Pastinacae, Garden Parsnips
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563
Herbarium Blackwellianum, 1757
Botanical name:
Pastinaca sativa
Parts used:
Root; Seed; Herb
Salmon (Seplasium) said the Seed have the virtues of the herb, but are more powerful
Temperature & Taste:
Herb and Root is Neutral (slightly Warm) and Moist, Sweet
Seed is Warm, dry
Pastinaca sativa
Parts used:
Root; Seed; Herb
Salmon (Seplasium) said the Seed have the virtues of the herb, but are more powerful
Temperature & Taste:
Herb and Root is Neutral (slightly Warm) and Moist, Sweet
Seed is Warm, dry
1. Strengthens the Spleen, Benefits Qi:
-‘they nourish above all roots, being of thick and good juice’
-strengthens the Stomach, Lungs, Kidneys and Bladder
-Their Essence or Extract cures Consumption and Wasting diseases
2. Warms and Strengthens the Kidneys:
-Warm and strengthen the Kidneys: promotes Venery [Lust].
-Promotes Urine when obstructed by cold; Edema
-cold pain of the lower back
-promotes Menstruation when obstructed by Cold (Seed)
3. Resists Poison:
-venomous Bites including Snake bites (Seed)
4. Promotes Milk:
-promotes and enriches Breast Milk
Powder of the Seed: 1–3 grams (up to 1 dram)
A saline Tincture is given to 3 drams
Powder of the Seed: 1–3 grams (up to 1 dram)
A saline Tincture is given to 3 drams
Main Combinations:
1. To stimulate desire in Impotence, Frigidity, Parsnip seed, Cinnamon, Mace, Clove, Long Pepper, Rocket seed, Bull Pizzle (as in Powder to Stimulate Venery)
2. Infertility, Parsnip seed with Turnip seed, Red Behen, White Behen, Ash tree key, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Marjoram, Pennyroyal, Balm (as in Confection for Impregnation)
3. Coldness of the Kidneys and lower Back, Parsnip seed with Walnut, Pistachio, Sesame, Orchis, Ginger, Sea Holly root, Asparagus root, Rocket seed, Nutmeg (as in Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen)
4. Hysteria, PMS, Parsnip seed with Chaste tree, Rue, Peony ,Aniseed, Cinnamon, Calamus, Rosmeary (as in Powder for Hysteria with Agnus Castus)
5. To increase Milk supply, Parsnip seed, Turnip seed, Radish seed, Aniseed, Fennel seed Celery, Chickpea (as in Powder to Increase Milk Supply)
Major Formulas:
Powder to Stimulate Venery (Wecker)
Powder for Hysteria with Agnus Castus
Powder to Increase Milk Supply
Troches of Aloeswood (Trochisci Aquilaria) (Mesue)
Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas)
Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen (Nicholas)
Confection for Impregnation (Renodeus)
Main Preparations used:
Saline Tincture
Main Preparations used:
Saline Tincture
A preparation as an Aphrodisiac, to strengthen the Back and Kidneys:
Take good size Parnsip roots, tops removed, and a double quantity of sugar. Boil together with a slow fire until the roots begin to be tender, then lay them out to cool. Cut them, remove their pith and put them into an earthen pot, then cover with clarified Honey. Boil gently until the Honey penetrates them, remove from the heat, adding powders of Cloves, 2 parts, Cinnamon and Ginger 1 part each. Taken in doses of 1 ounce daily, you will see 'marvellous effects'. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
Take good size Parnsip roots, tops removed, and a double quantity of sugar. Boil together with a slow fire until the roots begin to be tender, then lay them out to cool. Cut them, remove their pith and put them into an earthen pot, then cover with clarified Honey. Boil gently until the Honey penetrates them, remove from the heat, adding powders of Cloves, 2 parts, Cinnamon and Ginger 1 part each. Taken in doses of 1 ounce daily, you will see 'marvellous effects'. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)