Abies, Fir Tree
Tannub (Unani)
Ortus sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578
Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586
Abies alba
Kohler's Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887
Kohler's Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887
Botanical name:
Abies spp. A number of different species are used:
1. White or Silver Fir: A. alba (dealt with here)
2. Spruce Fir, Norway Spruce Fir: A. excelsa (syn. Pinus abies, P. picea, P. excelsa, Picea vulgaris, Abies picea)
3. Himalayan Silver Fir: A. spectabilis, A. webbiana (syn. Pinus webbiana) is used in Ayurveda
Parts used:
Wood, Bark and buds; Turpentine; Resin 'Common Frankincense'; Burgandy Pitch often comes from this tree.
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry, Bitter, Pungent. Binding
Abies spp. A number of different species are used:
1. White or Silver Fir: A. alba (dealt with here)
2. Spruce Fir, Norway Spruce Fir: A. excelsa (syn. Pinus abies, P. picea, P. excelsa, Picea vulgaris, Abies picea)
3. Himalayan Silver Fir: A. spectabilis, A. webbiana (syn. Pinus webbiana) is used in Ayurveda
Parts used:
Wood, Bark and buds; Turpentine; Resin 'Common Frankincense'; Burgandy Pitch often comes from this tree.
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry, Bitter, Pungent. Binding
1. Clears Wind and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Wood cleanses the Kidney and Bladder, promotes Urine, clears Gravel and Stone
-the Turpentine cleanses the Kidneys, promotes Urine, clears Gravel and Stones
2. Opens Obstructions:
-the Buds open obstructions of the Liver
3. Externally:
-the Bark dries; mainly used externally for Ulcers and Burns (Schroder)
-The Buds dry and bind and are used externally for inflammations, Warts and Corns
-The oil is used externally for Neuralgia and Rheumatism (Commission E)
-in India, the resin is mixed with oil of Rose and applied to Neuralgia
-decoction, especially in vinegar, is used as a mouthwash for Toothache. (Avicenna)
-Oil is also used in inhalations for Catarrh
Main Combinations:
1. Species Mundificantes (Alterative Powder), Buds of Spruce Fir, Sassafras, Couch Grass root, Pimpinella Saxifrage root, Soapwort root.
2. Tincture of Spruce Fir: Buds of Spruce Fir (3 oz.,), Guaiacum Wood, Sassafras, Juniper (1 oz. each), Alcohol 3 pounds. (Russian)
3. 'Bitter Beer': Buds of Spruce Fir (1 oz.), Wormwood leaf (6 drams), Gentian root (half oz.), Beer 10 pounds. Steep 3 days and filter.
None noted
Main Preparations used:
the Oil obtained from the tubercles is the Venice Turpentine of the Apothecary, used instead of Turpentine
Aqueous extract of Spruce Fir: Buds of Spruce Fir 1 part, Water 6 parts. Boil, strain, press and evaporate to a suitable consistency.
None noted
Main Preparations used:
the Oil obtained from the tubercles is the Venice Turpentine of the Apothecary, used instead of Turpentine
Aqueous extract of Spruce Fir: Buds of Spruce Fir 1 part, Water 6 parts. Boil, strain, press and evaporate to a suitable consistency.