Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517
The preparation of Saltpeter
(Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704)
(Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704)
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578
Mineralogical Name:
Nitrum; Potassium nitrate
Parts Used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Salty, Pungent. Slightly toxic.
Nitrum; Potassium nitrate
Parts Used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Salty, Pungent. Slightly toxic.
1. Promotes Sweat, Clears Heat and Poison (West, TCM, Ayurveda):
-Fevers and Sore Throat
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-heat-type bleeding
3. Promotes Urine, Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions:
-Edema and urinary obstructions
4. Clears Phlegm, Opens Obstructions (West, TCM, Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine):
5. Stops Wind (West, TCM, Ayurveda):
6. Kills Worms. (West, Ayurveda)
7. Used in the Preparation of Metals and Minerals:
-Niter is used in the preparation of metals and minerals
8. Externally:
-in solution for Bruises, Abrasions and Contusions
1. ‘Note that Salt peter is the special key and chief agent that opens most bodies and the most solid things, as well stones and metals, and brings (dissolves) Gold and Silver into liquor with the proper waters’ (Salmon). It has been used universally for this function in preparing gems, metals and stones fit for medicine. Medicinally, it is used to ‘Open’ obstructions including: stones, masses, congealed blood, jaundice, edema and constipation, chest tightness and congestion etc. Ayurveda says it is easily capable of spreading throughout the body.
2. ‘The drug is an active eliminating agent. It neutralises excess of acidity in the blood and urine, and rapidly relieves the blood of morbistic material’ (Ellingwood)
... available in PRO version
1. ‘Note that Salt peter is the special key and chief agent that opens most bodies and the most solid things, as well stones and metals, and brings (dissolves) Gold and Silver into liquor with the proper waters’ (Salmon). It has been used universally for this function in preparing gems, metals and stones fit for medicine. Medicinally, it is used to ‘Open’ obstructions including: stones, masses, congealed blood, jaundice, edema and constipation, chest tightness and congestion etc. Ayurveda says it is easily capable of spreading throughout the body.
2. ‘The drug is an active eliminating agent. It neutralises excess of acidity in the blood and urine, and rapidly relieves the blood of morbistic material’ (Ellingwood)
... available in PRO version
Main Combinations:
Urinary, Jaundice:
1. Edema:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
2. Diuretic, and acute Urethritis:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iv. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
v. calcined Niter (8 parts), ... available in PRO version
vi. ... available in PRO version
vii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
3. Stones:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
4. Jaundice:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter, ... available in PRO version
Infection, Poison, Heat disease:
5. Fever and against Epidemics:
i. Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iv. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
v. Intermittent Fever, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
vi. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
vii. inflammatory Fevers, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
viii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ix. Saltpeter, ... available in PRO version
6. Influenza:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. take Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
7. Erysipelas, Saltpeter... available in PRO version
8. Diarrhea, Dystentery, Saltpeter, ... available in PRO version
9. Syphilis and Strangury, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
10. Gonorrhea:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iv. ... available in PRO version
v. irritation of the Urethra from Gonorrhea: ... available in PRO version
11. Gout:
i. Saltpeter, ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
12. Rheumatism:
i. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. Heat-type rheumatism: Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iv. Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
13. Catarrh, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
14. Lung inflammation in children, Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
15. Pleurisy, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
16. Poor digestion with engorgement of the abdominal organs: Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
17. Madness, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
18. Painful Lumps, Saltpeter, ... available in PRO version
19. Acute Sore Throat:
i. mix Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
ii. mix Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter, ... available in PRO version
20. Gangrene, dissolve Saltpeter in ... available in PRO version
21. Obstinate Leukorrhea, Saltpeter with ... available in PRO version
22. Cooling Enema for Fevers:
i. Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
ii. Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
iii. Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
iv. Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
23. Enema for excess Phlegm in the Intestines, ... available in PRO version
24. Furuncles, Aphtha, dissolve Saltpeter ... available in PRO version
25. Watery discharge from the Ear, prepare an ointment with ... available in PRO version
26. Obesity, Edema, ... available in PRO version
1. Do not overdose; do not use for more than 2-3 weeks without a break.
2. Large doses can cause gastric and renal irritation. This can be avoided by keeping doses to a minimum, and with the administration of demulcents, or by adequate dilution in a suitable liquid.
3. Toxic effects can include gastroenteritis with severe abdominal pain, vomiting, vertigo, muscular weakness, irregular pulse, convulsions and collapse. The Toxic dose varies greatly, ranging from 15-30 grams in some people, while much larger doses have been taken with no serious side-effects in others.
4. More recently, there has been much concern over the use of Nitrates (which are still often used as food additives). The concern is the transformation of Nitrates to Nitrosamines, which are Free Radicals and Carcinogenic.
Main Preparations used:
Sal Prunellae (Fused Potassium Nitrate), Crystal Mineral, Nitric acid
1. Do not overdose; do not use for more than 2-3 weeks without a break.
2. Large doses can cause gastric and renal irritation. This can be avoided by keeping doses to a minimum, and with the administration of demulcents, or by adequate dilution in a suitable liquid.
3. Toxic effects can include gastroenteritis with severe abdominal pain, vomiting, vertigo, muscular weakness, irregular pulse, convulsions and collapse. The Toxic dose varies greatly, ranging from 15-30 grams in some people, while much larger doses have been taken with no serious side-effects in others.
4. More recently, there has been much concern over the use of Nitrates (which are still often used as food additives). The concern is the transformation of Nitrates to Nitrosamines, which are Free Radicals and Carcinogenic.
Main Preparations used:
Sal Prunellae (Fused Potassium Nitrate), Crystal Mineral, Nitric acid
Click the Tabs above for more information on this Medicine
Salmon, Seplasium:
'It is called in Hebrew Nether; in Greek, Nitron; in Latin, Nitrum, Salpetrum, Sal Infernalis; in English Nitre, Salt Peter; vox autem est Aramaea, and therefore it is called in the Chaldean language Nithra.'
'It is reported to be brought first from Nitria, a region of Egypt (whence its first name), which is a natural kind, and so dug out of the Earth; but it is brought to us out of the East Indies, and now indeed is made (out of a fat, bitterish, and sulphurous Earth) in most places of the World'. 'The best is the reddish, or white, Light and Spongy; but some for medicinal uses, commonly chose the Lump Salt Peter, whence seems finer to the Eye, but is truly not so good and pure as the other'. 'It brings forth tumors that stick in the Belly, and eases the pain thereof; dissolved in Hydromel, and drunk with Cumin seed, it discusses Inflammations and expels Wind. It resists Putrefaction, quenches Thirst, incides Tartarous Humors, resolves coagulated Blood, and eases Pain.' 'Dissolved in and Liquor (chiefly Water) from 1 scruple to 1.5 drams to a pint of Water, and so given (very well sweetened) in burning putrid Fevers, of any kind whatsoever, as also in the Pleurisy, Peripneumonia, Stone and Gravel in the Reins and Bladder, Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, Womb, and Mesareum; and dissolved in Wine well sweetened with Sugar, and drunk, it is said to help the Jaundice'. 'Mixed and melted with Saccharum Saturni, and given from 5 to 10 grains in any proper Liquor, it is found good against the Asthma, obstructions of the Lungs, and shortness of Breath'. 'Being used for sometimes, it removes all Obstructions of the Urine, loosens the Belly, provokes Stools, and expels the tartarous matter which breeds both Stone and Gout; but this it performs much better, if it be mixed with the extract of Rhubarb and Senna or extract of Aloes. For then it opens Obstructions more powerfully of the Mesentery and Spleen, removes Melancholy, and destroys the very essence of all Intermitting Fevers and Scurvy'. 'Nitre contains in it much of a volatile Sulphur and Mercurial Spirit, sealed up in a saline matter proceeding from Earth and Water; and therefore has a complicate operation and more wonderful Virtues than other ordinary Salts, being one of the most admirable and powerful agents among all natural things'. 'The factitious [artificial] is thus made: Take Fat, Urinous, Lixivial, and Saline Earth, put it into large cauldrons, with a large quantity of Water, make a strong Lye by long standing and boiling, decant, and strain, or filter; boil or evaporate till a pellicle is formed, and then set it to shoot into Nitrous crystals'. 'The true signs of the goodness and purity of Sal Nitre, are the length of its crystals or needles, their whiteness and Transparency, and their Hexagonal Figure, which they always take upon them in Crystallizing; the taste also is harsh with a saltine bitterness; and a very sensible coldness; but the true way to try the goodness of it is, to take a dram or two thereof, and lay it upon a live [hot] Charcoal, letting it burn and evaporate into Air; if nothing remain upon the Coal (when the burning is over) it is a true, good, and pure Nitre; and according to the greater or lesser quantity of fixed Salt left upon the Coal, such is the value and goodness thereof'. 'Pure Nitre resists Putrefaction in the highest and largest sense, and therefore is the greatest of all Antidotes, against the Plague, or Pestilence, and Pestilential Fevers, all which it resists and overcomes from the quickness and subtlety of its parts and incorruptible Sulphur, which immediately insinuates if self into the whole mass of Blood and Humors, even from the center to the circumference; and because of the Penetrability and subtlety of its Spirit, is so strengthens and recreates the Archeus as to make it resist the greatest Pestilential Infection that can be. I used it in the last great Plague in London, Anno 1665, and |
not one that I gave it to (who were not fixed with the Tokens [of infection]) died; and such who before hand constantly used it as a preventative, never had the sickness at all, which are experiments worth the observing'.
'And as in the Plague, when the humors and juices of the Body tend to purefaction, they first become slimy and mucilaginous, from whence arises Obstructions, with a Stagnation and Congelation of Blood; so in taking of the Medicine, that tartarous Slime, through begun, is dissolved and carried off, the Obstructions are removed, the first Principles or putrefaction destroyed, and the congealation and stagnation of the Blood removed, whereby the Flamula Cordis is excited, the Spirits invigorated, the Juices and Humors made thin and fluid, and the Poisonous Arsenical Acid, causing the said congealation, perfectly annihilated, from the Antipathy and mighty force of its Spirit'. 'And from this reason it is profitably given in the Pleurisy, and all hot, sharp, biting and putrid Fevers; and is very commendable against Gonorrheas, and Scalding of the Urine; in Gargles, against Inflammations of the Throat and Quinsie [Tonsillitis]; and the constant taking of it for some time, destroys the very root and essence of the matter causing the Gout, Sciatica, Stone, Gravel, and other diseases proceeding from a Tartarous matter'. 'If Nitre is long boiled in water over a great Fire, its volatile part will fly away; and at last therefore will remain nothing but a common Salt, or Salt like to Sal Gem; which demonstrates that Nitre is only a Sal Gem, filled with Volatile Salts'. 'Nitre is accounted among the number of Acid Salts, being a volatile joined with a fixed; and by reason of its acidity it cools much the inflamed Blood and Humors, and by an intimate mixtion with them, causes the Crudities or morbisick matter to precipitate, and to be carried off by Urine, and sometimes both by Urine and Stool too'. 'To purify Nitre, viz. to take away from it its fixed or common Salt, and Earthy parts: Nitre 10 lbs., dissolve it in a sufficient quantity of fair water, let it settle, and filtrate; then evaporate in a Glass or glazed Earthen Vessel, to the diminution of half, or till a pellicle or thin skin appears upon it; then remove the Vessel from the fire, and set it in a cellar to be cool and quiet, and in 24 hours the Crystals will shoot, which separate from the Liquor; this is the only pure Nitre'. 'Outwardly, it is used in intermitting Fevers, before the coming of the fit, being applied to the Wrists and Pulses, strewed upon a Fig, or an Orange slit in halves. It is mixed in Plasters which draw, and discuss, and cleanse; and so is profitable against the Leprosy. Dissolved in Water or Wine, it cures Inflammations, running Ears, Noise of the same, &c. being dropped in. Mixed with Hogs lard, it is good against the bitings of Dogs, or other venomous Bites. Applied with Figs, it helps the Dropsy; the impalpable Powder mixed with Honey clears the Eyes, and is good to remove Clouds and Films, and helps their Inflammations. In Cerots, it is good against Luxations; dissolved in Water or Vinegar, it is good against Inflammations of any part, chiefly of the Jaws, and used in a Gargarism, it helps the Quinsey. Applied with the white of an Egg and Bole [Armenian Earth], or Terra Sigillata [Sealed Earth], it is good against Burnings, or any pain proceeding from a Hot cause: mixed with Turpentine, and applied Plasterwise, it ripens and opens Felons, and cures Ulcers; held in the Mouth it immediately helps the Toothache. If burnt and used in a Dentrifice, it cleanses and whitens the Teeth. Dissolved with Alum in water, and used hot, it is good against the Itch, and the stink of the Arm-holes; as also Morphew, Scurf, Leprosy, Tettars, Ringworms, &c. It is a most admirable thing also against the Gout, and all Arthritic pains, being given inwardly to dissolve the Cause, and outwardly applied to give present ease'. 'For all the Purposes aforesaid, it may be given inwardly being made into a Syrup with Canary, or other Wine; and outwardly used in a warm Bath, in Waters, wherein the Sick may sit up to the neck in it, half a pound or less being dissolved in every Gallon of Water'. |