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Western Tradition
Hair, Premature Greying
1. An Oil or strong decoction of Eclipta Han Lian Cao is effective used topically for premature greying. In TCM, it is also taken internally. 2. Massaging Sulphur into the scalp is an old treatment for premature Greying. 3. Burn Earthworms to ashes, mix in Oil, and use to comb the hair and the hair will never grey. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 4. Boil Bees in olive oil and apply to the scalp. 5. Mix Ox Bile and Swallow dung in water and use as a wash. (Syrian 'Book of Medicine', Budge, 1913) Letificans Almanforis Aromatic Electuary Aromaticum Rosatum Electuary Alcharif (Mesue) Christian Electuary (Unani) Powder of Galangal (Diagalanga) (Nicholas) Oil of Costus Compound Oil of Alchanna Dandruff–Scurf Use infusions/decoctions of: Camomile, Nettle, Horsetail, Parsley, Rosemary 1. A wash is made with equal parts of Horseradish and Nettle steeped in wine. 2. Make a wash of Nettle, Horsetail and Rosemary. 3. Massage Coconut oil into the scalp every night. 4. Sesame seed, Bean flour (equal parts) boil and use as a hair wash. 5. Chickpea flour, Marshmallow seed, boil in vinegar and use as a wash. Alopecia, Loss of Hair, Baldness 1. A decoction of any of the following herbs used as a hair wash can be used for Alopecia or Loss of Hair: Eclipta Han Lian Cao, Mullein, Maidenhair, Rosemary 2. Garlic oil stimulates hair growth if applied. 3. Oil of Radishes and Bayberry's (Avicenna) 4. Lemon oil mixed with water (1:10) and applied has stopped falling hair. 5. Chews Walnuts then apply to the place. (Secrets of Alexis) 6. Walnut leaf mixed with suet and applied promotes hair growth. 7. Decoction of the leaves and bark of Oak used as a wash. 8. Rosemary decoction with Borax added used regularly for premature baldness. 9. Euphorbia mixed with oil and applied. 10. Shave the Head, rub with a cut Onion; then take parched Barley, mix with [Bear] Suet and apply 'and the hair will grow again'. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 11. Beat Olive leaves to a paste and apply topically. 12. Orris root, Chimney soot (equal parts), mix with old oil and annoint. 13. Birthwort, Verdigris, Sal Ammoniac, Bdellium, Mustard seed, Gum Tragacanth (equal parts), powder and mix with oil and vinegar and apply. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 13. Ashes of Goose dung mixed with oil 14. Powder or Ashes of Bees mixed in oil and applied 15. Ashes of Frogs mixed in oil 16. Dog urine applied to the scalp prevents baldness and promotes hair growth. 17. Fox fat mixed with Olive oil as an ointment. (Syrian 'Book of Medicine', Budge, 1913) 18. Make an Ointment with Rabbit marrow mixed with Rabbit brain. (Syrian 'Book of Medicine', Budge, 1913) 19. Oil in which Cantharides has been boiled (Avicenna) 20. Lizard and Leeches, mixed with oil of Laudanum 21.. Boil a Lizard in oil, burn a foxes head to ashes; anoint the place with the oil and apply the ashes. 22. Boil Green Lizards in oil until they fall apart. Mix in ashes of Bees and apply every day. This was said to stop hair from falling and promote abundant hair growth. (Secrets of Alexis) 23. Mix snail ashes with Alum and Deer marrow, heat together in wine, strain, and anoint. To Promote Hair Growth 1. Take the black skin-like growth that grows on the lower leg of an Ass, like a Wart, burn to ashes and mix in Oil, and apply. This was said to even make hair grow on the chin of a woman if applied. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) 2. Marshmallow root Pork fat Cumin powder Mastic hard-boiled Egg yolks Pound the Marshmallow root with Pork fat, then boil together with wine for a long time; then add the Cumin, Mastic and Egg Yolks, and heat together. When well cooked, strain through linen and leave to cool. Collect the fatty residue on top and massage into the scalp after washing the hair. 3. Malmsey Wine Children's Urine Cow Milk 1 pound Honey half pound Mix and distill. Wash the head with it. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) To Thicken the Hair 1. Agrimony Elm bark Vervain root Willow root Southernwood Linseed burnt Reed roots, equal parts Decoct in Goat milk or water and wash the area well To Make the Hair Black 1. Eat Black Sesame seeds regularly 2. Leeches left for 60 days in Red Wine or Vinegar, then strain. Anoint the hair with it in the sun and they will become black. (Secrets of Alexis) |
Premature Greying
Yin and Blood Deficiency Er Zhi Wan Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Kidney Essence Deficiency Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Zuo Gui Yin Zuo Gui Wan Alopecia, Hair loss 1. Rhubarb Da Huang Scutellaria Huang Qin Abelmoschus flower Take eqal parts, powder, mix in sesame oil and apply. 2. Mustard seed, powder, steep in vinegar, strain and apply. 3. Platycadus Cei Bai Ye, Mulberry (Sang Shen) (equal parts). Decoct to a concentrate and use as a hair wash. 4. Mulberry leaf and Cannabis seed (equal parts) are decocted and applied. 5. Platycadus Cei Bai Ye Lycium bark Di Gu Pi Drynaria Gu Sui Bu Dang Gui, 30 grams ea. Steep in 500mls of white spirit for 2 weeks, strain and add Camphor (2 grams). Massage onto the scalp.. 6. Polygonum He Shou Wu 60 grams Dang Gui 45 grams Ligusticum Chuan Xiong 45 grams Tribulus Bai Ji Li 30 grams Powder coarsely, steep in White Spirit (1 liter). Apply three times daily, massaging after. Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Dang Gui Yin Zi |