Medicines of Hippocrates
The following list give an overview of some of the medicines used by Hippocrates (C. 400 BCE). The writings of Hippocrates contained over 400 different medicines of vegetable, mineral and animal origin. The following contains a representative list of medicines used by Hippocrates.
B=medicines known to have been used in Babylonian Medicine.
Fruits & Nuts
Capers Figs Olive (Oil) Pomegranate (B) Quince Sebestens Herbs
Agnus Castus
Alkanet Amomum Anagallis Annis Balm Basil Birthwort Bistort Black Nightshade Blessed Thistle Bryony Burdock Calamus Camomile Cardamon Carrot Centaury Cinnamon Cinquefoil Clove Colocynth (B) Coriander Cress Cumin Cyclamen Cyperus (B) Dill Dittany Dracontium Elaterium Elder Euphorbia Fennel Fenugreek Fig tree Frankincense Galls Garlic |
Gum Ammoniac Gum Galbanum Gum Sagapen Hawthorn Hellebore Hemlock Henbane Horehound Hyssop Ivy Juniper (B) Laurel Lettuce Licorice (B) Linseed Lotus Madder (B) Maidenhair Mallow Mandrake (B) Marshmallow Meliot Mercury Mints Mugwort Mullein Myrobalans Myrrh (B) Myrtle Nard Oak Oregano Pennyroyal Peony Pepper Pine Poppy Rose Rosemary Rosehip Rue Saffron Scammony Sesame Squill Styrax Tamarisk (B) Tarragon Thistles (various) Thuja |
Tribulus Turpentine Vervain Violet Willow Woad Wormwood Mineral
Alum (B)
Amber Armenian Stone Asphalt Brass Chalcitis Coral (B) Earths (various) Loadstone (B) Minium Nitre Orpiment Pumice Ruby Salt Silver Sulphur (B) Verdigris Animal
Bees (Wax etc) (B) Bile (B) Cantharides Castor Centipedes Crayfish Cuttlebone Dog Earthworms Excrements (various) Frogs Goat Honey (B) Horns (various) (B) Human Skull (B) Placenta (human) Turtle Shells (various) |