Glossary of Modern Medical Terms
–adapts towards homeostasis –increases resistance to physical, environmental and mental stress –increases sense of well-being. –some work by enhancing immunity alterative –traditionally used in the sense of a blood cleanser. –restores proper functioning of cleansing organs (liver, bowels, kidneys, skin) analgesic –relieves pain. antiarthritic –relieves or treats joint inflammation antibacterial –kills bacteria. –some may work by enhancing immunity antibilious –removes excess bile anti-cancer –medicine that has an effect against cancer; either: –anti-tumor –inhibiting certain cancer cell types –inhibiting angiogenesis –some work by enhancing immunity anti-catarrhal –clears Phlegm –can also refer to medicines areducing inflammation of the mucous membranes anti-depressant –treats mental depression (alleviate or cure) anti-emetic –stops vomiting. anti-fungal –kills fungii. anti-hemorrhagic –stops bleeding. anti-hypertensive –reduces high blood pressure anti-inflammatory –relieves inflammation. anti-lithic –dissolve or reduces stones or helps them to pass antimicrobial –helps destroy microbes (principally bacteria). –some may work by enhancing immunity antioxidant –protects from oxidative stress and damage. antipruritic –relieves itching. antirheumatic –relieves or treats rheumatism –may work as anti-inflammatory, diuretic, alterative or diaphoretic antiseptic –removes toxins (principally from bacteria) and waste such as pus. antispasmodic –stops or lessens spasms and convulsions. –some have general CNS depressant effect antitussive –relieves coughs. –some work as expectorants or mucolytics, some are anti-inflammatory, some antibacterial antiviral –kills or supresses virus. –some may work by enhancing immunity aperient –mild laxative; promote bowel movements aperitive –stimulates appetite. aphrodisiac –increases sexual desire and activity. –some restore hormones, some irritate the urinary system to cause stimulation, some enhance blood supply and some have narcotic or relaxant effect to inhibit anxiety. aromatic –usually carminative –has strong aroma astringent –firms and tightens tissues –decreases eccess secretions. bitter –stimulates appetite, gastric juices, Liver, Gall Bladder and/or gastrointestinal function. cardioactive –medicines which effect the heart from their cardiac glycosides cardiotonic –increases Heart tone –some regulate heart activity, some slow but strengthen heartbeat |
–soothes smooth muscle of digestive system –relieves gas and bloating. cathartic –strong purgatives that produces bowel movements, usually loose or watery. –stronger than purgatives cholagogue –increases flow of Bile. counterirritant –produces inflammation –draws blood to the area. decongestant –relieves mucus congestion. –some are mucolytic, some expectorant demulcent –soothes inflammation of mucous membranes. deobstruent –removes obstructions; it can refer to digestive organs, or in a greater sense, to any obstruction of the body depurative –purifies and cleanses the blood. diaphoretic –increases sweat digestive –promotes digestion diuretic –increases urine. emetic –induces vomiting. emmenagogue –promotes menstruation. emollient –softens and soothes the skin –can also have this effect internally expectorant –ejects phlegm. febrifuge –reduces or relieves fever. galactagogue –promotes breast milk. hemostatic –stops the flow of blood. hepatic –medicine dedicated to the liver. hypotensive –lowers blood pressure (as opposed to anti-hypertensive which reduces high blood pressure) laxative –gently moves the bowel mucolytic –thins thick mucus –breaks down mucus. nervine –calms the nerves, settles the mind, and spirit. nutritive –provides good nutrition pectoral –medicine for the lungs. –some are anti-tussive, some expectorant purgative –causes evacuation of the bowels. relaxant –promotes relaxation. –some have calming effect on the muscles, some relax nerves restorative –tonifies and organ, tissue or function –balances a particular organ or system. rubefacient –increases local blood supply marked by reddening of the skin. sedative –tranquilizing effect on the mind and body. stimulant –increases function of the body, an organ or system. stomachic –medicine for the stomach. –promotes digestion and enhances stomach function styptic –stops bleeding. sudorific –promotes sweat tonic –increases tone of an organ or system. –often used to indicate a strengthening medicine which enhances function of an organ or system –restores function of an organ vulnerary –medicine for wounds. |