Hints on Searching Medicine Traditions
Several things to help make Searching Easier:
Search Tags in the Formulas only apply to Common Herb names, Disease names and major Authors.
Systems other than Western / Unani will be Tagged (eg. Tibetan Medicine, Ayurveda, TCM)
1. Search by English or Common herb names, not Latin
2. Herb Names and Formulas are Englishised (in most cases)
3. Major authors can be searched, especially classical and important authors like Galen, Mesue and Nicholas (not Nicolas).
4. Search disease, not function (don't search for 'clear Damp', search for 'Edema' or 'Fluid Retention')
5. Combine search terms: for example 'Phlegm' and 'Asthma'; 'Damp' and 'Rheumatism'; 'Cough' and 'Licorice'
6. Try searching generally: eg, search for Edema, not Cardiac edema; searching 'Cough' will give more options than 'Bronchitis'
7. Search 'Liver' rather than 'Hepatitis' will produce formulas which may be useful for Hepatitis, but are not Tagged for Hepatitis
8. Tags used don't consider apostrophes and punctuation: search St Johns wort not St. John's wort
9. More simplified or 'US' spelling, rather than 'UK': eg. Hemoptysis not Haemoptysis; Licorice not Liquorice; Leukorrhea not Leukorrhoea