)
Pill Millipede
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice, Hager, 1878
Pill Millipedes (Armadillidium vulgare) (Chengdu Medicine Market, 2015)
Entomological name:
Two distinct but related genus supplied the traditional market:
Parts used:
Whole dried insect
Temperature & Taste:
Warm (some said Cold), dry. Sour, Pungent, Sweet
Mucopolysaccharides, Chondroitin sulfate
Fatty Acids: tetradecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid (20%), octadecanoic acid, arachidic acid, octadecenoic acid (53%), octadecadienoic acid (10%), octadecatriene Acid
Enzymes including hyaluronidase, nearaminidase
Sterols, mainly cholesterol
Androgenic hormones have been isolated
Trace elements: sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium
Two distinct but related genus supplied the traditional market:
- Oniscus spp.; O. ascellus was commonly used in Europe, and is listed by some TCM sources. Porcellio scaber is similar (Porcellis spp. is called Shu Fu in TCM)
- Armadillidium vulgare was used in Europe, and is used in TCM. (Ping Jia Chong, TCM)
- Oniscus ascellus: antenna is inserted beneath the anterior margin of the head, the body is oval and larger than the Armadillo; it is a brown or dirty ash color, and the body cannot roll itself into a ball.
- Armadillidium vulgaris, (syn. A. officinalis) (official): external antenna, body more elongated; the body is lead colored, and it is capable of rolling into a ball. Porcellis spp. is more like this than the former.
Parts used:
Whole dried insect
Temperature & Taste:
Warm (some said Cold), dry. Sour, Pungent, Sweet
Mucopolysaccharides, Chondroitin sulfate
Fatty Acids: tetradecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid (20%), octadecanoic acid, arachidic acid, octadecenoic acid (53%), octadecadienoic acid (10%), octadecatriene Acid
Enzymes including hyaluronidase, nearaminidase
Sterols, mainly cholesterol
Androgenic hormones have been isolated
Trace elements: sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium
1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine: (TCM, West)
-Urinary Obstruction, Edema, difficult urination, Dysuria
-Gravel, Stones (some considered them specific)
-also regarded as Aphrodisiac in traditional texts (TCM)
2. Clears Wind-Heat, Resists Poison: (TCM, West)
-Feverish Chills, Malaria; used for chronic Malaria in both TCM and Europe
-sore and inflamed Throat and Tonsillitis, it is taken with honey
-Tetanus with Chills and Fever (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
-antidote to some Poisons, such as Arrow Poison and Spider Bites (TCM, Dioscorides)
3. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis: (TCM, West)
-Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea'
-Abortifacient (TCM, West)
-Abdominal Cramps, Abdominal Masses, Blood Clots (TCM, West)
-Postoperative Pain (TCM)
-also for Uterine Bleeding
-suppressed eruptions in infectious diseases including Small Pox
4. Moves the Blood, Resolves Masses: (TCM, West)
-commonly used in Europe for all sorts of Toxic Swellings, Scrofula, Poison Tumors and Cancer, especially of the Breast.
-‘From three to twelve were formerly given in Rhenish wine for a hundred days together to cure all kinds of cancers’. (Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure, W.T. Fernie, 1897)
-they have also demonstrated a strong effect in relieving Cancer pain (Chinese research)
-Leprosy (both internally and topically over lesions).
5. Calms Wind, Stops Spasms, Relieves Pain: (TCM, West)
-Epilepsy and Infantile Convulsions, Tetanus, Lockjaw
-Toothache from Wind or Caries; inflamed gums (TCM, West)
-Rheumatism, and all kinds of Muscle and Nerve pain (the Spirit of them was the preferred preparation for these purposes)
6. Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-with honey for Asthma, Coughs including Whooping Cough (Salmon; Arabic physicians)
-Cough, Chronic Bronchitis (TCM)
-Emphysema (when used for 2–3 months, the effects have been very effective in some cases: TCM)
-most effective for Lung and Kidney deficiency type, or cases with Cold
-Pleurisy, etc.
7. Clears Sight, Benefits the Eyes:
-‘dimness of sight, yea blindness itself’ (Salmon)
-in Weakness of Sight, they were said to be 'exceedingly efficacious'. (Medical Zoology, 1861)
8. Externally:
-Boiled in Oil or Goose fat and dropped into the ear for earache and deafness.
-Toothache, a fresh beaten Pill Millipede is put into the cavity or on the gum
-Stomatitis, Tonsillitis, Thrush, Gingivitis (powder blown directly onto the place)
Of the powdered Pill Millipede: 500mg–1 gram (up to 2 grams), taken in wine, although some older writers said rarely over 1 Scruple (1.3 grams) because they ‘dissolve too much’.
The powder can be put into capsules, each capsule containing 100mg. 2–4 capsules can be taken as a dose, three times daily..
The Powder has also been pressed into tablets containing 500mg. Dose: is 2–5 tablets (for Chronic Bronchitis etc.)
For visceral obstructions, tumors and Cancer, 30–40 (up to 100) are infused over night to be taken over the course of the following day, treatment being continued for 1–3 months.
Up to 200 insects have been given per day. (Medical Zoology, 1861)
'In ancient prescription, the Pill Bug was used very often in treating convulsions, malaria, and blood disorders, as it is a drug functioning on the Greater Yin Channel'. (Li Shi Zhen, Ben Cao Gang Mu, TCM)
1. Steamed with alcohol to kill them; this also makes them better to move the Blood.
2. Sprinkle with Brandy, then dry. This can be repeated twice.
3. They can be stir-fried until lightly yellowed.
4. Some practitioners burnt them until scorched, or even into ashes, then powdered them.
1. Salmon said of Wasps: ‘Some use them in all cases where Sows or Hogs Lice are used, and with the same success’.
2. They are similarly used to Wingless Cockroach (Tu Bie Chong) of TCM.
Of the powdered Pill Millipede: 500mg–1 gram (up to 2 grams), taken in wine, although some older writers said rarely over 1 Scruple (1.3 grams) because they ‘dissolve too much’.
The powder can be put into capsules, each capsule containing 100mg. 2–4 capsules can be taken as a dose, three times daily..
The Powder has also been pressed into tablets containing 500mg. Dose: is 2–5 tablets (for Chronic Bronchitis etc.)
For visceral obstructions, tumors and Cancer, 30–40 (up to 100) are infused over night to be taken over the course of the following day, treatment being continued for 1–3 months.
Up to 200 insects have been given per day. (Medical Zoology, 1861)
'In ancient prescription, the Pill Bug was used very often in treating convulsions, malaria, and blood disorders, as it is a drug functioning on the Greater Yin Channel'. (Li Shi Zhen, Ben Cao Gang Mu, TCM)
1. Steamed with alcohol to kill them; this also makes them better to move the Blood.
2. Sprinkle with Brandy, then dry. This can be repeated twice.
3. They can be stir-fried until lightly yellowed.
4. Some practitioners burnt them until scorched, or even into ashes, then powdered them.
1. Salmon said of Wasps: ‘Some use them in all cases where Sows or Hogs Lice are used, and with the same success’.
2. They are similarly used to Wingless Cockroach (Tu Bie Chong) of TCM.
Main Combinations:
1. Jaundice:
i. Pill Millipedes with Saffron and Celandine
ii. Pill Millipedes with Saffron and Turmeric
2. Whooping Cough:
i. Pill Millipedes with Aniseed and Nutmeg
ii. Pill Millipedes with Asparagus root, Licorice, Borage, Raisins (Formulaire Magistral et Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1823)
iii. Pill Millipedes with Ginger, Licorice, Ipecac, made into a tincture with 20% alcohol, then form into a syrup with sugar (Hager's)
3. Chronic Cough, Pill Millipedes with Nettle seed, Burdock seed, Nutmeg
4. Asthma:
i. Pill Millipedes with Garlic
ii. Pill Millipedes with Hyssop
iii. Pill Millipedes with Flowers of Benzoin, Elecampane and Saffron
iv. 'Throw two measures of the insects that collect under the water jars and are called "millepedes" into a potter's vessel, heat them over the fire, and when they are white [ashes] rub them down and mix the powder with boiled honey, and administer in the form of a linctus one spoonful fasting.' (Syrian "Book of Medicine", trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913)
5. Convulsions, Pill Millipedes with Clove
6. Paralysis, Arthritis, Convulsions, Nervous diseases, Cinnabar with Amber with Peony, Mistletoe, Pearl, Millipede, Earthworms, Viper powder (Pulvis Visceralis, Dispensatory of Prague)
7. Edema:
i. Pill Millipededs with Bees as a tincture
ii. Pill Millipedes with roots of Fennel, Asparagus, and Golden Rod
8. Edema, Gravel, Stones:
i. Pill Millipedes with Sal Ammoniac, Ivy gum, Juniper
ii. Ants (1 handful), Ant Eggs (200 in number), Millipedes (100 in number), Bees (150 in number), Spirit of Wine (2 lbs.). Infuse 40 days and decant. Also for Impotence, Hysteria and Epilepsy. (Salmon)
9. To promote Urine, Dysuria:
i. Pill Millipedes with Nutmeg and Clove infused in white wine.
ii. Pill Millipedes with Winter Cherries, Juniper berries (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
iii. Decoction of Restharrow, Syrup of the Opening Roots, Powder of Pill Millipedes; mix
iv. Pill Millipede, Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi), Water Plantain root (Ze Xie) (TCM)
v. Dysuria: stir-fry 7 Pill Millipedes, grind to powder and take with Wine. (Qian Jin Yi Fang, TCM)
10. Bladder Stones, Pill Millipedes with Viper powder
11. Amenorrhea, Pill Millipede, Red Peony (Chi Shao Yao), Safflower (Hong Hua), Peach kernel (Tao Ren) (TCM)
12. Scrofula:
i. Burnt Sponge, Pill Millipedes, Potassium nitrate
ii. Pill Millipedes (300), Herb Robert, Mugwort, Celery, Agrimony (4 handfuls each). Infuse in Wine or Ale. Take some every meal for 2–4 weeks. (Hartman, 1682)
iii. Pill Millipedes with Guaiacum, Walnut bark, Dock root, Herb Robert and Raisins (as in Ale Against Scrofula)
13. Fibroid Tumors:
i. Pill Millipedes with Bees
ii. Pill Millipedes, Figwort
iii. Guaiacum with Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Dead Nettle, Ground Ivy, Herb Robert and Pill Millipedes
14. Cancer:
i. Pill Millipedes (200), bruise and infuse in 1 quart of White Wine. Drink this continually for 40 days. (Salmon)
ii. Sage, Rue (1 handful each), Pill Millipedes (300), small Ale (4 gallons). Bruise the herbs and Millipedes, put in a sack and infuse in the Ale (or white wine). A small cupful can be taken 3 times daily, some recommended only drinking this liquor. until cured. "They are excellent, and much recommended for the curing of all sorts of Cancers, and schirrous Tumors in what part of the Body soever, the Kings Evil [Scrofula], all sordid, inveterate and rebellious Ulcers, and old Sores". (Hartman, 1682)
iii. Cancer and Scrofula, Guaiacum with Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Dead Nettle, Ground Ivy, Herb Robert and Pill Millipedes
iv. with Guaiacum, Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Sharp pointed Dock, Filipendula, Walnut bark, Herb Robert, Pill Millipedes (Fuller)
v. Pill Millipedes with Angelica, Burdock root, Elecampane, Gentian, Herb Robert, Sage, Rue (as in Cancer Ale)
vi. Roots of Daisy, Burdock, Guaiacum, Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, China root, Tormentil. Celandine, Yarrow, Plantain, Herb Robert, Agrimony, Speedwell, Ground Ivy, Archangel flowers, Fennel seed, Coriander seed. This was distilled from Milk, adding a spoonful of the juice of Millipedes to each dose. (A Collection of Recipts, ‘By Several Hands’, Fifth Edition, 1734)
15. Rickets, Pill Millipedes with Licorice, Ash bark, Harts Tongue, Raisins
16. Malaria:
i. Pill Millipedes (14), soak in wine dregs then make 14 Pills. Take 7 pills before the malarial chills. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
ii. with Chills and Fever, beat 4 Pill Millipedes with Sugar, and form pills. Take before a Malarial attack. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
iii. pound Pill Millipedes (14) with prepared Soy beans (Dou Chi) (14). Beat to a paste and form into pills the size of a Fox nut (Eurayle). Take 2 pills when needed with hot water. (Ben Cao Gang Mu)
17. Lockjaw: pound fresh Pill Millipedes, extract a little juice and give it. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang, TCM)
18. To improve eyesight, form an Infusion of Pill Millipedes with Rue, Sage, Vervain, Eyebright, Fennel seed and Raisins
19. Stomatitis, Tonsillitis, Thrush, Gingivitis:
i. Grind Pill Millipedes with water to a paste and apply topically. (Shou Yu Fang, TCM)
ii. Powder, mix with a little Borneo Camphor and apply topically or blow onto the throat. (TCM)
20. Toothache from Wind:
i. wrap a Pill Millipede in silk cloth and bite between the teeth. (Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang, TCM)
ii. Pill Millipede (1), Croton seed (1 grain), Black Pepper (1 grain), powder, mix and form pills the size of Mung bean. Wrap in silk and apply topically. 'This works very effectively'. (Jing Xiao Ji Shi Fang, TCM)
21. Pain, Pill Millipede, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Cynanchum Xu Chang Qing. This has been developed into a gel for topical use for pain and has also been formed into pills for internal use.
Major Formulas:
Tincture of Pill Millipedes
Powder for Cancer
1. They are very opening and dissolve strongly. Avoid overdose.
2. Not used during Pregnancy.
3. Not suitable for marked Qi or Yin deficiency.
4. Pill Millipedes bioaccumulate heavy metals in contaminated soils.
5. Some related species, especially in the tropics, are poisonous.
Main Preparations used:
Infusion; Conserve; Tincture; Volatile Salts; Spirit
1. Conserve of Pill Millipedes:
i. living Pill Millipedes (1 pound), White Sugar (2 ½ lbs.). Triturate. Dose: 1–2 drams. (Dispensarium Lippiacum, 1792)
ii. Pill Millipedes (25 parts), Sugar (75 parts). Beat together. (Hager's)
2. Infusion of Pill Millipedes:
i. Fresh Pill Millipedes, bruised (6 drams), Water (3 oz.), Alcohol (1 oz.). Macerate an hour and express strongly. (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)
3. Tincture of Pill Millipedes:
i. Dried Pill Millipedes (½ oz.), Rectified Spirit (6 oz.). Digest, express, filter. (Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum, 1777)
ii. Dried Pill Millipedes (1 oz.), Spirit (1.5 liters). Dose: 10–30 drops.
iii. Dried Pill Millipedes (1 part), Diluted Wine Spirit (10 parts).
1. They are very opening and dissolve strongly. Avoid overdose.
2. Not used during Pregnancy.
3. Not suitable for marked Qi or Yin deficiency.
4. Pill Millipedes bioaccumulate heavy metals in contaminated soils.
5. Some related species, especially in the tropics, are poisonous.
Main Preparations used:
Infusion; Conserve; Tincture; Volatile Salts; Spirit
1. Conserve of Pill Millipedes:
i. living Pill Millipedes (1 pound), White Sugar (2 ½ lbs.). Triturate. Dose: 1–2 drams. (Dispensarium Lippiacum, 1792)
ii. Pill Millipedes (25 parts), Sugar (75 parts). Beat together. (Hager's)
2. Infusion of Pill Millipedes:
i. Fresh Pill Millipedes, bruised (6 drams), Water (3 oz.), Alcohol (1 oz.). Macerate an hour and express strongly. (Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773)
3. Tincture of Pill Millipedes:
i. Dried Pill Millipedes (½ oz.), Rectified Spirit (6 oz.). Digest, express, filter. (Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum, 1777)
ii. Dried Pill Millipedes (1 oz.), Spirit (1.5 liters). Dose: 10–30 drops.
iii. Dried Pill Millipedes (1 part), Diluted Wine Spirit (10 parts).
Click the Tabs above for more information on this Medicine
-The presence of mucopolysaccharides in the hepatopancreas of the isopod, Armadillidium vulgare.
-Study on differentiation and extract determination of Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare.
–Armadillidin H, a Glycine-Rich Peptide from the Terrestrial Crustacean Armadillidium vulgare, Displays an Unexpected Wide Antimicrobial Spectrum with Membranolytic Activity
–Evaluation of antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of aqueous extract of Armadillidium vulgare Latreille
–Development and evaluation of a Chinese herbal gel for analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
–Development and evaluation of a Chinese herbal gel for analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
–The History and Outlook of Animal Drugs Treating Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, and Haze Episode-induced Respiratory Disease, International Journal of Biotechnology for Wellness Industries, 2014, 3, 69-78 69ISSN: 1927-3037/14 © 2014 Lifescience Global
–Anti-asthmatic: effect takes 2 to 4 hours and lasts 4 to 6 hours
–Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis was effective in 81% of cases. (TCM)
–Acautalides A-C, Neuroprotective Diels-Alder Adducts from Solid-State Cultivated Acaulium sp. H-JQSF.
–Partial purification and characterization of androgenic gland hormone from the isopod crustacean, Armadillidium vulgare.
–Synthetic Study of Androgenic Gland Hormone from Armadillidium Vulgare.
–Present state of knowledge on the chemical nature of the androgenic hormone in higher crustaceans
–Purification and Properties of Androgenic Gland Hormone from the Terrestrial Isopod Armadillidium vulgare
–Nine new cytochalasan alkaloids from Chaetomium globosum TW1-1 (Ascomycota, Sordariales).
–Armochaetoglobins A-J: Cytochalasan Alkaloids from Chaetomium globosum TW1-1, a Fungus Derived from the Terrestrial Arthropod Armadillidium vulgare.
-The presence of mucopolysaccharides in the hepatopancreas of the isopod, Armadillidium vulgare.
-Study on differentiation and extract determination of Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare.
–Armadillidin H, a Glycine-Rich Peptide from the Terrestrial Crustacean Armadillidium vulgare, Displays an Unexpected Wide Antimicrobial Spectrum with Membranolytic Activity
–Evaluation of antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of aqueous extract of Armadillidium vulgare Latreille
–Development and evaluation of a Chinese herbal gel for analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
–Development and evaluation of a Chinese herbal gel for analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
–The History and Outlook of Animal Drugs Treating Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, and Haze Episode-induced Respiratory Disease, International Journal of Biotechnology for Wellness Industries, 2014, 3, 69-78 69ISSN: 1927-3037/14 © 2014 Lifescience Global
–Anti-asthmatic: effect takes 2 to 4 hours and lasts 4 to 6 hours
–Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis was effective in 81% of cases. (TCM)
–Acautalides A-C, Neuroprotective Diels-Alder Adducts from Solid-State Cultivated Acaulium sp. H-JQSF.
–Partial purification and characterization of androgenic gland hormone from the isopod crustacean, Armadillidium vulgare.
–Synthetic Study of Androgenic Gland Hormone from Armadillidium Vulgare.
–Present state of knowledge on the chemical nature of the androgenic hormone in higher crustaceans
–Purification and Properties of Androgenic Gland Hormone from the Terrestrial Isopod Armadillidium vulgare
–Nine new cytochalasan alkaloids from Chaetomium globosum TW1-1 (Ascomycota, Sordariales).
–Armochaetoglobins A-J: Cytochalasan Alkaloids from Chaetomium globosum TW1-1, a Fungus Derived from the Terrestrial Arthropod Armadillidium vulgare.