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Dandelion & Violet
Despite the fact that both these medicines are commonly used in Modern Western Herbal Medicine, they are not found in any traditional formula, primarily because Dandelion was not commonly used (Chicory being far more commonly used in the Western Tradition). In TCM, Taraxacum sinicum Pu Gong Ying and Viola yedoensis Zi Hua Di Ding are used; however, both of these herbs have a number of local varieties used in different areas of China and they share very similar effects to the species used in the Western Tradition.
Dandelion and Violet are both considered Cold and Bitter, and good to clear Heat and Toxin, both in the Western Tradition and in TCM. Dandelion is also slightly Sweet and disperses stagnant Qi, while Violet is mildly Moist (at least according to the Western Tradition) and cools the Blood.
Together, this combination is very good for all types of Toxic-Heat Sores, Boils, Acne, Erysipelas, Abscesses, including Breast, Lung and Intestinal Abscess.
It can also be used for Painful Urination and Jaundice from Damp-Heat.
Key Indications
- Sores, Boils, Acne, Abscesses, Eczema
- Breast, Lung and Intestinal Abscess
- Painful Urination
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin (Five-Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxin of TCM)
This combination is Cold, so is not suitable for Cold constitutions.
1. Liver Heat-Toxin with Headache, Red Eyes, add Chrysanthemum Ju Hua.
2. For Hot-Toxic Sores, Boils and Erysipelas, add Wild Chrysanthemum Ye Ju Hua.
3. Chronic and Nodular acne, add Fumitory and Dodder
4. Lung Abscess, add Plantain, Hyssop, Raisin and Licorice