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* Different proportions have been given by various authors. Some used a ratio of 1:12, some 1:20
** Oniscus spp. is also used.
Digest is a warm place for a week, or in a water bath for 24 hours. Strain, press and filter.
Moves the Blood, Opens Obstructions, Resolves Masses
1. Amenorrhea
2. Dysmenorrhea
3. Urinary Obstruction, difficult urination
4. Gravel, Stones (some considered it specific)
5. Scrofula
6. Tumors, Fibroids
7. Abdominal Masses
8. Cancer, especially of the Breast
9. May be useful for Polycystic Ovaries and Uterine Fibroids
10–30 drops, diluted in wine or some suitable water.
Not used during Pregnancy
1. Cancer:
i. Combine with equal parts of Black Nightshade tincture
ii. Add Black Nighshade, Agrimony, Herb Robert
iii. Take with Troches of Viper, or Viper Wine or Tincture.
2. Stones, add Grasshopper
Pill Millipede was an important Insect Medicine in the Western Tradition, being one of the last Insect Medicines to be removed from the Materia Medica.
Nothing at the moment
See the Pill Millipede Monograph for Research.