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Betony & Vervain
This combination was long used, almost as a specific, for Headaches. Betony focuses on moving the Qi, while Vervain moves the Blood. Both Calm Wind, and have a direct effect on the head and nerves, and both have been used for their calming and sedative effects. Together, they treat both the cause and the symptoms of many types of Headaches and Migraines.
They may be used for Headaches associated with Wind, Cold, Blood Stagnation or caused by external Wind, as in those seen in Colds and Flus. They are not so useful for headaches coming from strong Heat, however.
They have also been combined for acute Viral infections
Key Indications
- Headache, Migraine
- Acute Viral Infections
Powder Against Rabies, Plaster by the Grace of God
1. Headaches from Stress and Anxiety (Liver Qi stagnation), add Balm and St. John’s wort
2. Tension Headaches with Anxiety or Depression, add Lavender, St. John’s wort
3. Headache with excess Heat of the Liver, add Camomile, Peppermint, Wormwood
4. Headache from Cold, add Horehound and Hyssop
5. Migraines, add Balm, Feverfew
6. Against Poison, Infection, and Viruses: add Rue, Peppermint, Wormwood, Plantain, Sage, Mugwort, Centaury, St. John’s wort (as in Powder Against Rabies)
7. Made into a Plaster with Wax, Turpentine, and Resin, it is formed into a Plaster for application to all Ulcers and Wounds including old, foul Ulcers; also to draw out Thorns, Splinters, Iron, Bones or Poison. It was also applied to Fistulas and Tumors (as in Plaster by the Grace of God)