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Burdock seed & Coriander seed
These Seeds are both Cold, and work together to clear Heat and Toxin. Because of their mucilage and Oil content, they are not drying, but mildly moistening.
By clearing Heat and Toxin, they are effective for acute Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, as well as Common Cold and Influenza. They are good for Fevers in general, but are specifically used in Eruptive Fevers to promote the full expression of Rashes. They may also be useful in Rhinitis and Sinusitis. Antibacterial, Anti-viral and Anti-fungal effects have been noted in both Seeds; Burdock seed also has Anti-pyretic and potent Free Radical Scavenging effects.
Other conditions with strong heat are benefitted by a combination of effects: Purgative, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-cholesterol, as well as Sedative and Analgesic activity work together to clear Heat, relieve Restlessness and clear excess Heat and Bile.
Both seeds have also been used to promote Urine, clear Heat and Damp in Urinary Tract Infections, and relieve Edema, as well as being used for Gravel and Stones. In addition, both seeds have been used for Arthritis, Rheumatism, Gout and Sciatica and other conditions of the Joints associated with fluid swelling and inflammation. They may be useful in some cases of Prostatitis.
They may also be combined for Wind Heat-type Headache, Dizziness and Vertigo.
Coriander seed has been used to promote and regulate Menstruation, and Eclectic Physicians used Burdock seed similarly in Chlorosis and Amenorrhea.
Both Seeds have demonstrated Hypoglycemic activity, Burdock seed having a strong and long-lasting effect; Coriander seed also reduced the associated weight loss.
Burdock seed reduces Sex Hormone availability while Coriander seed has shown a strong Anti-fertility effect (via Anti-implantation effect).
Both seeds have been listed by various authors as being Aphrodisiac.
Finally, both Seeds have been used topically in washes for Heat, Inflammation and Swelling of the Eyes (Conjunctivitis, Styes etc.) or Skin (Eczema, Dermatitis etc.).
Key Indications
- Throat, Tonsillitis, Colds and Influenza
- Eruptive Fevers
- Urinary Tract Infections, acute Arthritis
1. For Acute Sore Throat and Tonsillitis, add Peppermint and Licorice
2. For Heat and Inflammation of the Skin, with Figwort root and Cleavers
3. For Dampness of the Urinary tract, add Plantain seed
4. For Edema, add Parsley seed, Fennel seed and Plantain seed